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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. The bottom photo looks like roots forming. I have Water Dpeite in my tank and I snip tops off and stick them in the substrate and they root. I also let it float at the top of the tank and it grows roots. I think yours will be fine. Just give ‘‘em some time to bounce back and soon you’ll be up to your ears in WS!
  2. Just had to remove my Plakat Betta from general population into solitary confinement… not because he was harassing the inmates, but because he was stealing everyone’s food 😂
  3. Ok.,, then “Gold Cluster” 😂
  4. Thank you! They are actually Cardinal Tetra, but the RDAL makes them look tiny in comparison 😂
  5. This is the easiest plant to grow! Yesterday I stuck 2 root tabs underneath her. I know I should probably prune her, but she looks so happy and healthy, I just can bring myself to do it. Plus, I’ve seen others say that their RDAL stopped sending up pads once the trimmed them 😳
  6. You have a pitcher in the fridge labeled “Fish Tea-Do Not Drink” You have a glass Pyrex container in the fridge labeled “Fish Jello- Do Not Eat” You claimed the new Turkey baster as your “gravel spot cleaner” forcing your spouse to purchase another one. you divide up your hand towels between “Bathroom” and “Aquarium”.
  7. I asked because I recently put a betta in a hospital tank with a cycled filter. Every day I had far more mulm on the glass bottom than a single betta who was fasting could possibly produce. I worked out it was detritus from the sponge filter . Weird.
  8. ***UPDATE*** We are now at 15 pads! Would have been more but I broke 2 doing a water change and one I trimmed! I love this plant.
  9. Thank you. I’m not very experienced with Cherry shrimp and I tend to panic a lot with them 😂
  10. I’ve never seen a Molt before. I’m hoping that’s what it is and I didn’t lose a little guy!
  11. Imma say “Gold Nugget”… that’s my 2cents 😂 but they are beautiful!
  12. Well, that’s different. Tell me about the sponge filter, was it cycled in another tank prior to being in the bin?
  13. Thanks everyone! I was really worried for a bit. None of my shrimp have ever been berries (mainly because it was difficult to keep water parameters in the 3g cube they were in) but have noticed since moving them to the 29g they are currently saddled and far happier! Hoping for some babies soon!
  14. Agreed. Now that there is little to no movement in the bin, the mulm has had a chance to settle without the fish/filter/ or anything else stirring it up. You’d be surprised how much waste some fish produce. We just don’t always see it because normally it falls down into the substrate or disperses into the water column.
  15. I have a 5.5g with single Betta and 1 Nerite snail. That’s about all I can do. Your tank is even smaller so at most a single Betta and nothing else. It’s too small to keep any kind of schooling fish. Even with a single fish in it, you’ll need to be on top of water changes and filter maintenance constantly. You could keep a few Cherry Shrimp in it with no other fish.
  16. I've never quarantined my Lava rocks... just rinsed them off really well. As for plants, I generally just rinse them off too and add them to the tank. There are a few methods you can use to treat your plants for unwanted pests before adding them the the tank if it's worrisome. @Irene at Girl Talks Fish has a YouTube video on how to do this.
  17. So, I was wrong. Apparently it’s only me that has this problem! I do apologize, I thought having to reset after unplugging it was the norm!
  18. Well dang! If I needed it to be at a much higher or lower temp, I’d ask for replacement… but since it’s set where I actually need it… why bother😂
  19. How does yours stay? I initially had mine at 79 but it kept defaulting to 78 after I unplug it for water changes. So I just leave it on 78
  20. You have to reset it if it loses power or is unplugged unless your setting is 78 like my tank.. that’s the default temp for the ACO heater
  21. This is Bella and Luna. Sisters from the same litter. They are Rat Terriers, but better name would be Rat Terrorists.. they bark at EVERYTHING … for hours. They are the reason we can’t have people over . But, we love them
  22. I personally, wouldn’t trust the nitrate test. It’s got to be shaken vigorously as it is to distribute the chemicals uniformly in the suspension. If it leaked, the ratios are now off. But, that’s me.
  23. So, ideally, platys should be kept at 72F-78F (22c-25c). So yes, they should be fine. If they’ve been accustomed to cooler water, you’ll want to slowly acclimate them.
  24. This is my currents 29g setup 16 Cardinal Tetra 6 Panda Cory 2 otocinclus 4 Nerite snails 4 Ghost Shrimp 6 Cherry Shrimp Hardscape is Spider wood and 2 Medium Lava rock plants are Argentine Sword, Water Sprite, Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, Java Fern. Anubias Barteri, Anubias Coffeefolia, Java Fern Windelov, Red Dwarf Aquarium Lily and a little Java Moss
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