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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. This is how I ended up with this plant in my tank! Piece came in with some shrimp I bought, left it floating ( unintentionally) and it sprouted 2 new shoots and some tiny roots. Just plunked it in the gravel and it seems to be happy.
  2. Here we are… 5 days in. Growing like a weed (not at Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus rates, but still faster than most)
  3. Thank you, everyone for taking the time to explain this to me in terms I now understand!
  4. Thank you! I never took chemistry either, but I did take Marine biology 😂 Thank you!
  5. Please… someone… anyone… explain this to me like I flunked high school chemistry! I get ph, ammonia, nitrites and nitrates… but, I DONT get the rest! What does this mean?
  6. It’s …. Aliiiiive! And probably sizing up how quickly it can consume my tank.
  7. So, for long time now, I have dreamt of keeping Pea Puffers ( I mean, who wouldn't want to keep pack of adorable little water Chihuahuas?) and I am in the beginning stages of planning everything out to make that dream happen. I want to establish either a 20g or 29g planted tank, (mostly) Specimen only tank, but will need some sort of clean up crew. However, I've read sooo many article and watched sooo many YouTube videos on Pea Puffers and their needs, that a lot of it is conflicting. So, I thought I would ask some of the experienced Pea Puffer keepers here. I want to be as good a 'Puffer Parent' from the start as I can. 1) Plants -What sort of plants are best suited to a Pea Puffer tank? 2) Hardscape- Would Spider wood be ok? What type of rock? 3) Substatrate - would a smooth pea pebble-like gravel be ok? 4) Snails -Do they actually need to eat snails and if so... which type of snail is the best suited? How many snails does a Pea Puffer eat at one sitting? How often do they eat snails per week? If I decide to farm my own snails, is that realistic? 5) Other live foods - I know they love the Blood worms, but what about Grindal worms, White worms, black worms? 6) Can they eat freeze dried foods? Do any freeze dried or frozen foods meet the "crunchy" requirement for their teeth/beak? 7) Clean up crew - what sort of clean up crew would be compatible with Pea Puffers? 8.) How many Pea Puffers can I safely keep in a 20g or 29g? I'm sure I will have many, many more questions before I finally bring home my prized little Puffers, which will not be soon - I have plenty of time, but I think those are the most important ones I have for the moment.
  8. So this should be fun, is what you’re telling me 😂
  9. Congratulations on Getting Married, your Promotion, your new office and new tank!!!
  10. So, I had a tiny internal filter on a nano tank that had Cherry shrimp in it, I was afraid they would get sucked into the intake but because of the shape of the intake, I couldn’t use a pre filter sponge ( the intake was part of the unit as a whole) so I ended up covering it with some pant hose ( ankle size) and it seemed to work. Maybe others might have a better idea🙂
  11. I know this thread is a couple years old, but I just got this light for Christmas for my 29g. I’ve been scouring the internet for what I should set it on (I’m a newbie to lights that aren’t part of a tank kit) and am super excited to try this!!! Thank you for sharing
  12. Well.. it’s been an entire 24 hours and it looks like it may have grown a little!
  13. Well, we’ll see how well I like/abhor this new addition !
  14. Well, I guess if it begins to swallow my tank and all it’s inhabitants whole… and I’ve no choice but to break out the flame thrower to obliterate it, I’ll know for sure it’s Elodea 🤣
  15. Funny you should post this. I am looking for a way to get a snail population going before embarking on a Pea Puffer journey. How easy/fast do they multiply and how big of a tank would I need to grow them out for Pea puffers?
  16. ‘Twas but a week ago that I exited my local BB pet store, newly acquired treasures in hand and headed home to acclimate my prized (but highly common and not very exciting) Ghost Shrimp. As I prepared to welcome them to their new abode and introduce them to the other inhabitants of their vast 29 gallon estate, I noticed a small sprig, about an inch long, accompanying my transparent little friends as I transported them into their new home via the net. A single little green stem, bristled and thin, but interesting in it’s form as it escaped the net along with the shrimp. Too tired to try and chase it around the tank, as it had swiftly been caught in the down current of the filter and nestled just under the pre filter sponge, I left it there to fish it out another day. There it remained, forgotten for a week until today, when trimming back an offending Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, I noticed the tiny sprig had escaped the grasp of the pre filter sponge and had lodged itself in a clump of Water Sprite. Upon inspection, it seemed to have grown 2 new sprigs and the tiny hairs of new roots were forming. Unable to bear the thought of sending this little plant to an untimely end in the depths of the kitchen trash can, I scooped it up and gently planted it into the substrate of the 29g estates gardens. For now, it seems tiny, lonely and out of place, but I shall give it time, love, patience and see how this mystery plant will grow!
  17. 0h wow, it’s kind of pretty. I just read it’s also invasive in the wild, so if I decide I don’t like it, I’ll have to be extra careful in disposing of it. Might as well see how it grows in my tank.
  18. Never heard of that (but I’m a live plant newbie, so that doesn’t mean much). Are they low light? Easy or difficult?
  19. I got this tiny sprig in a bag with my ghost shrimp last week. It got tossed in the tank and I noticed 2 new shoots starting to grow and some tiny roots, so I planted it. Any idea what it might be?
  20. As expected, he didn’t make it. I will not be adding anymore Gourami to the tank. 2 deaths is enough. I can’t take the stress. I think it cured my want for a PBG for a long while
  21. That looks awesome! Fantastic job! You’re very talented and I know your coworker is going to love this!
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