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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Thanks! This PBG is new, he’s only been in the tank about 2 weeks. He’s the 2nd one I’ve had that has had the same type of symptoms- the other I found already passed, this one looks like he’s probably not going to make it.
  2. This morning I woke up to my Powder Blue Gourami laying on his side on the substrate, still breathing. I nudged him a bit and he immediately moved, swimming to the top of the tank, but he’s struggling. He now just hangs out at the top resting in the plants but I noticed his right side there is some white discoloration and scales look raised around his gills. The gills on the right side don’t seem to be functioning, but the left side are. I don’t know what is going on. All other inhabitants seem ok. Below are pics of my parameters followed by best pics I could get of my poor fish…
  3. Merry Christmas! Can’t wait to see how your shrimp tank takes shape!!! I got a Fluval Aquasky for Christmas! I’m super thrilled because I had just the led/lid that came with my tank as part of a kit!!!! Now I’m gonna need a week to figure out how this thing works because I am NOT tech savvy!
  4. Thanks for your input everyone! I’ll have to research it a little more but, it might be something to consider on an “as needed” basis!
  5. So, I don’t know why I haven’t done this sooner, but I’ve been reading about other hobbyists putting poly-fil in their HOB filters. I have sponges and media rings in there now.., where would I place the poly-fil- in between?
  6. So sorry this happened to you. It happened to me too. Just know that you did everything in your power to make his life healthy and happy- there was just something else totally beyond your control.
  7. Honestly, I’m envious of those that have them. I have yet to successfully keep them.
  8. 1) Tetra ( Cardinal to be specific) 2) shrimp 3) Water Sprite 4) 55g 5) natural gravel 6) Spider Wood 7) idk 8.) Sponge filter 9) gravel vac 10) root tabs
  9. https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/cookie-cutter-for-10-gallon-aquarium this might help!
  10. @nabokovfan87 ok, I watched the video and retested - setting it in a paper towel and here is my result… And one more time
  11. My test was done on water straight from the tap. I wasn’t testing for any other reason other than curiosity. I’d never paid attention to anything other than chlorine, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. My fish (and snails and shrimp) otherwise seem fine… I was just trying to be a “nerm” 😆
  12. So… can someone decipher the GH reading? Because I have no idea what shade that is or what it means? thank you!
  13. So far, Taz seems to be settling in and getting to know his roommate ( Nerite snail named Dozer). So glad I brought this little dude home!
  14. Actually. In honor of all the help @Zenzohas been to me both here and on the ACO Facebook page, I’ve decided to name him Taz (short for Tazawa)!
  15. I already have snails, along with a few oto’s and shrimp. I don’t want to add anything else to the tank and risk overstocking (it probably already is) so hoping the light reduction will help
  16. Thank you @Zenzo for all the info! I’ll go check out the vlogs!
  17. Thank you! I’m usually good about avoiding the Betta rack when I go in, but he was so gorgeous and looked healthy and clean, I just couldn’t resist bringing him home! I just have no idea what to name him!
  18. I find these fish (as well as shell dwellers) absolutely fascinating! I want to know from those who keep them.., 1) how many (minimum) should be kept together 2) tank size 3) water temp, ph, etc. 4) what they eat, tank decor, tank mates etc. By all means, flood me with any and all info!
  19. So… went to the local Big Box pet store today for some supplies and, well… I came home with a new friend. He needs a name!
  20. Thanks! I have a hob filter in that back corner, just behind the sword, the Vallisneria might help to camouflage it a bit better!
  21. I don’t know much about bill issues with Betta so, hopefully someone with far more expertise will chime in, but I did manage to find this…
  22. I bought that Windelov by accident (thought it was regular Java Fern) and just glued it to a rock and plopped it in this tank… didn’t even think about placement so it “sits where it hits”. It has grown so very slowly but I haven’t touched it. It seems happy in its current spot so I’m hesitant to move it 😊
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