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  1. I’ve had these 6 for 6 weeks or so but have noticed no molting. Every day or so they all race around the tank crazy, even bumping into my little chili ras. ! Is this normal? my gh is about 150 and I’ve. Been putting in the smallest wonder shell that lasts about 3 weeks in my 10gl. They are well fed w lots of plants, bits of fish food that drops etc. It’s like they are on a racetrack everywhere!! Good sign or worrisome??? I can’t figure out how to send my iPhone video 0nly 24 seconds but won’t accept
  2. Oh good I feel like my instinct wasn’t way off. Being diurnal, should I not feed at night tho or does that not matter? I tend to overthink a bit I know. 8am, 2 pm, 8 pm or get three feedings in more daytime hours, spaced differently. In your opinion. grindle worms? Never heard of those. I do have some frozen daphnia - yes/no? been using AC FRY food, nano pellets crushed, krill flakes crushed. All crushed to powder.
  3. I’ve read and watched many videos but need experienced first hand opinion. New chili rasboras ( now total of 15) -some seem pretty skinny/ small. Should I feed small amts 2-3 x day or is that too much? I powder up the different varieties and they always seem ravenous. I just don’t want to overfeed but they are so tiny I feel like they don’t have much “ reserves” . I could be wrong however. need input- thank you!
  4. Successful update! I did the temp acclimation, then snipped each bag one by one and added to the new home. Few hours later things going well! I just turned on lights to take pic but will let them rest in shade for awhile more. Thanks to all who assisted !! 🐟
  5. Tank is heated 78.6. I now plan to float the bags and then cut bags into big bucket one by one thru net and put each chili into tank. Last pm I did a 25% water change, cleaned the sponge filter ( in the pumped out tank water) and did some gravel vac. ) my 1/4” baby shrimplet survived all that I see this morning! the thing I’m concerned about most is the difference in my pH 6.8 and dans fish water they said is very alkaline. Time will tell I suppose.
  6. Would I need to hang cups inside tank to accomplish temp acclimation or is just adding amts of tank water to cup accomplishing that at same time?
  7. Great info/ experience tips from all- I thank you., video also helpful you shared . I think I’ll do the temp acclimation, and then plop/drop method . I don’t have a cycled quarantine tank and it is single species tank. Well , besides 6 Amanos, and one older LFS ghost shrimp that added an adorable baby unexpectedly. Hopefully I can post the happy housewarming later today/ tomorrow. I’m not brand new to fish keeping but in the past year have had many new experiences to learn from. Thank you forum!
  8. I’m receiving DansFish order tomorrow and nervous about how to deal with ten individual bags of chili rasboras. I will of course be temp acclimating but not sure all ten bags will float on my 10g set up. I guess I’ll be winging it but just wanted to “poll the audience “ for any super tips. I do have 2 AC catch cups . I asked Dan’s their water parameters. They only said their water is “very alkaline and hard. “ My pH is 6.8-7 snd GH about 150. Do need to drip acclimate and how should I do that with all ten nanos!!!! any help appreciated tonight. They arrive around noon tomorrow!!!
  9. Never saw it in process. I’m not sure if this looks normal ( I obviously cannot assist) but wondering if anyone has experienced seeing to know average time it takes the molting process??thanks -I’m just curious. it is a ghost shrimp that actually spawned a baby in my tank last week!
  10. I’m so sorry, I actually did lose some ghost shrimp initially but as I recall they were already dying off ( LFS Feeders) I still have one left but also a baby ghost appeared last week! So there’s THAT! ALSO the day I did second dose I got unexpected call that LFS order of 6 Amano shrimp and 15 chili rasboras were delivered and I had to take. I don’t have a quarantine tank so in they went. I did lose 10 chilis in first week but ALL Amanos are thriving , despite being put into 2nd dose Expel P on day one in new home. I figure they are very hardy too! I don’t feel the lost chilis were due to Expel , but rather poor condition from shipping to LFS. Hoping for the best for you.
  11. My water was very cloudy for a few days but all shrimp/ snails survived.it took a few days to see the planaria disappear. I had not added fish at that point. Did you have an air stone going besides any other filtration? They say that is needed. the second dose did not cloud the water one week later. Hope things go well from this point for you.
  12. I have the same AC ammonia strips with the exact same situation you describe. I just went back to using the API two step drops for ammonia. I did not contact AC/ perhaps we will see an explanation or reason. Mine were purchased withIn the past couple months.
  13. I think I will suction out these globs of snail eggs. I like nerites ( I have one in another 5 gal that is 4 yrs+. ) but not fond of the pest type snails. I never expected my pitiful feeder ghost shrimp to procreate! What a happy surprise it was. I love the Amanos tho- so active and feisty!
  14. You just tap and hold on the text y Well, thank you! Any comment on that crusty looking ghost shrimp? It was from my LFS as a throw away feeder - like .29 each😞. And IT made baby(s)!!! Think it will molt? My Amanos have not molted either……
  15. This pic looks like the ghost “ should” be molting soon?? I’ve not seen any obvious molting of any shrimp yet. I have a wonder shell in the tank and my Gh seems to be about 75-100 on the AC TEST multi strips. A chili took a nip towards baby but baby jumped away!! Natures way!! Also- how do I use the quote feature? I think I’ve messed up several times and sorry if my msgs have not appeared quite in order?
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