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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. The reason I ask is because a few weeks ago, I freaked out over a rather large “worm” in my tank… turns out, it was just a piece of root that broke off of my Argentine Sword and had started to decay 😂
  2. I’m no expert by any means, but it looks more like a piece of plant debris? What live plants do you have in the tank?
  3. I just did a 30% water change and took the opportunity to surround my root feeders in root tabs. Then dosed Easy Green for the rest of them. My Vallisneria is already shooting to the top since planting it 3 weeks ago and sent off a runner. Hopefully the fertilizer gives them all a little boost!
  4. Newly set up tanks can go through a bacteria bloom (lots of food source cause rapid population growth) and that can have a funky smell. If that’s the case It should clear in a few days/weeks as the excess bacteria dies off and the population begins to stabilize .
  5. Maybe try to resell them on FB Market Place or Craigslist and try and recoup some of the cost? Loads of people looking for aquarium stuff on FB.
  6. Ah, layering! Familiar with the term for terrestrial plants. Makes sense that it could be fine for aquatic plants as well!
  7. Wow! I wish we had a LFS here! What state are you in?
  8. Cool, I've seen a few of his videos, he has some fascinating content for sure. I don't know that gravel is a 'terrible' idea. Lot's of hobbyists use it as their substrate and it seems to work for them, but they also probably have deep layers with other types of substrates. At this point I wouldn't know what to layer with it and I'm not about to disrupt the tank to try and take it all out.
  9. Thanks! Im trying to get it a bit more jungly... It's a slow process, lol! I use grave and havent really had any issue with anything rooting. I do use root tabs tho, so there's that. I suppose with stratum you don't really need that, but gravel work for me.
  10. It will be my very first Aquashella and I am soooooo excited!!!!! I'm assuming it will be held at the Ocean Center... and it's literally across the street from the beach. Lots of hotels around, a boardwalk... tons of places to eat, things to see an do.It's not Orlando, but it's still fun!
  11. Ok, gave it a haircut and bundled the trimmings together and plunked them in the substrate. Crossing fingers it works, lol
  12. They are being moved to the 10g as a permanent residence. It’s a glo tank
  13. @Lennie I knew it wouldnt cycle immediately. I just wasnt sure if when seeding it, I am supposed to move the fish in and continue with a 'fish-in' cycle or if I am suppose to ghost feed until there is alot of bacteria... Im new to the seeding method, lol
  14. So I have a 10g tank with a brand new sponge filter and I am wanting to move 3 Albino Cory to that tank. I was wondering if I take a media bag from an established filter and set it next to the new sponge filter, would that work? How soon could I add the Corys... if not immediately, then do I 'ghost feed' the tank? I dont know how to do this as Ive only ever done fishless cycles from scratch.
  15. Well, I’ve decided to let the plants fill in a bit more (propagate and possibly purchase more) then go from there!
  16. So if I trim it, bunch them together with some thread and stick them into the gravel, they’ll root? Would that work?
  17. The ghost shrimp I have are bigger than the Cardinal Tetra.lol
  18. I gravel vac weekly, but I only do water changes when nitrates reach 50ppm. Gravel vac only takes a couple gallons so I don’t really consider that a “water change”😁
  19. Makes sense. I think I’ll forgo the Chili Rasbora and stick to adding a few more Panda Cory and a few more Cardinals!
  20. I am planning on adding very slowly. My tank is actually 29g running 2 filters- a Topfin Silentstream 30 and and ACO Medium Sponge Filter, plus the plants I’ve mentioned. I may wait awhile until some of the fast growing plants grow and spread. As is now, I water change every 3-4 weeks when nitrates reach 50ppm. I definitely will be adding the Pandas to increase their group. The Chili Rasbora were just something I’ve always wanted to keep a larger school of, so they may or may not go in- instead, I may try to increase the Cardinal school.
  21. Woot! Daytona means I can sleep in my own bed each night! I’m super excited that it’s so close (25 minutes away)! I mean, Orlando is only an hour and a half, but closer is always better!
  22. I agree with @jwcarlson, let it float. It’ll bounce back, sprout shoots and put on some root growth, then you can nestle it back down into the substrate
  23. Oh… OHHHHH… I JUST saw somewhere that they have submersible lighting!!!! Dang, I cannot remember where!
  24. I was reading the Buce website and although it’s used primarily in ponds, they say it can be grown in a larger Aquarium, but it tends to quickly shade out other plants. Not sure what their definition of “large aquarium” is. I wonder if just maybe 1 plant can produce several “pads” and if you can sort of keep it in check that way and by trimming out additional pads that grow? I say… you should be the Guinea pig and buy it! Then you can tell us all how it goes 😂
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