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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Well, the Bladder Snail tank is going full steam. Teeny babies everywhere, egg clusters in every corner and on every leaf and a full on Snail party with adults entangled in groups everywhere I look. I can only assume there’s some sneggs happening every second. It’s madness, I tell you…. MADNESS! Ramshorns are trucking along.. a little behind the Bladders, but multiplying well. I’m pretty sure a few MTS made it into the bladder tank, so… BONUS SNAILS!
  2. Well, let’s start with what your water parameters are. Then, are you dosing with any kind of fertilizer?
  3. I’m going with the heater. 😁
  4. I will always recommend Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus. It’s a fast grower, is good with low light, fills in quickly and is super easy to propagate. I have it in all of my 5 tanks (all trimmings from a single plant)as a background plant. Vallisneria is a good one, but I find it’s a slower grower in my 29g when starting because of light issues at the bottom, but it still grows and sends off shoots. Watersprite is fast too and can also be used as a floating plant.
  5. Definitely going to give it a try. I’ve got about a billion teeny tiny bladder snails in a dedicated tank to grow out plus… gawd knows how many egg clusters waiting to hatch. Should be fun😳
  6. The Beanz… cute as ever. Pardon the state if the tank, I’ve a bit of an algae outbreak ever since I removed the nerites (for their safety) and I’ve yet to figure out a goid solution. I’m going to try that. I’ve given them Mysis and Brine shrimp on quite a few occasions, but they don’t seem interested. Maybe fast them a day or two and then try?
  7. While I have no experience with shrimp myself, but I do have snails. I have seen where others have given their shrimp cucumber and zucchini. Watermelon rind is very similar to cucumber so I imagine that will work. I imagine if you blanched the strawberry leaves (or any veggie) that it would be edible to shrimp. Whether they like it or not is another story, lol i gave my bladder and Ramshorn snails a small piece of wilted romaine last night to see how they would do. It took about a half day, but they were all over it by this afternoon. I’ll probably try other veggies and fruits going forward to see which ones they like and which ones I can skip
  8. Pics or it didn’t happen 😂
  9. So, here is what I have been using for my bottom feeders and now have adapted it for my snail farm tank 1/4 C of a equal mixture of Repashy Super Green and Community Plus 1 heaping tsp Vibrabites (powdered with a mortar and pestle) 1 tsp Bug Bites (powdered ^) 1/4 tsp finely powdered eggshell (added to snail batch) 1/2 tsp freeze dried daphnia. Everyone seems to love it. it sets just fine
  10. No doubt! I definitely don’t want them in any other tank! yes, those little dots are all baby snails. They are just getting started! The Snails or the puffers? The snails don’t need any help 😂. The Puffers I’m just keeping for now.
  11. The Snail tank is officially infested😂. All four sides of the tank are sprinkled with baby snails and there at least 26 more clutches around the tank. I’m going to be having nightmares about snails escaping the tank in a slow but steady stay.
  12. Today, I introduced snails to the Beans’ diet. Petco was happy to give me a bag full of bladder and MTS to take home. The Beans don’t quite know what to do with them just yet so, I crushed a few and added them to the tank. The biggest Bean, Cheddar (I call her/him The Big Cheese… cuz he/she eats the most and is tank boss) did nibble at the snails and has been circling and eyeing them up (all while still passing this morning’s breakfast… little glutton). The rest check it out, but interest. I’m hoping they catch on soon (cuz I’m about to be up to my ears in bladder snails and the whole point was to feed these Beans).
  13. Love my nerites, even though they snow my tank glass with their snaily love fests. They are the best little tank cleaners, I had to move them out of my 29g because… Murder Beans (pea puffers) moved in. They now live amongst several other tanks in the house.
  14. Anyone culture their own black worms? I need advice on where to source, how to start, how to maintain! I’ve got pea puffers and want to add more live foods to their diet but looking for the easiest options.
  15. My roses, jasmine and elephant ears all love the “fishy poopoo” water 😂. WC change day has become plant watering day here
  16. I think it’s safe to say the snails are happy 😂
  17. And here I was worried about having enough snails… by the looks of it, I’m about to be overrun with them in a few weeks 😂
  18. I currently have 5 tetra whisper air pumps of various power. The oldest is 5 years and the newest is 2 years. All run without any noticeable sound. However, if left on an unlevel or smooth surface, they will scoot until they come in contact with something that stops them - in which case you can hear the unit vibrating against whatever solid object it’s come in contact with. I solved this issue by cutting a small square of rubber shelf liner and placing it under the pump so they can’t move. Haven’t had any sound issues since
  19. photos help to see what might be going on. 1) what are your water parameters? 2) are the plants new or have they been established for awhile? 3) what lighting are you using? 4) what substrate are you using? 5) what fish or invertebrates do you currently have in the tank?
  20. I am so sorry you are dealing with this. Not just of losing pets, but all the months/ years of work and money poured into your passion to have it all suddenly be gone literally overnight. It’s disheartening at the least. I hope you can at least figure out what might have caused it and hopefully prevent it from happening again. Hopefully you can restock your tank with more beautiful, peaceful fish soon! 🙏
  21. 1) I have a group of 14 2) I’ll try looking for smaller ones. I do thaw them in a small container of tank water before I feed. 3) I feed blood worms once a week to everyone but the Pea Puffers. They also get frozen bbs, freeze dried daphnia, Vibrabites, nano pellets and bugbites 4) water stays at a consistent 76F because everywhere I have read has a temp range of 73 - 80 for cardinals.
  22. So, I’ve been attempting to feed my Cardinal Tetra blood worms for some time, but it’s like they have no clue what to do with them. At first I thought they were too big, so I cut them up into tiny pieces, but even then, they just follow it around the tank as it floats to the bottom then Lise interest. I’ve seen one or two grab one then just spit it right back out. I thought all fish liked BW?
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