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Everything posted by PonyPlantedTanks

  1. I have hope. After just a day of being in there one of the the tiny little new leaves has started to uncurl and open up! 👏
  2. Perfect! I’ll take allllll the positivity! I’m going to sing to this thing and shower it in love and pray it grows as big as yours!😂 I’ve heard they’re pretty dang adaptable so let’s see where this thing goes!
  3. Thank you! I bet they are two different because the red one definitely has a tad bigger leaves than the striped one. 🙂
  4. Could I probably figure this out on my own by doing some research? Yes. But isn’t it more fun to ask people on the forum? Also yes. Ive had this guy for two years. It looks like a houseplant Anubias😂😂 My sister left it at home when she left for college so I started watering it and put it in my room (which, mind you, has the most horrible lighting you could ask for). Somehow this thing completely took off and thrived despite me neglecting it and giving it the worst possible light. I have no idea what it is. Help.😂 Today I literally split this thing into three pots. All of those were growing in the doggo pot. I don’t know how this thing didn’t die, it was so cramped in there!! So, my houseplant peoples… any idea what this guy is? I’m curious!
  5. Our family has always had a Frenchie - way before they were popular! These are our two most recent Frenchie duo, Ruthie and Harry! They both passed last summer but they were the best💙 And this is our current Frenchie named Russel. He is the strangest looking but sweetest dog😂We almost named him Colonel bc his coloring looks like camouflage lol.
  6. Hello my pothos friends - I am new to your world. Thought I would try to stick a pothos stem into my aquarium and see what it does. My room is pretty much a dungeon and has as close to basement window well lighting as you can get (except it’s on the second floor🤦🏼‍♀️) But HEY, let’s give this a shot because WHY NOT? Ive been carefully scrubbing the dirt off of this single pothos stem for a while and I’m just wondering if it looks safe enough to put in the tank. There isn’t much left on there, but I don’t know if a little bit of potting soil can cause issues in 10 gallons of water. Let me know your thoughts. Safe to out in? If not, any tips to help get the rest of the dirt off?
  7. Yep, those are totally normal parameters for a tank mid-cycle. You’re on the right track 🙂
  8. Basically it’s throwing a sponge filter or piece of sponge (or any other filtration media) into your established tank to grow beneficial bacteria. That way when you’re ready to start cycling your new tank, you can throw the established media into the tank. ^^^ this is basically the purpose of seeding. 🙂 Nice 20 long! Your dwarf lily looks really nice.
  9. That looks exactly like the water wisteria I had. It doesn’t look “lacy” quite yet because it is still converting from emerged growth. Mine took an awful long time to convert, but once it does it will appear a little more like water sprite. 🙂
  10. If you have some experience, I’d suggest a Pea Puffer. They’re a super fun and cute wet pet. As long as you can plan on feeding frozen and live foods all the time, you can get lots of enjoyment out of them 🙂 But if that sounds like a lot, there are other good micro rasbora options like chili, phoenix, strawberry and least Rasboras that would do ok with that footprint.
  11. Agreed, they do get big, but they’re easy to manage. If you stay on top of trimming you can get lots of enjoyment out of them in a small tank. And eventually when it gets too big you can pull it out if needed. But I wouldn’t be too worried about it for now!
  12. @Mark Knutson what light are you using? And how long do you have it on? Getting plants to grow well is all about fine tuning the balance between fertilizer, light, and CO2 (which you don’t need to worry about if you aren’t injecting it).
  13. ^^^this Usually if you're dosing fertilizer you want to keep the nitrates above 0 so the plants have something to eat.
  14. Sounds like you have a good start. Java moss is a great option because shrimplets can hide in it and it gives the rest of the colony something to graze on. I would add as many plants as possible to really get that tank cycled and have some surfaces for algae and other stuff to grow on. Anubias, water sprite, Java fern, Amazon sword, crypts, etc are all super easy plants that you could try!
  15. Definitely looks like fin rot. @Colu? But the clear parts between the ripped up parts look to be regrowth which is a good sign. I would still probably treat with salt or kanaplex regardless! Colu can offer better advice than me.
  16. I’d bet it’s upside down. Especially if it isn’t squishy then it shouldn’t be rotting! So flip it over and if it doesn’t grow then I don’t know what to tell you😂it might be a dud at that point! It’s pretty hard to tell when they’re upside down if you don’t receive them sprouting so you’re definitely not alone!
  17. I totally agree. Bettas usually do quite well in hard water. They’re very adaptable. Your tank should have held its cycle just fine from your last Betta, so assuming you tested the water and have 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite and low nitrate you should be ready for another fish! Have you tried flipping your bulb over? Sometimes if the bulb is upside down (meaning roots up and plant leaves in the gravel) they can’t grow. Best of luck!
  18. I wouldn’t do more than one school of nano fish in a 5g. It’s not really enough space for a Gourami unless it’s something like a pair or trio of sparkling gourami. I think you could do Kubotais but I don’t have any experience with them so I can’t say for sure. Any schooling fish should ideally be kept in groups of at least 5 or they’re not going to do as well. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/pages/help-center#/collection/5073/article/25217 This page has a ton of videos and an article the Co-Op put out about different options for a 5g. Check it out if you need some other ideas. If I were to do a 5g I’d probably pick Chili Rasboras or some other Borara species (phoenix, strawberry, least, etc.) or some clown killifish. They stay teeny tiny so you can have a pretty good size group of them in a 5g!
  19. Can you post a photo? That would help us see if it’s a type of algae, biofilm, etc.
  20. Probably keep them in the bags. Less mess and easier to remove when you’re ready.
  21. Good to know😂Catch me stuffing my whole supply of root tabs under this thing and singing to it and praying it’ll grow wild😌
  22. I’ll for sure have to keep it trimmed up in a 10g. But I would love for it to take over because this hair algae is making me want to pull out my own hair. And I’m tired of scraping algae off my Anubias leaves!😂
  23. I’m so jealous! You couldn’t buy the acrylic to make that tank for $5! And multis… what a great use for that tank. I’m sure they’ll enjoy the upgrade 🙂
  24. Great idea! I always wondered about this exact problem. My only other idea was putting down a sheet of wider-ish squared mesh so that hopefully the food falls in but fish can’t get out. But this is much fancier!😂
  25. I think it is totally preference. It does come down to the personality of the betta but I believe adding them last as Lennie said skyrockets your chances of it working out. Bettas are often more colorful, but Honey Gouramis have a little more body to them so maybe a little more noticeable in a sea of green plants?🤷🏼‍♀️ And I think Honeys can do well alone or in a trio, not sure about a pair. You might get more enjoyment out of just one as a centerpiece if you aren’t planning to breed them, but that’s just me. Best of luck 🙂
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