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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Awe, sorry to hear about your loss! Hopefully one of her offspring inherited her fabulous genetics and will become your next Bestest Breeder!
  2. I’m curious as to roughly how much filtration plants actually add. According to aqadvisor, I’m at 98% capacity in my 29g running a Topfin Silent Stream 30 HOB and an ACO Medium Sponge Filter (20g and up, so I went with minimum capacity of 20g when entering it into the aqadvisor site). I know plants add some filtration but I’m not sure just how much. I want to add some fish but am unsure if I can. current stock: 4 Panda Cory 14 Cardinal Tetra 3 otocinclus 3 Albino Cory (but they’ll be moving ) 5 Nerite snail 4 ghost shrimp. plants: Pearl Weed Vallisneria Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus Water Sprite Java Fern Java Fern Windelov Anubias Barteri Argentine Sword Aponogeton Crispus Red Dwarf Aquarium Lily The 3 Albino Cory will be moving tanks and I want to add 6 more Panda Cory and 20 Chili Rasbora. Is this possible?
  3. I got my Pandas from AquaHuna originally, but they only sell in groups of 6 and I don’t need quite that many. I’ll check out Dansfish tho!
  4. Buce Plants website has this plant listed for sale (unsure if I’m allowed to link, so I won’t) and it gives you the rundown of care and conditions ETA: it’s not actually a floater. It roots in the substrate and the leaves rest on surface of the water, much like a lily.
  5. Mind if I ask where you get your Pandas from? I started with 6 and am now down to 4.
  6. I’m debating on whether to let it grow as is, or try and get it to spread low, lol. id try and let the cuttings float, but floaters don’t tend to do well in my set up because of the HOB. I’ve tried to slow the current with sponges and a baffle, but it doesn’t do enough
  7. This is great! Thanks for posting. Can’t wait for the next post!
  8. I have four. I know I probably need more, but I don’t know that I could add anymore to my 29g. I’ve got 14 Cardinal Tetra, 4 Pandas, 3 albino Cory’s and 3 otos
  9. Yup, I agree, looks like Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus .
  10. Grrrr, 😂you make me wanna try to get my Pandas to breed, but I’ve never bred any fish and wouldn’t even know where to start !!
  11. Well, it’s been 5 months since I brought Audrey 2.1 home as a little bare bulb and boy, has she grown. However, she is quite the root tab hog. I may have to get a 2nd job or take out a small loan to afford the amount of root tabs this bad girl goes through.
  12. Idk the prices as I have never really shopped for Dragon Stone, but these are our local prices
  13. Thanks @Cory, I’ll up my lighting (trying to balance between enough light for plants, not too much that I have algae issues) and give it a trim this week and go from there.
  14. So basically, like PSO, if you chop it it sprouts 2 from the original stem?
  15. I am so happy to hear he made it through the night. I am keeping my fingers crossed for this little guy!
  16. In December, I purchased a pot of ACO Pearl Weed. I want it to spread but am unsure how to go about doing this. It’s grown several inches taller since I plopped it pot and all into the substrate, but it doesn’t seem to want to send runners. What am I missing?
  17. Yup, had the same problem the last few days.
  18. My Petco 50% off = $80 for 55g. Sure do miss $1 per gallon!
  19. Maybe this was what @TheSwissAquaristwas trying to link to? https://www.wikihow.com/Raise-Brine-Shrimp
  20. Welcome! Taylor is a beautiful boy! He looks a lot like my Betta, Leo who is a double tail! The tank is beautiful! I , too, started my aquarium hobby with aquarium kits. I initially bought a 5g, then another, then a 29g( I bought 3 in total), all are still doing well and serving their purpose, but am now purchasing my equipment separately. Kits are great for beginners who aren’t yet knowledgeable about all the “pieces/parts”. Equipment can be overwhelming to a newbie (it was for me, at least) and kits are great for taking a bit of the stress out of purchasing what’s needed in the beginning. I have since learned about all the different types of filtration, lighting, heaters and so on and it’s become just as fun picking out equipment as it is the Fish and decor!
  21. Can you use beach sand for freshwater fish? I genuinely want to know because I live 3 miles from the beach and… free substrate. Would you need to clean the heck out of it to remove any salt or contaminants???
  22. The only nano fish I can think of for that small of a tank would be a Betta, but you’d have to keep a close eye on your shrimp. A lot of other nano fish need to be in groups. Dwarf Gourami need a bit bigger tank. And tiny fish like Chili Rasbora, Ember Tetra and so on need to be in groups. I’m not sure there would be anything else that could live happily in a 4 gallon tank by itself other than a Betta.
  23. Oh please keep us all updated on how this poor guy is doing! Hope he recovers and ends up fat and happy!
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