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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Ok… hear me out… buy those individuals pill containers, fill them with a month or two worth of food and then put the rest into the freezer. Refill as needed. OR Fill ALL of containers up with each food.. store all the same food in a ziplock of their own (all the pellets in one bag, all the flakes in one bag and so on) in the freezer. when 1 container runs out, then ya just reach into the freezer and pull out a ready to go container.
  2. I think I just saw my pea Puffers Aquarium life flash before my eyes. So… for my 29g tank with 6 Murder Beans, I’m going to need 1 - 10g tank overrun with bladder snails 1 - 10g tank overrun with Ramshorn Snails 1 - 10g tank of a well established Daphnia culture a stacked tote system of black worms, another for white worms a small chest freezer of frozen Blood Worms and another for Brine Shrimp an alter to the Bean Gods with a eternally lit candle and perpetual offerings of incense and daily pledges of loyalty until death. Got it 😳
  3. Ohhh… that could work! The more I have in my Murder Bean arsenal, the better off they will be
  4. Yeah, I think I’ll be hitting up my local Big Box store for pests snails… and frozen Brine Shrimp. Do Murder Beans like freeze dried brine shrimp? Because I’ve got that and the other fish won’t really eat it because it’s too big really (Cardinal Tetras have teeny mouths). Thank you for this!!! I also have Repashy (Super Green and Community plus) I mix together along with some flake food and freeze dried daphnia to round out for my Corydoras.. the Nerites seem fond of it so maybe the others will eat that as well?
  5. Wow… didn’t know that! I’m a snail newbie… only ever had Nerites and they don’t multiply in fresh water (tho that doesn’t stop them from snowing up my aquarium glass on a regular basis).
  6. It doesn’t really want to soak well… it almost seems hydrophobic 😂, but all of my Bettas are OK with eating from the surface (one seems to ONLY eat from the surface. If it starts to sink then he loses interest), so it isn’t a issue. If yours doesn’t , you could try taking a pinch of daphnia and kind of roll it between your fingers just under the surface and see if that helps to keep it from floating
  7. Good to know! The Ramshorn will be in their own tank and the Bladders will have their own. I figured it would be easier to keep track of then that way
  8. Mine will be going in a 29g as well. I have two other tanks set up specifically for the Snails… so the Murder Beans can’t decimate them before they can even get started😂 Thanks! I am planing to probably keep the original 25 as parent snails (how long do they live?), the Ramshorn snails I want to breed for colors, so they’ll be getting those as I cull. Guess I’ll need to buy more bladders then. Maybe I’ll get a snail population explosion 😂 (said only Pea Parents..ever)
  9. My guess is probably not, but I have 6 Pea Puffers that will be moving in soon and I ordered 25 Bladder Snails and 10 Ramshorn Snails to start a colony... Im now second guessing if I should have purchased double that? How quickly will Bladder Snails multiply? The Ramshorns are primarily for me.. the culls will go to the Peas... but the Bladder Snails are ALL for the Puffers.... Im just wondering if it will be enough. 6 Puffers that will get Snails three to four times weekly (along with Blood Worms and Brine Shrimp) Any advice for a first time Murder Bean Mom would be appreciated!
  10. Ok, I may be a tad ridiculous when it comes to my Bettas... don't judge me... but here goes Monday -Freeze Dried Daphnia Tuesday - Bug Bites Flakes Wednesday- Xtreme Betta Pellets Thursday - Frozen Brine Shrimp Friday - Bug Bites Pellets Saturday - Vibrabites Sunday - Frozen Blood Worms IDK why I feel so fanatical about giving them such a varied diet, I think it's because they seem so prone to digestive issues... and I've dealt with my share of nursing several through bloat, constipation and the like. But, I'm kind of the same way with my other fish ( Cardinal Tetra and Panda Corydoras), they get a varied diet as well, even though they have had any issues.
  11. For 29g you can have 9 Pea Puffers if it’s species only. I’ve got Cardinal Tetras in that tank so I’m going with 6
  12. Hey! And welcome back! I’ve been on sporadically- life stuff. But getting ready to welcome Pea Puffers into my setup and can’t wait to be ready for them!
  13. I don't know if it will survive, but I hope it does. I tried looking it up online but nothing I came across in the FL Plant ID looked quite like that. We shall see what happens!
  14. Found this on my PVC fence and transplanted it to my small patio pond. Any idea what type of moss this is?
  15. Oh! Duh😂… makes sense! I’m slow, lol
  16. Added HOB filter and gravel from a cycled tank! The sound of the water trickling is so peaceful. Measured water with my gallon jug - to the brim is 8 gallons, I filled it to 7 gallons. I added a piece of Elodea and a little pear weed. Want to also get some frogbit and maybe a Dwarf Aquarium Lily. I am not familiar with which immersed plants I should get to hide the filter!
  17. Well, it’s a start. I’ve no idea how much water it will hold, going to fill it up tomorrow to get an idea of how many gallons it is. I have a cycled HOB and a sponge filter. Just need substrate, plants and fish!
  18. I have not. I’ll go check it out! That’s so cool!
  19. Nor do I. I don’t know anyone in my area that keeps ponds or aquariums… not to say there aren’t… I just don’t know any. Most people here are salt water keepers, being that we live 4 miles from the beach it seems that’s what most are interested in
  20. Pickerel weed is native here too, as is duckweed. I just am not sure where to purchase them in my area
  21. I’m not trying to breed, I mainly wanted a small planter pond with some rice fish and a trickling water feature.. something that was relaxing and pretty to look at.
  22. I’m currently having an issue figuring out what sort of plants to add to my little pond as a lot of the “go to” floating plants are no-no’s here🙄. Like “ I promise that if I no longer want dwarf water lettuce, I solemnly swear that I will dry it out, shred it into a million pieces before burning it to ash and burying if no less that 3 feet but not more than 6 ft ( cuz if might touch water again) then sprinkling the area with salt while reciting anti- resurrection incantations”, but … somehow I still don’t think they’ll let me have any.
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