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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. *Looks at my betta* “I though they could only live in a small bowl?”
  2. I’m a day late… BUT, yesterday I spent the day at the beach. Got a little pink, but it was a relaxing day nonetheless. Love beach days! Weather was hot, but the sea breeze made it bearable and the water was comfortable
  3. I saw another post suggesting feeding snails blanched veggies. Is there a list of veggies I can feed my 5 Nerites ? How often and how much do you feed them?
  4. Amazing how quickly this bulb sprouted and is growing. I received this bulb on Thursday, July 14th and expected it to take a couple of weeks to see growth, but 2 days later I had sprouts!
  5. Yes, kinda 😂. I’ll have to go really study it and then perhaps buy a testing kit! Thank you!
  6. What is ammonia and nitrite? Ammonia 0ppm Nitrites 0ppm
  7. Thanks! I have root tabs but wasn’t sure when to put them in? Should I do it now?
  8. Same, but thankfully, the sun was already setting when it stopped raining- but now, it’s mosquito hell
  9. Water tested. Nitrates we’re high (more than 40 ppm) so I wasn’t sure if it was because I started dosing easy green this week. I did a (roughly) 25%-30% water change. I’ll re-test tomorrow to see where I’m at. Hopefully they’ll come back down. If not- I guess I’ll do another water change 😐
  10. Ok, so I don't have a water hardness testing kit, but according to my City's website our water is soft "about 100 mg/L (or expressed in different units, about 6 grains per gallon)" - per their website. So, please help me here. I don't really understand what this means. Do I need to add anything to my water (I have Cardinal Tetra, Panda Corydoras, Betta, Nerite Snails and Ghost Shrimp along with low-tech/low-light plants). I just started dosing easy green for the plants, but is there other things I need for the water?
  11. So, I received this bulb from ACO on Thursday and placed it in my tank, fully expecting it to take a week or two to sprout. But here it is, Saturday (2 days later) and look! It’s got SPROUTS!!!! I’m so excited for this plant!!!
  12. Those are awesome! Where did you find those? Never saw them before, are the difficult to keep?
  13. It rained pretty much all day here in Palm Coast, FL. It was pretty relaxing though. Nice break from the heat
  14. Thanks everyone! I decided to just do a really good inspection and then plant them with root tabs in the aquarium since I don’t have a proper plant qt. Crossing fingers all will go well with them!
  15. Just FYI… today, they are cheaper than they were on prime day!
  16. I am saying a prayer for you and your family. I know what it’s like. I’ve been there (and am still going through it with husbands injury/surgery) it’s not easy, the stress levels are high- sometimes you don’t even know how to cope. But you will get through this. There will be sunshine after this storm. You are NOT a failure- if anything, you are a hero for doing/sacrificing everything in your power to make sure your child gets what they need. Never let anyone, not even yourself, tell you different!
  17. Ohhh! Pictures!!!! I love seeing everyone else’s Bettas!
  18. Here is the final addition to the 29g community tank! He is a Yellow Dragonscale Betta and his name is Yuzu (Japanese for a lemon-like citrus fruit)! It’s his first day in the big tank after a quarantine… and he’s been busy exploring, checking out the Panda Corydoras and scoping out his favorite resting places. I think he’s so beautiful! I hope he likes his new home!
  19. I just received my ACO plant order! I’m new to live plants and want to know if I need to quarantine these or are they safe to just add in? Do I need to do anything special?
  20. I'll admit... I struggled with it. It was difficult for me to get into this and I didn't really until the last 1/3rd of the book. I'm starting the next in the series ... Legendary this weekend and I'm hoping it picks up. I've got all 3 in the series... but if I can't make it through the 2nd, I've no hope of even starting the 3rd.
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