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Everything posted by PonyPlantedTanks

  1. You could do a cool aquascape with dragon (ohko) stone or seiryu (spelling is hard) stone! With a 5g the amount of rocks you would need wouldn’t be too pricey. Or something that isn’t for everybody but would be fun is a little nano black water tank! One of my dream tanks is chili rasboras with a little colony of blue dream shrimp going on at the bottom. Plan out your hard scape first and then decide what plants you think would look good around them 🙂 The other day I saw someone do a big tank with only anubias and buce for the plants. It looked epic! And you don’t have to worry about algae bc you can keep the lights so low. Or use a bunch of floating plants to shade out the Anubias and Buce!
  2. I agree. It’s such a painfully long wait when you don’t have any filter media to throw in! Do you use Fritz Zyme with success? There’s such mixed opinions on that but I feel like it can’t hurt.
  3. I know there’s an absolute boatload of “cycling” questions out there already, but I have a few that I haven’t found the answer for yet. Trying to get this new 29 established. 1. I’ve seen this “new tank guide” floating around a bit. It’s from the George Farmer aquascaping book apparently. Has anyone used this? Would you consider using this? 2. I’ve got a sponge filter seeding in my established 10g. How long does it need to sit in there for it to actually carry a good amount of BB? Weeks? Days? 3. When is the best time to add plants? Do y’all put plants in as soon as you set up a tank? Or do you let it sit with no light/plants/bottler bacteria etc for a hot minute? I guess I’m just wanting your opinion on if you set up a new tank right now, what do you prefer to do? I’m also not against fish in cycling at all, I’ve just never done it before. Thanks for tolerating me and all my billions of questions.😂
  4. I totally agree. I enjoy doing water changes but I think doing buckets after buckets on this new guy will kill that. And my guess is python will cut down on time as well! If it doesn’t fit on your faucet is there an adapter available to make it work? Or kind of a lost cause? @Tony s did you ever find a solution for yours?
  5. Sounds like you aren’t fully cycled quite yet. The ammonia processed into nitrite fast, which means you’re halfway there. But the nitrite hasn’t processed into nitrate yet, which is what you want.
  6. Yep, just keep an eye on the ammonia and nitrite and keep doing water changes whenever they get too high. The shrimp will actually be helpful adding a little waste to help feed the bacteria. And they’ll eat some algae 🙂
  7. As I’m starting my journey into a bit of a tank upgrade (and with Amazon prime day approaching) I’m wondering what y’all’s thoughts are on doing water changes on slightly larger aquariums. The new tank (29g) is upstairs and nearest bathroom is a little ways down the hall (not crazy far). I’m a shorty so dragging 5g buckets down the hall and back 800 times doesn’t sound ideal😂 Is the python my best bet? Or too big of a rig for a 29g? Any other methods that have worked well for people? Thank ya!
  8. Today I assembled the stand for my new 29g. It’s my first “big” tank and I’m so stoked! Can’t wait to plant it up and enjoy an awesome community tank.
  9. This is actually a genius idea! Although they do swim all over the place I feel like they stick to the top, especially during feeding times lol (and especially in a large tank too!)
  10. Are those long fin cherry barbs?! So neat. That light makes them look like ridiculously red fireballs and I love it.
  11. That is very fine. My nerite goes above the water all the time. I’m not sure why they do it, but they do. Sometimes mine will even hang out on the lid! I don’t worry about him when doing water changes because even if he’s above the water level, he usually climbs right back down to the water on his own.
  12. Depends on what kind of algae you have. Nerites are fabulous for flat algae’s like diatom and GSA but not so much for things like hair algae, BBA etc!
  13. Do you see your sparkling gourami much? I’ve heard they’re pretty shy. That’ll probably make it even harder to catch him out🙈
  14. Your other plants look great! I wouldn’t worry too much. I’d just trim off the yellowing/holey leaves to encourage new growth. Plants take time to adjust to new environments.
  15. An easy solution would be to grab the Co Ops coarse sponge pad they sell and cut it to fit. Or Amazon sells AquaClear sponge pads I used one time, but you’d have to look around to see which one might fit your filter. They’re nice and coarse like the Co Op ones though!
  16. @Rube_Goldfish has a great point here. I read a 2 hr Aquarist article recently about this and it made total sense. One of the best things you can do for plants are trim off the dead and algae covered leaves. This prevents the plant from sending nutrients to leaves that cannot exactly use them. That way, all the goods are sent to the new leaves; meaning more growth! I recently did a big overhaul in my 10g and trimmed off allllll the dead/dying/algae covered leaves and it looks much better. I’ve already seen more growth in my crypts, dwarf chain sword and Val! Sorry, I don’t have an answer on if that is staghorn or not. But I would just manually remove it and much as you can and keep on cycling 🙂
  17. I actually haven’t kept shrimp yet. I’m hoping to in my next setup😂I believe they molt about once a month depending on water conditions? Don’t quote me on that though!
  18. You just tap and hold on the text you want to quote - basically you “highlight” it and then a little button will pop up that says “quote selection”. So then you click that. 🙂 Glad to hear your shrimp and chilis are doing well. That cluster is definitely some sort of pest snail - you might have a baby snail explosion here before too long lol. Agreed with what’s said before - Amanos can’t hatch in freshwater, so congrats on your baby ghost shrimp!
  19. Thanks for sharing! And congrats on having such a stable ecosystem in your tank! I think more new hobbyists should hear this. This is one of the ultimate goals of fish keeping!
  20. I think what @Lennie meant was you should do a little research using the videos they provided and decide if you want to do a specific biotope or not. 🙂 If you’ve got time, watch those videos and I’m sure you’ll be able to answer your own question with a bit of research. Having a more specific location on the river might help others give you fish suggestions.
  21. I think you could easily do 12-15. Maybe order 8-10 from DansFish to join your 5. If there’s nothing else in the 10g I think they would really enjoy a group of that size!
  22. Looks to me like a thick lipped gourami, often confused with a honey gourami. I believe they are more aggressive than your typical honey. do the other two look similar to this guy? Might be in your best interest to rehome him, but I’d like to hear others’ thoughts.
  23. I’m hitting the plants forum again… back at it with more algae! Some background: 10g betta tank, moderately planted, been running about a year and a half now, recently medicated with Fritz Slime Out to get rid of a BGA breakout (it worked well!). Easy Flow sponge filter with an air stone for added flow. And now here we are; the tank is doing well… except for the dang brown hair algae trying to eat my plants alive! As you can see, it’s definitely thriving amidst all the floating plants (DWL, guppy grass, Pearlweed and Salvinia). It’s pretty difficult to remove from the roots of those guys. Ive been manually removing it nearly every day. I water change on Sundays just to gravel vac and get majority of the hair algae off everything. But it keeps coming back! Easy LED at 20%, lights on for 7hrs per day. Dosing easy green every two-ish days to keep tank around 20ppm nitrate. I do use root tabs for my root feeders. I’m just unsure what the factor is that’s causing all this algae. I’m just trying to grow healthy plants but it’s taking over my Amazon sword, Val, Anubias and Rotala Indica. And the floating plants! Thanks for any input.
  24. I believe Hastatus Cory’s are similar in size to Pygmy’s. But they’re harder to find and definitely pricier. I don’t think I would do any bigger Cory’s. Plus, Pygmy’s are super cute!
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