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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. would a 'wonder shell' work? i see people use them a lot.
  2. Maybe I need to invest in the Repashy w/ calcium? I'm really worried... the Nerites are actually my favorite little tank cleaners.
  3. Temp 78F 0ppm Ammonia 0ppm Nitrtites 40ppm Nitrates kh/gh - no way to measure ph - 7.8 I’m not sure what’s happening with this little guy! Help! The other Nerites in the tank look ok.
  4. Absolutely on the Amano Shrimp, just make sure you have a tight lid as they are the quintessential escape artists
  5. I've got 4 Ghost Shrimp and a Nerite in my 5.5g Betta tank and they do a phenomenal job of keeping it clean. In the 29g, I have 5 Nerites, 6 Ghost Shrimp and 6 Panda Corydoras... no issues with uprooting the plants, and that tank is immaculate.
  6. I’ve got spider wood in my 29g that’s not really wanting to sink. I ended up wedging it down into the gravel with a piece of lava rock on the back side. If I take the rock away, it doesn’t rise, but it hovers enough to move around. The wood has been in there 2 + months now. First pic is the spider wood, 2nd is the lava rock on the back
  7. Well, that could help me since I have high nitrates when I dose after a water change!
  8. Ok, so I went ahead and trimmed the PSO (Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus) and replanted it in the tank. I just cut 1 stem back to about 3 nodes above the substrate, then divided that stem into 2 and planted. Some of you plant experts probably think “well, we know how this goes”, but since it’s all very new to me and I learn by doing. I want to see what happens to the section that was cut from the middle of the stem . First pic is the plant before trimming. Second is after trim and replant as are the remaining pics
  9. So I have a 29g tank and have been dosing easy green once weekly right after I do a 25% - 30% water change. I dose the recommended 2 drops per gallon. Would it make a difference if instead of dosing all at once each week, I split it up to 1/3 dose three times weekly? Would it be any more or less beneficial?
  10. I’m gonna have to start zooming out soon to fit it in frame 😂
  11. Actually, it got me too and for a hot second I was like “so they went from heatwave to mini freeze overnight?? Those poor people!!!” Then it finally dawned on me… CELSIUS! 😂 then I had to break out the conversion chart.
  12. I’ll keep my finger crossed that it sprouts again for you!
  13. I have it planted (even took a section that was growing roots and planted it) but I have a small piece floating at the moment to see if it will grow roots
  14. The only issue I can see (I live in FL too) is over time, the container will start sinking into the ground if placed on bare dirt. I have large potted plants placed on pavers because of this. Every few years I have to readjust the pavers because even they begin to settle into the ground over time. You can avoid it by leveling with sand under the pavers
  15. I stole a moss covered rock from my cherry shrimp tank to add to the 29g tank. That’s it. I got nothing else. I’m not even going to cook dinner as we have a fridge full of leftovers. It’s been a very. Lazy. Sunday.
  16. Second one is definitely Water Sprite! I have it in my tank too.
  17. This is Leo.. short for Leonardo Da Fishy. Ive had him for quite awhile and in Betta years, he’s a senior. Just my grumpy little man. Never misses an opportunity to greet me at the front of the tank whenever I walk into the room. His fins look rough, but he’s fine. He’s just old
  18. Being a gardener, I think I can try and explain. Plants have growth cells called meristems. The type of growth meristems a plant has depends on the species. But for PSO, the type of meristem is called Apical meristem. These growth cells are found in the tip and in the leaf nodes of the plant and are responsible for the plant's growth and for the formation of leaves and flowers. As the plant grows, the Apical meristems release hormones that signal the nodes beneath the Apex to form leaves, flowers, etc. If the Apex stem is cut or damaged, those hormones stop flowing and leaf nodes just below the cut / damaged Apex are now triggered to create the height or length of the stem to continue to reach for light,(plants job is to reach for light...that's what it wants to do), becoming Apex stems themselves. (this is why and how you create bushy growth on plants when you prune regularly). There is no way to guarantee that only one stem grows from the Apex stem when it's been cut as the remaining nodes below the cut that would have become leaves are now triggered to become Apex stems.
  19. Oh no! Well, hopefully it’s ok and will start growing so you’ll be able to find it!
  20. Well, I’m ok with that! I got a lot of space to fill!!
  21. How do I propagate this? Do I just snip and replant? Do I float it! Does it make babies?
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