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  1. Beautiful tank/ plants! I have the same gravel( that I’m contemplating changing to sand) but yours looks so nice I think I will save my energy and stay with what I have!
  2. Chronology- I tend to overthink these ideas? newly established planted tank 10 gal since spring. Pea size substrate gravel ( see pics) I find it hard to plant things in and the shrimp can’t move it around to find their bits too easily. I’m wishing I’d done sand bottom. The chilis don’t go to bottom that often. It’s mostly the shrimp I’m thinking of. added 6 Amano shrimp in June added 15 Chili Rasboras in July. all doing great and most plants seem healthy overall. I’ve had a few failures with plants. my question: can I add sand on top of the round gravel,stones or will it just settle and stones will end up on top. Would I need to remove stones( very disruptive IMO) .maybe I could just clear the front and make a sand area at front wall for few inches??? I have all these questions, ideas and maybe I should just leave well enuf alone??? All comments welcome. Thank you. I have a busy pottery biz but love tending to the needs of my little aquarium just as much!! ❤️
  3. Just my 2 cents- I have 15 chilis and 6 Amano shrimp happily in a 10 gal well planted tank. I may start a new topic regarding substrate but that’s another matter! Good luck !
  4. Thx , I will be patient with that aspect.
  5. I’ve had these 15 Chili Rasboras (10 from Dans Fish - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED) and they seem very healthy but I’m not sure I’m feeding enough , however I do not want to overfeed either. Below is a photo of amount I am feeding twice daily for the 15 Chilis. There are no other fish, only 6 crazy Amanos! Just need actual first hand advice and perhaps I’ll also reach out to Dans. I’ve had them about 6 weeks and they aren’t really coloring up much yet. Feeding several types of nano & fry foods ( all crushed to powder) and some crumbled AC freeze dried brine shrimp maybe once a week. The water quality stays perfect between weekly water changes so I don’t think I’m over feeding but could I be underfeeding these tiny ones???? picture #1 is showing amount I feed twice daily. ( i vary the food choice daily) picture #2 just general view of tank 10 gal. thank you for nano advice before I check in with Dans perhaps.
  6. Just a thought to replace that biggest rock with perhaps a few stacked ones with a “ swim/view thru” passage… it might displace much less water and I guess you’d need to cement them together to stabilize if they don’t naturally fit together safely. Have fun!
  7. Thank you! I guess they have not gotten the memo that there are no threats in this lil ecosystem ! 😂15 chili rasboras only! just seems odd they are all molting at same time🤷‍♀️
  8. For 3 days my 6 Amanos have disappeared from their normal activity. I can see 3-4 of them clustered onto sponge filter in back corner of tank the past couple days. I did see one molted shell yesterday in different area ( 10 gal) is this clustering: hiding simultaneously in normal realm? my water quality is >10 nitrates, 0 nitrite, 0 ammonia, 6.8 ph, gh 150/ Kh 40. , never chlorine First time w Amanos- not sure what to expect. For the past month they have been all over the tank EVERY HOUR of every day. thank you ( there is a reflection aspect to the shrimp photo)
  9. Similar questions I have and details I cannot figure out: When it says add an amt , say 1/2 tsp per 10 gal does that mean a 10 gal volume or the water change FOR a 10g tank-( which might be much less additive for a 2-3 gallon water change. ) if my Kh is low but not 0, and my GH is 150+ does it sound like I need seachem Equilbrium? I know It doesn’t change kh, but I have Amano shrimp, snails, chili rasboras. Ph is 6.8. 10gal tank. MY TAP WATER IS Soft, ph 7 but I’ve used Wonder shells for awhile, hence maybe my GH 150+…. just not sure if I NEED to change all this around but if so I need ADVICE STILL. THANKS
  10. In my 5 gal Fluval I pour in thru the sponge cartridge on side that’s separated from tank. My newer 10g still making mess bc my bucket is so heavy and harder to juggle but colander or even an AC SPONGE could help disperse. I don’t have sand but it still kicks up stuff even after gravel vac. BTW - who gravel vacs weekly or less often?
  11. Yeah I made a mess yesterday of my water change, I plan to see if there is a “reverse siphon “ that doesn’t have to be above tank level to work. I know/ pHySics lol
  12. I did have an ADF for a short time. I don’t think they rest out if the water, in fact I think it would risk them jumping out. They take gulps of air and then stay under for many minutes I remember. mine however did not live too long and I found it hard to feed . Mine would only eat frozen live food which made a mess in the tank. I hope yours adapt to pellets or such for part of their diet. Good luck- I’m only giving my opinion as I’m NOT an expert on ADFs for sure.
  13. I know these larvae won’t survive in the freshwater but are they a good live good source for my chili Rs?? I don’t have time to watch every YouTube and I’ve never seen it addressed that way. I guess ditto for any eventual chili eggs that may hatch at bottom- i have read they will eat them but is it a good thing for their health. I’m not quite to the BB HATCHERY yet( but will prob get there..) also, is that what is meant by “seed shrimp”? Thank you!
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