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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Is 1/2 tablet enough with 6 Cory’s and 2 oto’s? Thank you, I’ll look into algae blocks! I’ve never seen them, but I wasn’t specifically looking either. I have a coconut hut in the tank I was thinking about painting with Repashy! They’ll have to wrestle with the Panda Cory though… maybe paint some rocks as well!
  2. Yes, you can keep a single Pea Puffer in a 5g. They are social and more comfortable in a group of at least 3, but would need room to establish territory or hide
  3. This is happening to me too! I have no idea what's happening or why. All my parameters look good... I'm also at a loss
  4. I’m slightly afraid of Audrey 2.1 now. If she keeps growing at this rate, she’ll need her own tank😂. Pads 11 and 12 are on their way up! I think it’s time for some pruning!
  5. Well, took the advice from @bryanisag gave of adding 2 oto’s… and what a difference! 24 hours and the tank already looks better! **see original post for before pics**
  6. oh... crush the snail, roll it around the Repashy and feed it to the puffer?
  7. Is it a powder type med? And if there was a edible 'adhesive' so that you could sprinkle on the med.. wouldn't you still have to paint the adhesive onto the snail before dusting it with med?
  8. That might not be enough space for a Betta and even the smallest Nano schooling fish - you might be able to get away with a small school of 5 or 6 Chili Rasbora. You could doShrimp as they don't have much of a bioload.
  9. and isn;t that.. what the OP wanted? A cure for MTS... I say problem solved 🤣
  10. long shot here, but... (hope this makes sense) what if you mixed the meds in with a Repashy gel and then coated the snail in it?
  11. oh, I am so excited for you and to follow this build! it's going to look amazing!
  12. From what I've read (I don't currently own any Zebra Danios) Is for a 20g tank species only, you could have up to 12, but if there are any other fish (and you have 2 Gourami already) then 6 is your max. You may want to either move the Gourami to a 10 gallon tank to themselves, or depending on how many Zebra Fry you have, you may want to get a tank just for them.
  13. I agree with @Ištvan Bećar Pecaroš, they look like Zebra Danios. They are omnivorous so a good flake or pellet will work just fine. They are a schooling fish so should be kept in a group of at least 5 ( though more is better) and in a minimum of 10 gallons but bigger is always better as they like to swim around. They prefer a temp of 65F-75F (18c-24c) with pH 6.5-7.0 and dGH (upon my researching, as I didn't know off the top of my head) between 5 - 12.
  14. generally, Pea Puffers are territorial and can be aggressive toward each other, that's why it's suggested that if you keep more than one the general rule is 5 gallons fr the first Pea Puffer and add 3 gallons for each additional Pea Puffer.
  15. This is my worry. At some point they’ll consume the algae and they’ll need something else to sustain in between.
  16. So, I purchased 2 oto’s from my local Big Box pet store. They have been doing a great job at eating the brown algae, but I’m worried about what else to feed them to make sure they stay full and healthy and don’t die! Can some of you who keep these cuties give me some tips?
  17. Stunning! That room looks so peaceful and relaxing and the tanks are gorgeous! You inspire me to try the lucky bamboo now!
  18. No, it stays a consistent 78 F in there… However, I did add a small Wonder Shell ( on that treats 5 gallons) for the snails a couple of weeks ago but I didn’t think it would have a significant impact on the 29g. None of the water tests have shown any difference in readings… but that’s the only thing different in the tank ( and it has since dissolved and water changed)
  19. ***Update*** it appears now that all of my Ghost Shrimp are turning white. I’ve no idea what’s happening. They seem to be acting normal, but I find it hard to believe they’d all be molting or getting old at the same time!
  20. Step 5 start claiming unlikely spaces in the house( who needs counter space ? and that extra space over the back of the toilet would fit a tank!) Step 6. Convincing your spouse that “it’s just one small tank more really- you won’t even notice it”… Step 7. If step 6 doesn’t work then activate the “ better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission”
  21. Just picked up 2 oto’s (cuz that’s all my local Petco had… tell you the story in a sec) and are now acclimating them. So I walk into Petco and ask the guy in charge of the fish “ Do you have any otocinclus?” And he says “what are those? I’ve never heard of them.” 😳 so I pull a photo of one up on my phone and he takes me to a tank and points to some small fish and says “I think these are what you’re looking for.”…. I respond with “um, no sir… those are Chinese algae eaters. Definitely NOT what I’m looking for.” So I thank him for his time and continue browsing the fish(cuz since I’m here, might as well look, right?) and lo and behold… in a tank further away are two otocinclus… there’s even a price sticker on the glass stating “otocinclus $3.95 ea.” I call the guy back over and show him and he says “huh… didn’t even know we carried those.” so I had him met both and I brought them home. Hopefully they’ll be happy in my 29g tank with their new family
  22. Update! One month after planting! Got a bit of a diatom issue going, but I’m over the moon with this tank. I’ll be trimming back soon! Here’s the day I planted the tank vs today!
  23. And this plant has quickly become the monster in my tank! 7 pads on the surface, numbers 8 and 9 on the way. I’ll be trimming pads back soon… but, WOW! Audrey 2.1 is super healthy!
  24. I love my 29g.. still small enough to do water changes with buckets ( cuz that’s what I have) and relatively quickly, maintaining it is easy, but big enough to keep a variety of fish!
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