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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. This is so interesting! I see aquarium “seeds” all over the internet and wondered if it was just a scam or if they were legit. Can’t wait to see how this turns out and see what plant it actually is!
  2. I picked up two 10 gallon tanks last week from Facebook Marketplace, then I saw Petco has 10g for $10 (husband said no, lol “you just bought 2 tanks with no idea what to do with them yet… you don’t need more “- he’s not wrong 😕). But ooooh… I see a fish room in my future though!
  3. Today’s progress… It’s my BIRTHDAY! I had to move the Lily back a bit as it was pressed up against the glass. Trying to re-bury all the roots was a struggle, but I got most of them! The pic was taken just before I moved it. Hopefully I didn’t hurt it!
  4. I have basic natural aquarium gravel in my 29g. I’ve got Water Sprite, Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus and Argentine Sword planted directly in it along with a Red Dwarf Aquarium Lily that’s growing by leaps and bounds. There are Anubias glued to rocks that are beginning to shove roots down into the gravel as well. I do put root tabs next to each rooted plants once a month and dose easy green liquid fertilizer once a week. They are all very happy so far. They are also very beginner friendly.
  5. I can’t have all the fish… but I want all the fish! Y’all …MTS is REAL and there are sooooo many possibilities out there! I want Shell Dwellers and Pea Puffers and Gouramis and DISCUS and alllll the Betta!!!! Help!
  6. Have you looked at the one offered by ACO? I understand it's very good. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/collections/air-pumps/products/usb-nano-air-pump
  7. It's the little things 🥰🐟🐠🐡🐌 (yup, I found the fish emojis!!!) 0
  8. Hello from Florida! I think your tank looks fantastic! And yes, the MTS struggle is real… I just picked up two 10g tanks without any idea of what to stick them with.. but, there’s always a need for more! As for stores in UK… have you ever watched MD Fish tanks on YouTube? He frequents a shop called Maidenhead Aquatics located in Wellington (Taunton). I don’t know where that is in relation to your location, but it looks like an awesome place to go for everything aquarium related. https://www.fishkeeper.co.uk/storefinder/taunton
  9. Today was maintenance day on the 29g. I don’t have a python, so it’s gallon pitchers for me but, I don’t really mind. However… why does my tank always look cleaner BEFORE I clean 😂. Kicking up mulm and gunk from bottom and filters just gives me anxiety , lol
  10. Today’s progress. It seems to be reaching, then relaxing, then reaching, then relaxing through the day. I don’t know why watching this plant grow gives me so much joy, but I’ll take it!
  11. I am so sorry 😢. We become so close with our little Aqua pets, it’s just as devastating when they get sick of pass as if were a fur-baby. Just know that it’s not your fault! You did everything in your power to nurse him through it, he just fought for too long with this particularly aggressive disease. 🙏
  12. I turn 50 this weekend… doesn’t seem like I should be this old 😂
  13. No, I wish! but I am sad I missed the one in Orlando this year. I’m only an hour from Orlando. But I’m gonna make sure I make it next year!
  14. I’ve been reliving my high school years with 80’s hair bands 😂
  15. Please keep us updated in how your little guy is doing and if you make any progress with his treatment. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that he beats this!
  16. So, ever since I introduced my Betta, Yuzu to my community tank, he’s been infatuated with the Panda Corydoras… so much do that he now races up and down the tank with them, follows them like he’s one of the “pack” and has now taken to sharing the sinking wafers on the bottom of the tank with them. This fish is crazy.😂
  17. I don’t have any floating plants, but would sort of “dipping” them in your tank water after a water change and giving them a gentle swish help with the debris?
  18. Ok, so I have a hob filter on the right side of my tan and a sponge filter on the left side. So… am I good?
  19. Imma need that diagram 😂
  20. My tank temp stays at a constant 78 F and my lights are on for 12 hours per day (from 8 a.m. - 8.p.m.). I just have a standard light that came with the aquarium kit I bought... nothing fancy. I saw the test strips and thought about purchasing them.
  21. @Craig Halstead Last checked they were Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrites 0ppm and Nitrates between 20-40 ppm. No idea the kh/gh because I’ve got to get a testing kit this weekend, but according to the city I live in, we have soft water ( though I question this) and my ph is 7.6
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