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Everything posted by PonyPlantedTanks

  1. Now the only trouble is it’s the cyano that’s keeping my tank from being “balanced”😂 Hopefully by removing it I’ll be able to help my plants perform better and finally be blissfully algae free!
  2. You should! Now is your chance to keep all the things; livebearers, corys, shrimp, etc etc! Or you could turn your 5g into a neo shrimp tank 😉
  3. They’re invincible. I swear you could boil those things and they’d spit eggs into the air and reproduce on your kitchen floor.😂
  4. Never kept them, but unsure how well they’d do in anything less than a 10g? But I’ve heard Cory say they’re pretty dang bulletproof. And they like cooler water, a bonus since you won’t need a heater.
  5. Thank you @Guppysnail I’ll keep an eye out. Or rather, a test kit out 😉
  6. I can’t really tell, but they look more like Nerite snail eggs than anything. If you don’t have any Nerites then they probably aren’t eggs at all.😂
  7. Today I noted something interesting! I have a very plentiful amount of Cyanobacteria (blue green algae) in my 10g right now. When you read up about getting rid of it, everyone says it tastes gross to all the algae eaters so nothing will eat it. But then I woke up to this: my nerite chowing down on this stuff! What?! Please ignore the state of the tank. It’s been a tad neglected due to a very recent wedding in our backyard.😂 Anyone else experienced this? Just thought it was crazy he ate not just a bite, but quite a lot of this stuff. As for getting rid of it, everyone seems to agree the easiest way is to use Maracyn or Slime Out (which is likely the direction I’m going). Just curious once you kill it all off with erythromycin, is it likely to come back? And there seems to be a lot of different info regarding what causes it. I’d like to know what everyone’s experience has been with getting rid of this ratchet algae so I can prevent it in the future. For extra info, it’s just a moderately ish planted 10g betta tank with an Easy LED at 20% and dosing Easy Green once a week ish. Still trying to figure out my fertilizing schedule to see what works. Thanks! 🙂
  8. Same with mine. I think as long as you have algae in the tank, your snail won’t be interested in the wafers. But when you run out of algae he might be a little hungrier and figure it out. I tried to give mine a mini algae wafer but 1) he never was interested in it and turned right around in the opposite direction and 2) my betta snatched it up and ate the entire thing (it was split in half). Sigh.
  9. I glue the rhizome and let the roots do their thing. But careful not to put too much because you can end up essentially a suffocating the plant if you squeeze a gallon of glue on it!😂
  10. I would agree that your GH looks to be at 150, but it’s interesting that your city says you have soft water. 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you’re worried about it you could buy the API liquid GH/KH test kit. It’s more precise than the strips so you’d know for sure what you’re looking at! Maybe your city is lying to you😂😂
  11. Double the gallons, double the fun!👏
  12. I probably would. It won’t hurt anything and should get it going even faster. And thay sounds like a good plan. When I moved my 10 to my bathroom (because we were getting new carpet in my room) I just drained the water down to a couple inches and unplugged the air pump and heater to move it. Wasn’t a big deal, I didn’t even take out my betta or anything so you should be good to go!
  13. I think it looks great right now! The fish will for sure enjoy that - gives them a ton of places to hide and hang out. If it takes over the whole tank you can definitely trim it. As long as the fish still have room to swim around then you’re good to go!😂 And Java Ferns are slow growers so I wouldn’t worry about that guy much 🙂 Just make sure the Pogo doesn’t block the Java Ferns light, because that is possible!😂
  14. I think if you throw the new sponge filter into your 10g as soon as you can and let it seed up for a hot minute you shouldn’t need to add gravel too. Plus, IMO I wouldn’t want gravel mixed in with my sand (just for visual purposes). But that’s very exciting!
  15. Cardinals are stunning, love them to death. The guy at my LFS said they really need that 80-82 range so keep in mind that may affect how you stock the rest of your tank. Your pygmies may not appreciate it.😂 I don’t know a ton about the other two but I assume if you get Neons from a good source like Dans Fish they should be okay. Some people have terrible luck with them, some say they’re fine.🤷🏼‍♀️ I think Green Neons are the shyest of the bunch (don’t quote me on that) but AllFishNoBrakes would know more than me! And if you have a decent group of them in a 30g I bet they’d do well! All in all I think it comes down to preference, which is honestly the hardest part!😂 But I think you’ve picked a great, hardy trio of choices so if you get them from a good source, I bet any of those three will do well for you!
  16. Is it possible the parameters from your local store were drastically different than yours? How did you acclimate them? Not saying this is the cause but it seems like you checked all the boxes so just trying to think outside the box.
  17. I loved seeing that stuff when Cory had his pond tubs in his fish room. The Pogo looked like it was THRIVING just under the light from the skylights! I need to get my hands on some so I can try it out!
  18. I am WHEEZING at this and I don’t even know why😂😂😂when in doubt just throw a giant tank in your living room and bam, you got yourself a wall! Home renovation made easier! That is SO incredible though! A beastly tank but an epic beastly tank! Seems like the start of a new era for you!👏
  19. I’m not Rachel but it looks just like the Aqua Naturals Gold Pearl gravel? It’s one I’ve had my eye on for a while🫢
  20. I honestly think you can’t go wrong with any variety. They’re similar to Anubias whereas different varieties don’t really have different care requirements. I’d suggest picking the one you like the look of the best and going for it! 🙂 Im not super familiar with EI dosing so not much help there, but I’m sure others here can offer advice.
  21. Mine totally hides during the day wherever it’s dark. Then when the lights turn off, bam, he’s out in the open chowing down in algae. They really are nocturnal! If you can’t find him during the day, I wouldn’t worry about it too much. I think they’ll often find dark spots to take a “nap” during the day so we worry they’re dead lol😂 New plants look good!
  22. I vote a pea puffer if you have the time to feed frozen every day! If not, then I would put a little group of micro Rasboras like strawberry or chili Rasboras! Their bioload is tiny as long as you have a bunch of plants! I don’t know what I would out white clouds in anything smaller than a 10g. Never kept them but that seems to be the general consensus. 🙂 If you want more of a “wet pet” then you could always go with a betta. They’re the best!
  23. 20g open up a lot more options which is very exciting! You can narrow it down by figuring out what is most important to you. Do you like a lot of color? Does personality matter to you? Do you want something that will be there to greet you every morning or are you okay with something a little more reclusive? What about activity level - something a little more “sit still look pretty” or something that’s darting around the tank at every second? Recently Cory released a video of his top couple of fish he couldn’t live without after his extensive time in the hobby. You could check that out! Also check out the cookie cutter set ups in the Co Ops help center. Gives you a lot of great ideas.. you can skip through the videos to see what is being recommended. If you’re interested, you honestly might as well try livebearers if you haven’t yet! Guppies or endlers are always a great choice as well as Platies if you want something a little larger. Sorry for long response - this is just how my thought process goes if I was setting up a new tank! Best of luck!
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