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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. I’m sure there is the possibility with any filter type to leak/overflow. I just measured the inside of the cabinet on the stand and it’s about 13” wide. Also, there is only 2 holes for cords/tubes to go through from underneath the cabinet and only on one side, the other side does not have an opening for those things. So I’m thinking that probably limits my choices as well
  2. I saw that vlog, lol. I am pretty religious about cleaning my HOB filters... for that very reason!. I can't really explain why I'm so afraid of canister filters... it could be that I've just always used HOB filters and that's what I know....
  3. I'll look into the canister, but honestly, they scare me to death. I've heard the stories about leakage and such... Im just terrified. But... I have to admit, it might be an option - short of just going with an Aquaclear 110 and an ACO sponge filter with a power head.
  4. So the Aquaclear 110 will be enough movement through a 4ft tank?
  5. Oh for the love of gawd…😂. So… 2x Aquaclear 110. Does that mean I could actually overstock the tank a little? At least give me some consolation after spending $200 on HOB filters alone! Rotfl
  6. So, the aquaclear... got it. I had thought about(and nearly decided on) the Tidal since it was self priming, however since I work from home, this isn't as big of an issue as someone who might work outside the home if the power ever goes out. NOW... could I do 2 Aquaclear 50 or 70 (one at each end) and be good?
  7. Would a Tidal 110 and an ACO large sponge filter with a power head work or still go with two Tidal 75 instead?
  8. the eventual stocking will be Boesmani Rainbowfish, Lemon Tetra, Corydoras, Bristlenose Pleco, Kuhli Loaches, and eventually Otocinclus and Amano shrimp.
  9. I'm stuck on what type of filtration to choose for my 75g tank. I'm not sure what type would be best or how to choose one that would get the best flow rate or help with dead spots in the tank. Which filter(s) do you prefer and why?
  10. I use hot water (as hot as it comes out of the tap, let ‘em soak , then a little vinegar and a scrub brush and rinse, rinse, rinse… then rinse some more.
  11. If it’s just shrimp, a snail and a Betta then I personally won’t quarantine them. I’ve had many betta tanks with shrimp and snails and never bothered to quarantine. IF you were planning on adding other fish, then yes, quarantine those before adding them. But just 1 fish and some inverts, then I think you’re ok to just add them as is.
  12. I think your tank looks awesome! As far as Betta personality, it's really impossible to tell until you've got one and add tank mates - they really do all have different temperaments and personalities. Ive had Betta that were fine with larger shrimp like amano, snails and tiny tetra.. and I've had Betta that didn't like roommates and harassed anything else I put in the tank. Cherry shrimp may end up being a pricey snack. Nerites seem to be what worked best for me. IF you do decide to do tank mates, then add them FIRST and let the Betta be the last thing you add to the tank, that way, there is less of a chance for territorial aggression. Now, long fin or short fin - I will tell you this, Long fin Betta are more susceptible to tears in their fins on rough decor or firmer plants or hardscape which *can* lead to fin rot. It also can make it difficult for them to maneuver around the tank depending on how long and heavy the fins are. Lots of resting areas (as you have with the floating log) helps give them a break. If you are wanting to slow your flow down even more, I also have HOB filters on my Betta tank and do the 'water bottle" baffle. it's pretty easy and works like a charm. Youtube has several videos on how to do this, it's very simple. Good luck in your Betta search! I always have a blast when searching for that can't-live-without perfect Betta!
  13. Soooo... 55g on either side? My husband is going to have a heart attack, lol! If you only knew how much convincing it took to get him to agree to the 75g... THAT was a lot of hard work, I tell ya.
  14. Well, the 29g is just off the left side of the screen. so to make it truly balanced, I should probably get another one of those too!
  15. I was told by my family member who was in construction… as long as the bubble is in between the black lines, it’s considered level. I certainly hope that’s true because it is impossible for me to get the bubble exactly dead center on all 4 sides of this 75g tank!
  16. This! Finally got it together and in place. Now it’ll be a bazillion years before I’ve purchased all the equipment, substrate, hardscape and eventually… FISH!
  17. Yeah, I tossed them in the tank and they ignored them. They were only interested if I crushed the first. I understand your concern about a puffer overeating and causing itself issues, but there really isn’t a guarantee either way. You could do as I did and keep the puffer in a separate tank and just “farm” the snails as needed.
  18. Well, it depends on the Pea Puffer. Some will eat their fill, then kill all the rest for reasons only they know. Others will ignore until they are hungry then pick ‘em off as needed and still others (like my previous peas) won’t eat them live, requiring I crush them before they eat them.
  19. Well, sand it is! I’m committing , lol. Thanks everyone!
  20. Ok, I want Kuhli loaches eventually, but I’m scared of the maintenance sand would require (and issues that come along with it). Is it really a requirement for them? for those that have sand substrate, is it a lot more maintenance? More issues? What about growing plants in it? Please, I need some guidance and/or encouragement. I’ve always had gravel and not sure I want to make take the leap in my new setup
  21. Well, at least I feel a little better. I knew it wouldn’t impact the plant, but I waited for WEEKS for this thing to bloom and I was excited.., and then BAM! Me happened
  22. Current state of my living room as we build the 75g stand
  23. Sooooo. I’ve had this Anubias just under a year. Originally purchased from ACO, it has become the monster in my 29g aquarium! A a few weeks or so ago, I noticed it was sending out a bloom! I was sooooo excited! However. I’ve been battling hair algae on this plant since day 1 and today, I decided rather than try and wrestle it out of the tank to try and scrub the algea off for the umpteenth time (it’s getting too massive), I’d just carefully snip off the worst affected leaves and move on… except… THIS! I accidentally snipped off the bloom! I’m an IDIOT! Lol!
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