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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Looks like it! I’m going to assume that’s what it is for now.
  2. Here we are, 8 days since the last post and she is still growing!
  3. I’m so sorry this is happening! Is there anyway you can try and salvage some of your experience and expertise once it closes? Maybe let people know your still avsitif they have quests? Maybe start a small breeding project? A small aquarium club so people can still network? Idk, just throwing things out there to try and keep the spirit of it going.
  4. And just like that, winter is over in FL 😂 this morning it was 60, this afternoon it was 74. Only going to get warmer through the weekend and into next week. A/C will be cranking again before you know it. man, I do enjoy those 2 weeks in the fall and 2 weeks in the spring when the temps are so perfect you can open up the windows. Neither hot nor cold… nor humid.
  5. Maybe not the full tank set up, but an extra sponge filter going in an existing tank so it can be easily moved to a quarantine/hospital tank is a good idea. I don’t keep a full set up running for risk of it being scaped and filled with Purdy new fish 😂
  6. I’m wondering if just “Aqua gardening” could be a thing 😂
  7. This is our life too, lol. One day hot, next day cold. Plants are so confused
  8. I always liked to bubbling clam with the Pearl, myself. That is a cool looking tank!
  9. I might also mention, this tank is going in his “Man Cave” so it really is his tank. I’ll more than likely be the one cleaning it, but I’ll rarely see it outside of that, lol
  10. Yeah… the hubs loves the fluorescent stuff, lol. Not my aesthetic, but it’s his tank, so he gets whatever he will enjoy looking at most. I’ll get the glofish, but I’m limited on what I can put in a 10g tank- so it’s looking like A few Zebra Danios and a snail. Maybe a couple of shrimp.
  11. Then perhaps I have found a new project!
  12. Thank you for such a detailed reply and explanation ! I’m now leaning towards biting that bullet and going ahead with getting a few glofish for his tank. It’s only a 10g tank so any suggestions on which fish and how many I should put in the tank? and I already have glo decoration but I am probably also going to add some live plants.
  13. Yeah, I get what your saying, however even my husband is aware that glofish tend to be weaker than their non-glo counterparts and also far more expensive. It’s not that I don’t “like” them, I think they look cool, but I thought I could give him that same sort of experience with healthier fish.
  14. I purchased an inexpensive blue/white light from Amazon. I he really, really likes that ‘glow’ effect and I thought perhaps I could give him that same feel with just white fish instead of actual glofish. Would those have that “glow” tho under the blue lights?
  15. Same. Friday had the a/c o, Saturday and today the temp was 32 F when I got up. By Tuesday we'll be back in the mid 70's again.
  16. So, my husband has been in the hospital for the last 9 days in ICU (long story), but as a “Welcome Home” gift, I thought I would turn one of my spare 10g tanks into a glow tank since he’s always wanted one ( I’m the fish nerd, he just supports my habit) and figured since he’s showing interest in the hobby (finally) and give him his dream tank. BUT, I don’t really want to purchase actual ‘glofish’ . I was wondering if I could use white fish instead and what suggestions, other than Betta, others might have for some fish that would look good in a glow tank?
  17. Wow.. that’s roughly $14 USD for a single CPD! Pricey, but then again… everything is anymore!
  18. 1) Quality: because it almost always has an advantage over *quantity*. Better health, better breeding, better color, size etc. if you are doing a specific breeding project, the higher the *quality*, the better your odds of healthy, more numerous offspring and in time, the *quantity* will take care of itself. Mixing could actually degrade your strain over time, so I would stay with high grade only. If you buy 5 or 6 quality specimens, you may lose 1 or 2, but you still have 4 or 5 high quality to breed. If you buy 20 low grade specimens, you may lose 5 or 10 and your still left with mediocre stock. My choice would be to invest in the better, higher quality option. 2) while others trials and errors are a wealth of resource, your own are even more valuable. If it works, it works. Don’t fix what ain’t broken. If you’ve had overwhelming success with a system many times before, then go with that and tweak as you go. That being said, if this is a first for you and this particular species- then use the advice of friends and fellow hobbyists as you choose until you’ve found your own rhythm. What works for one doesn’t always work for another. Too many variables for it to be “cookie-cutter”. just my opinion though, so take it with a grain of salt!
  19. My Local BB store now has Cherry Shrimp listed at $8.99 each. I was shocked. Everything is getting expensive
  20. Ohhh! Both scapes are gorgeous! The dragon stone looks phenomenal!
  21. I have betta ( and all my community fish come from dark water in their natural habitat) so I use it 1) to make fish feel more secure, 2) great for shrimp, snails and bottom dwellers to snack on the biofilm they produce, 3) anti-fungal properties are a bonus, but I do notice my Betta seem happier with the leaves in the water than without. sometimes, I’ll make Catappa leaf tea to put in the tank if I don’t really want to stick leaves in. I just put 5 or 6 leaves in a mason jar, boil water in my tea kettle and fill the jar up, let the leaves steep for 24 hours athen pour the “tea” into a plastic jug and set in the fridge. I will then add it with a turkey blaster to my tank as needed. It’ll keep in the fridge for about a month
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