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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Oh! I had to search for this thread to check up on him!!! I am SO glad he’s doing better! Fully invested in the saga of this little guy now!
  2. So, relatively speaking, I am a newbie, more so the aquatic plant side than the fish side. However, as I was looking into possibly adding floating plants to my growing Aqua garden, I sadly discovered that the one plant I really wanted to obtain is…. ILLEGAL in my state!!!! **gasp** “oh dear water lettuce, you were but a fleeting dream…” Yep, Dwarf Water Lettuce is a no no in Florida. It’s suuuper invasive, takes over waterways, chokes out native plants and fish, eats small pets and children… and it sent me looking into other “aquarium” life that is forbidden, like any and all species of Piranha (not that I wanted them, but know others keep them) and it made me wonder… what are plants or fish that YOU’VE wanted or looked for only to discover they weren’t allowed in your state?
  3. Plants be a growing’ in them there tank! I surrounded each of my root feeders in a ring of root tabs, getting on a regular schedule with dosing the liquid fertilizer and adjusted my lighting to be a little brighter (going slow PSO I don’t kick off a massive algae bloom). Overkill? Meh… we shall see!
  4. I agree with @Jurrian Hering, reach out to customer service. I’m sure they will try and make it right with either a refund or replacement!
  5. You’re going to be the new proud parent of baby Javas! Congrats! Nothing like free plants when your current ones start multiplying!
  6. 1) A goldfish I won at the fair in 1977. We had it for a few years. 2) My 29g community tank. It’s the first tank I’ve ever used live plants in. 3) I had been browsing the online shop when I discovered the forums. 4) Nothing new, really. 5) Breeding fish. 6) all of them. 7) Every week on my 5g’s and 10g, every other week on my 29g. 8. each have pros and cons, but bigger gives you more stocking options. 9) daily. My 29g is a feature in my living room , my 5gs and 10gs are all n bedroom and man cave. 10) Repashy. My fish love eating it, I love making it and it doesn’t make my tanks messy.
  7. I tested the water and 0ppm ammonia. Don’t have meds in the tank and no betta, so it must be protein. Which is weird because I’m not feeding different BUT, there is now more surface agitation because I removed the baffle from the HOB!
  8. So, this is happening in my aquarium now and I’m not sure why? Only thing I’ve done differently is remove the baffle from to HIB for a little better flow. Any ideas?
  9. Agreed. A quarantine tank/tote with only the essentials like heater, sponge filter and an air stone and a small silk plant for a little while to see if the damage heals or if any new damage occurs would give you a better idea of what’s actually happening.
  10. I got a Betta sticker! Added to my small collection 😁
  11. They will only be getting it once a week as a treat, so not that concerned about it 😊
  12. YeH, I’ve seen “baby girl” and “baby boy” Betta in this store before but never as tiny and obviously newborn as these.
  13. So this morning, I ran into my local BBPS to grab some Seachem Stability and Frozen BW and BBS. As always, I stop by the Betta rack to look because it’s at the front of the store and I can’t get to the aquarium section without passing it. I was shocked to see teeny tiny Betta Fry on display for sale. I’m talking no bigger than a grain of rice and no coloration yet! There were 4 in total and had I a few tanks already set up, I would have scooped them up and brought them home to raise. Kinda don’t know how I feel about having fry that can’t be more than a couple weeks old on display. I just hope they go to homes that know how to raise them up and take care of them
  14. Tank maintenance and first purchase of frozen blood worm and frozen bbs. It’s going to take some technique as none of my Cardinal tetras seemed to know what to do with them, but the Betta were thrilled. Think I’ll save Blood worms for the Sunday “after water change” treat and the bbs for mid week treat. No one can accuse me of not giving my fish variety! I give 1) bug bites flake food, 2) bug bites pellets, 3) Repashy community plus, 4) Repashy Soilent Green, 5) Vibrabites, 6) Xtreme Nano Pellets. 7) Freeze dried Daphnia, 8.) Sera sinking wafers (Corys and Oto’s) and now Frozen Blood Worms and Frozen BBS!
  15. I feel so inferior now, like I need to up my MTS game😂 29g with Cardinal Tetra, Panda Corys, Otocinclus, Nerite Snails 2x 5g Betta, A Nerite and 2 Ghost Shrimp 10g glo tank currently cycling
  16. 1) the Flash Mob 2)The Fan Club 3)The Infantry 4) Guido 5) The Undertakers 6) The Milkyway 7) Bonnie and Clyde 8.) Tico 9) Fabio
  17. Sounds more like he is continually tearing his fins by what you described “hole getting bigger until it reaches outer edge”. Where as fin rot will usually cause redness and a sort of “fuzzing” like @Odd Duckmention and it slowly progresses towards the body. I’d do another sweep around the tank, maybe even replace his cave with a smoother one. I have that same cave for my betta and sometimes they can be rough like sandpaper, especially if it’s the ‘stone like’ version and not the plastic ones.
  18. I just watched a vlog from him on Fluval Aquasky2. He’s awesome and very informative
  19. Yup, that one just behind the Val looks exactly like my Water Sprite
  20. I still say it’s plant debris. Looks like a decaying section of Staurogyne Repens.
  21. Anyone else having an issue viewing photos in the reviews sections in the ACO website? I’m now showing a black screen in both my laptop and my smartphone.? No idea where to report issues that tho
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