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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Both of my Betta boys currently like Fluval Bug Bites Flakes and pellets, Hikari Vibrabites, tetra Freeze Dried Blood Worms and Hikari Freeze Dried Daphnia
  2. I think this one is gonna make it to the top by the end of the week! We shall see!
  3. The next boy thing I can do with the lights is just turn them on g earlier. They are cheap LED lights that came with a kit so they aren’t anything special. I use easy green fertilizer once a week dosed according to the directions on the bottle, but maybe I should just half the dose for now?
  4. I notice tiny dark brown specs at the base of spiderwood and on leaves of plants which I assume is tetra poo, but I've never caught them in the act
  5. I'm wondering if I should feed a 'staple' food in the morning and a small amount of 'variety' foods in the evening. I just feed once a day now because I'm afraid of over feeding. It's difficult for me to tell whether the Cardinal Tetra are eating enough or too much.
  6. Parameters ammonia 0ppm nitrites 0ppm Nitrates 20ppm i have noticed what looks like diatom algae growing on some of the leaves of my plants. The Anubias are starting to yellow but the other plants still doing well, but also have this brown film. Can the fertilizer be causing this? I use easy green liquid fertilizer per pkg directions once a week
  7. I tend to forget things so if I don't have a 'plan' I likely will forget what i fed the day before or over feed. Or, I'll use one food more than another and it'll expire and so on.
  8. I've gotten a couple good deals on tanks through FB Marketplace... but every now and then, you see a listing that just makes yuo shake your head. I had originally looked at the 36g Bowfront Tank and Stand Combo from Petsmart for $229 before buying my current tank. Then just this week, I was on Marketplace and saw someone had that exact tank and stand for sale - used- for $250 🤣
  9. I known most of you seasoned and experienced fish keepers have your own personal way you like to feed your community fish, whether it's once daily, twice daily, in the morning only, at night, different foods every day or same food every day - everyone has their own rhythm that works for their lives and their fish. I'm interested in hearing what your schedule is like! I'll go first! (Just keep in mind that I'm still tweaking) My 29g Community tank houses 16 Cardinal Tetra we call 'The Mafia', 6 Panda Corydoras we call 'The Crew', 5 Nerite Snails (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Bob), 8 Ghost Shrimp collectively called "The Invisibles" and 1 Grumpy but handsome Yellow Dragonscale Plakat Betta called 'Yuzu'. Mon -A.M.: Hikari Freeze Dried Daphnia - P.M.: Sera Vipachips Sinking waters (after lights out for Cories) Tue -A.M.: Xtreme Nano - P.M.: N/A Wed -A.M.: Hikari Vibrabites - P.M.: Sera Vipachips Sinking Wafers Thu -A.M.: Tetra Freeze Dried Blood Worms. - P.M.: N/A Fri -A.M.: Xtreme Nano - P.M.: Sera Vipachips Sinking Wafers. Sat -A.M.: Vibrabites - P.M.: N/A Sun- FASTING (Tank Maintenance) I did just purchase Repashy Community Plus and Sera O-Nip Nature Treat Tablets, so I'll have to figure out how I'll add those in and when... but, that's currently my feeding schedule!
  10. So after reading through all these posts, I am now terrified to have any guppy! I have this mental picture of someone buying 3 little guppy to add to a 55 gallon tank.. and in 6 months... they have 6,000 guppies! 🤣. For me, it would be a nightmare.. not larger fish to naturally cull them... no LFS to take them to and no friends that keep fish tanks... So... NO on the Guppy!
  11. Thank you! Honestly. I don’t think so. It’s growing ridiculously fast in my top fin 29g that I got as a kit (came with the cheap LED lights under hood). https://www.aquariumcoop.com/products/dwarf-aquarium-lily-bulb-only
  12. Thank you for the birthday wishes! I didn’t know about the underwater pads! Either way… it’s so cool!
  13. Another couple/few days and the mother plant will have reached to surface again! the “top” that I trimmed off is growing longer, it’s hard to see in the photo right next to the original plant and the “mid section” I cut and placed just the other side of the intake sponge is starting to stretch its “tentacles”. The tank is beginning to look filled in!
  14. Isn’t it beautiful! Now comes the race to the top. They got a ways to go, but I don’t think it’ll take long!
  15. I just purchased Repashy Community today through ACO. Hoping everyone in the 29g community tank loves it
  16. I'm really happy I finally did it. I was a bit intimidated at first, but everything seems to be doing well (except I have a very small diatom issue now... it's not a big deal, but wondering if dosing fertilizer did it) and I'm very excited to see how much things have grown each week (sometimes each morning with the Red Dwarf Lily and Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus). Noticed this morning that one of my Anubius has a couple new leaves... that's exciting! Thank you! I'm over the moon with how it looks right now - far better than I had anticipated for a cheap aquarium kit light and a newbie aqua gardener!🤣
  17. Update! It’s beginning to fill in! This is so exciting, watching everything grow and fill out!
  18. I saw a Youtube video where someone took them out and completely dried them in the sun, then crushed them up to almost a powder and fed it back to his fish.
  19. And this morning, we have the beginning stages of Lily pads!!!! Look at them stretching for the surface!!!!
  20. Update! So the mother plant has had a growth spurt since I trimmed the top, it’s nearly reached the top of the tank already. The other 2 sections are still doing well, just growing a lot slower, but I think once the roots establish they’ll take off as well.
  21. This is so interesting! I see aquarium “seeds” all over the internet and wondered if it was just a scam or if they were legit. Can’t wait to see how this turns out and see what plant it actually is!
  22. I picked up two 10 gallon tanks last week from Facebook Marketplace, then I saw Petco has 10g for $10 (husband said no, lol “you just bought 2 tanks with no idea what to do with them yet… you don’t need more “- he’s not wrong 😕). But ooooh… I see a fish room in my future though!
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