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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Yep , perfectly normal! Look pretty healthy! That “hard” portion is the rhizomes. Just be careful to keep them above the substrate. I just glue mine to rocks and set them on top of the substrate, the roots will find their way down.
  2. Did they look like this? If so, then it’s normal. Anubias rhizomes are bright green, Java fern tends to be dark brown/black
  3. Yeah, I can’t get the nitrates above 10ppm even with dosing full dose but too afraid to dose more because of algae
  4. I was dosing 1 weekly the full dose, but I dropped to half dose once week
  5. Lol… I’ll give the tank some more time and if it doesn’t resolve itself , I may look into getting 3 oto’s!
  6. So the tank has been “cycled” since the first week in June (was set up first week of May). Originally, it was filled with plastic / silk plant but eventually converted to full planted tank. I currently have a Top Fin silent stream 30 HOB filter and a 20g sponge filter running. It’s stocked with 1 Betta, 6 Panda Cory, 16 Cardinal Tetra, 5 Nerite snails and 5 ghost shrimp. Though I would love to, I don’t think I can add oto’s ( at least not the recommended minimum group of 6) according to aqadvisor. But they also don’t account for planted vs non planted tank. this is what the tank currently looks like with plants
  7. “When I spot a new rock (or plants or fish) at the pet store”
  8. So, I’ve recently had a brown algae outbreak in my 29g. I’ve tried all tried all the tips I’ve read and researched ( more light, less light, feed less, more plants, water change) but nothing seems to be working! my parameters are : here is what the plants look like:
  9. And here is where we are today 08/09/2022. I have officially named this lily “Audrey 2.1”
  10. It’s so fun to wake up in the morning and see how much it’s grown! Now it’s “how many lily pads will it produce this week?” So far, I have 3 pads on the water surface and 2 more racing to the top!
  11. Awe,I was hoping it'd sprout and we could try and guess what lily it was as it grew 😄
  12. It looks like a female “Samurai” dragonscale plakat. She’s gorgeous!
  13. You could just keep an extra sponge filter in an existing tank to keep it cycled and then put it in the QT tank when needed. That way you can break down the QT tank when not in use.
  14. I’m not sure about the air temps.. but for keeping floaters with HOB’s… I used airline tubing and created a circle with it and then used a suction cup to secure it to the tank glass to keep it in place. Just unhook it from the suction cup when doing water changes so it will all keep within the tube circle, then attach it back when done.
  15. Me too 🤣. I have been going by the directions on the bottle that say 1 monthly under each root feeding plant... but if @Irene says they are greedy little root feeders and is dosing more frequently for her RDAL, then perhaps I should too, lol. I'd hate to have invested so much time following this plant to lose it because it's not getting enough. ( I wonder if I should name it Audrey.. "Feeeeeed me Seymour!")
  16. My current regimen: Daily: check fish, feed fish, talk to fish so they feel loved and important. Touch up glass and lid as needed (when visibly dirty) once weekly (usually on Saturday):test water and do water changes accordingly. Dose liquid fertilizers. Have weekly talk with betta to remind him that he’s not actually a Panda Cory so he can’t join their gang. once monthly (usually on tank maintenance day) clean filters and rinse sponges, add root tabs to plants that are heavy feeders. Have a “tank meeting” with fish to discuss my expectations for the month and any changes that might take place in the tank ( food, plants, hardscape) so they can prepare and adjust. Give shout outs to individual fish for being team players. Give fish a chance to air their grievances of the past month so we can start the new month with fresh enthusiasm
  17. I saw that vlog! I'm thinking that really other than the Lily, the only other plant in the tank that might need a root tab is the Argentine sword... so I can concentrate the root tabs around those. I think giving the lily a root tab once a week with the ta maintenance might be good?
  18. And here we are! Both stems have made it to the top of the tank! So, I think I’ll limit my posts now for any significant growth or if it sends out new pads!
  19. So, the repashy just came in the mail today and I mixed some up and tried it in each tank (29g community - 1 Betta, 16 Cardinal Tetra, 6 Pandas, 8 Ghost Shrimp, 5 Nerites, 5.5g Betta w/ ghost shrimp and 1 Nerite, and 3g Cherry Shrimp tank) The 3g Cherry Shrimp tank were all over it like it was candy (hoping they'll give me babies now since there aren't any other creatures in the tank but them). 5.5g Betta tank the Betta was not interested, Nerite hasn't realized it's there, the Ghost Shrimp were good with it. 29g Community Tan, Corydoras picked at it a bit, Ghost Shrimp liked it, Betta is guarding one small cube of it and nibbling, Cardinal Tetras aren't interested... and again, Nerites don't even know it's there (they aren't the smartest invertebrates). I'm hoping they'll get the hang of it when I try it again in a couple days
  20. So, just got this today (the nature version) and stuck it on the glass of my tank. In less than 5 minutes it fell off the glass and landed in a huge mushy mess on the gravel. I don’t know if it was user error or the tab was defective, but I’ll try again in a day or two and see what happens
  21. How often can I feed this to my community tank? I’m trying to add it to their food rotation and just curious as if twice a week is good? Once a week?
  22. Look! It’s almost there! What a difference 24 hours makes!!!!
  23. Why do I suddenly have a craving for aquarium gravel?
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