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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. I use Top Fin gravel “classic beach” it’s small pea gravel-like. Looks natural, Corys do fine with it and plants seem to root well. I like it.
  2. I’ve done both. Some plants I know exactly where they are going so I’ve removed them from their pot, gently removed the rock wool and planted straight away, others (like Pearl Weed) I left in the pot and nested it down into the substrate as is. It really just depends. If you bought them without an exact plan on where they are going, you’ll be fine to leave them in the pot for a bit until you figure out where they are going.
  3. I just did this! I bought: Food, a set of aquascaping tools, a couple of sponge filters, Prime, aquarium salt, Catappa leaves, Wonder shells, Knox gelatin for Snello(preparing to raise snails for future pea puffers) and a set of Microfiber towels to use specifically for my aquariums!
  4. 8 days since the last check in and the Panda Corys have managed to uproot my little sprout. I gently nestled it back down into the substrate and hopefully it will be no worse for the wear!
  5. There are just so many that have helped me on my journey: @Cinnebuns, @Chick-In-Of-TheSea, @Beardedbillygoat1975, @Guppysnail, @Irene, @nabokovfan87, @Odd Duck, @TeeJay, @Zenzo .. and most of all @Cory for all of the hundreds of hours of helpful content! If I forgot to mention anyone, I am so sorry! But I’ve gained so much helpful advice- always kind and supportive, never mean or judgmental and that in an of itself is priceless. It’s made getting into, learning, and moving further into this hobby so enjoyable. I truly appreciate each and every one of you and can only hope that in the future, even if it’s just ONE newbie- I can make the beginning of their hobby as wonderful as you all have made mine!
  6. I’ve only had it happen once or twice ( and I use tons of them) but, I just push them down to the very bottom of the substrate with my fingers and they stay put.
  7. This… is what’s keeping me from having live bearers. What would I do with all the babies? There aren’t any local clubs here, the nearest LFS is an hour away and they don’t really want people to bring in guppies, mollies and platys. Oh… I’ll just have to live vicariously through others who keep them and continue to look longingly at them as I pass by their tanks at the Big Box pet store.
  8. I am waiting patiently! I can’t wait to see all the new little beauties they’ll have in stock!!!
  9. Ah, the ongoing internal battle we have with ourselves on a daily basis - “I think that’s too much, I should feed less.” … “Is that enough? Are the snails, shrimp and bottom feeders getting enough? Maybe I should feed more.”… “Nope, too much. Clearly my fish need to go on a diet, they are getting fat, I’ll feed less.” … “Oh my gosh, I think my fish are starving! I’ll have to feed more!”… “oh no, I’ve got algae everywhere! I should feed less!”… and back and forth, on and on… it never ends.
  10. I guess the only way to really calculate longevity it to raise several fry from different hatchlings through adulthood until they pass naturally. It’s difficult to tell just how old a fish is when you buy it from the store. Was the fish bred locally? Imported from overseas? How long was the fish raised before the pet store acquired it? How long did the pet store have it before I acquired it? How well did both the breeder and the pet store take care of the fish (and anyone who handled it in between the breeder and the buyer)? So many questions
  11. I don’t think they can be adjusted separately
  12. I found this, maybe this will help explain
  13. Vallisneria, Vallisneria, Vallisneria… followed by many Red Dwarf Aquarium Lily’s, Pearl Weed, Water Sprite and every available variety of Anubias and Java Fern
  14. There’s always room for one more! Bathroom counter? Kitchen counter? I mean, do you reaaaally need a toaster… coffeemaker… microwave, when you could be using that valuable real estate for another aquarium????? (J/k) 😉
  15. How old is the tank? Generally (in my limited experience) Betta form bubble nests under leaves or floating plants/decor in the tank. From what I see, it looks far too large an area to be a bubble nest and more likely to be protein bubbles. Over feeding, not enough surface agitation, decaying food/organic matter in the water, dirty filter can all cause this. If you look st the surface of the water at a slight angle and notice a “rainbow-like” or oil slick looking substance, then protein build up is most likely the issue. Adding an air stone if you don’t already have one could help. Also decreasing the amount you feed each time and making sure to removed anything uneaten afterwards as well as removing any dying or decaying plant matter will help to.
  16. I have a 29g with Cardinal Tetra, otos, Cory’s and Nerites. I did have a Betta at one time and did find the Cardinals could get a bit fin-nippy when it came to feeding time.
  17. I’m sorry about your Bettas. It’s tough to lose your Aqua pets. in my area, our BB store sells Bettas in a range from $7 (for standard solid color juvenile veil tail) to $30 for the more exotic Betta ( giant koi plakat Nemo sparkly magical unicorn mermaid rainbow fancy pants) . I don’t expect much as the care on any given week differs tremendously depending on who’s working. Some weeks the cups are immaculate and the fish lively and healthy and other weeks the cups are filthy and the fish on the barely moving and looking rough. I currently have 2 Betta from above mentioned store, Leo who’s about 3 years old and Taz, newest member and still a very young Betta, not quite his full size yet Leo Taz
  18. Do you have pics? And could it possibly be your lighting in that tank? Do both tanks have the same substrate? could the 10g possibly be located in a different area that might be influenced by an ambient color (ie; a blue curtain on a window, a light fixture in the area?) just throwing suggestions out there?
  19. I just did this with a top fin 29g. I bought a glass lid from top fin meant for the 29g and a Fluval aquasky. The lid doesn’t fit inside the groove as the black kit lid did, it’s about .5 “ too long, but it rests on top and is working for now
  20. I started this year with plastic plants because I was intimidated by live plants. I tried to stick to plants that looked as natural as possible and I think I did ok! then after seeing so many of the beautifully planted tanks here and being reassured by many of you that live plants weren’t really difficult, I gave it a go… and here we are
  21. What about just filling a bucket or tote and letting it soak a few days until it sinks in it’s own?
  22. So I’ve read from several articles that plants take up nutrients day and night and only utilize the nutrients during the “light” hours for photosynthesis.
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