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  1. I don't know what else to call it other than green slime algea. It forms at the top of the tank on the water sprite. Is dark green in color and slimy to the touch. Is it possibly from to much ferts? I have gone from dosing once a week to twice a week. I use easy green and usually do 2-3 squirts. Or too much food? I feed a mixture of extreme nano, krill flake, spirulena flake all mixed together. I feed once a day. Details about tank it is a ten gallon tank. Fish: 15 white clouds, 2 clown plecos, and at least 10-15 shrip. I know the tank is over stocked but it gets water changes twice a week. Hard scape, there are rocks as well as two large pieces of wood in the tank. Live plants are anubis Nana, java fern and water sprite that floats. It has a sponge filter running with an easy flow adapter on it to help with water circulation. The light on the tank is a fluval aquasky that I have set to come on at 7am and goes to night time mode at 7pm then off completely at 8pm. The ph has tanked in the tank. living in Co our water is very hard. I do let the water sit before adding it into the tank. I do have crushed coral that I can add to the tank to bring up the ph but I'd like to get this algea under control as it was never an issue before. The first picture is of the current water parameters. Ammonia was at .05ppm. The second picture is of the algea itself.
  2. After maintenance. I did remove the big main water sprite plant. Separated a bunch of the smaller bunches that had decent amount of roots and they are now in the tank. I'm pretty sure the anubis has a potassium deficiency going on. So that will definitely be on my next order from aquarium coop. Or I may be taking the 1hr drive down to the store in Pueblo that is supposed to carry coop products 🙂 Now you can see what's in the tank.
  3. Unfortunately I live in Colorado That's actually a smart idea. I have noticed the stems of the main plant getting very thick. Tomorrow is tank maintenance day so I think that is what I will do. If there are any off shoots which know there are I will separate them from the main plant and let them grow on.
  4. I was actually looking at that this morning lol
  5. I do use easy green in this tank and have actually had to up it to twice a week as the water sprite is devouring the nutrients.
  6. I love this tank. It is a ten gallon, well established but as you can see the water Sprite is taking over. There are two clown plecos, white clouds, and currently about 15 shrimp. I let the water sprite float as it seems to do better that way. It is blocking the light from getting to the plants at the substrate level. I have a couple of anubis and Java fern that are struggling. How heavily can you trim the water Sprite before it harms the main plant? Also how often do you trim it to keep it in check? I did pull a good three or four handfuls out about a month ago just keeping the main plant. What's in the tank now is all new growth. There are shrimp in this tank as well that love grazing on it.
  7. I have one at my work. It has a betta and a couple of snails. Kept it as basic as possible because there are 3 others who share the offie.
  8. Just wanted to give a quick update on my 10 gallon with a bacteria bloom. I did end up having to do a 50% water change this morning as the tank developed a bad protein build up and the bubbles were just filling up the tank and not popping. Not sure what the cause was other than an ammonia build up. I don't use any soaps or anything when rinsing off decor or filters. the ammonia was higher at five. I am using ultimate as well stability in the tank while I wait for my two orders from aquarium coop to come in (A little pissed at UPS at the moment). I will be keeping a close eye on it and keep doing water changes as needed. I also added a second sponge filter to help with the load of the tank.
  9. Thanks for the advice. I will continue to monitor and do water changes if I need to.
  10. When I checked it this morning. Ammonia - .5 Nitrites - 0 Nitrates - 0 Ph - 6.5 (my water is normally 8.0 or higher so I am thinking the drop is from the wood) I don't remember what kh and gh were. I have added crushed coral to help raise the ph. I will test it again when I get home. I use ultimate with each water change.
  11. I'm pretty sure I killed the nitrogen cycle. I completely reset my 10 gallon cause I didn't like it. Changed the substrate and added rock. I did soak the rock and rinse the gravel. The sponge filter is the same and one piece of wood in the tank had been in their before. Water was clear when I first set it up and now it's cloudy. Did I cause a bacteria bloom? The first picture is right after reset the second picture is this morning.
  12. LOL no next aquarium I have no room and I live in an apartment.
  13. So the stocking is red rosey minnows, 4 long fin zebra danios, four kuhli loaches, a ghost pleco, one mystery snail, and I don't know how many malaysian trumpet snails. The tank also gets a water Change twice a week as I know it is over stocked.
  14. Since I have redone this tank and added the fluval stradium it has been thriving. I did take out the Java ferns and added a bunch of the water sprite that has over grown my 5 gallon tank. The water sprite has been doing great and growing new shoots. I am also using a Fluval aquasky light at the moment but do plan on ordering an aquairium Coop light soon. Also added some Rosey red minnows to the tank. The Dwarf hair grass is not thriving but it hasn't died either. Left in the anubis plants as they are doing fairly well.
  15. My airline tubing gets hard always as well. I am also in CO and my water is very hard.
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