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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. I agree with @Sora.. Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus is an easy and rapid grower. The downside is you’ll be trimming it a lot or it will quickly take over your tank.
  2. I may not be fully understanding the issue here, BUT… I’m not sure how you would raise the bottom tank up without having to also raise the top tank so high that it’s above a reasonable height to clean/maintain? Could you not build/add skirting around the bottom of the stand to prevent dust and debris from getting underneath?
  3. Cleaning new tanks or reused tanks with Dawn dishsoap. I've not had an issue, just make sure it's really well rinsed Boiling rocks. If gradually heated and gradually cooled, it shouldn't be an issue. I've never had one. Rinsing intake sponges in tap water. I probably do loads of other things I'm not "supposed" to do, but can't think of them off the top of my head at the moment.
  4. I agree with @Galabar that it would help if you clarify what you mean by "changing the filter sponges". If you are changing them every month PLUS doing a complete water change, this could very well be the issue. How long has the tank been set up? 1) Filter sponges are housing a lot of your beneficial bacteria and in changing them so often, your basically throwing them out. 2) in a 5 gallon tank (of which I have several), I find I need a weekly water change of 25% - 30%. And you shouldn't need to remove your Betta to do this. Example - I change 25% of my Bettas tank water every week just using a small cup and a pitcher. Then replace it with fresh dechlorinated water. I vacuum the substrate every other week. At no time do I ever need to remove him while this is done. I am hoping that you don't mean that you are also rinsing the substrate. If so, then you are basically crashing your cycle and restarting every month. If you take away a large population of beneficial bacteria, then change 90%-100% of your water at the same time, your basically crashing, if not near crashing your cycle causing a bacterial bloom in the tank much like we experience when first cycling a tank. You shouldn't be changing your sponges out every month. Instead, rinsing them in a some dirty tank water when you've done a small water change should be enough to clear the sponge of debris, but keep your beneficial bacteria intact. Also, think about doing smaller water changes more often. Your parameters will remain more stable that way vs. letting waste and detritus build up in the tank causing ammonia and nitrite spikes from decaying plant debris, fish waste and fish food over a month, then doing a large water change.
  5. Bladder Snails are always in a perpetual cycle of digestion.
  6. When you say your ph is quite high, how high is it? Neocaridina can do well in ph from 6.5 - 8.0 also, have you tested your kH and gH?
  7. Are you asking about tank mates or plants/hardscape? if tank mates- your extremely limited due to the tank size. You could add a Nerite snail and/or some ghost shrimp or an Amano shrimp. Neocaridina shrimp are likely too small to add as they might end up an expensive snack. plants/hardscape - maybe a Betta Rock cave. Plants choices are numerous but always appreciated by betta, especially broad leaf plants like Anubias because it gives them places to rest. I see you have an artificial silk plant already so I’m sure he spends his rest there 😊
  8. All of them. Seriously, it’s just hard to choose
  9. @Irene from Girl Talks Fish has a YouTube video about different substrates and she mentions in her vlog that she uses/used to use a coarse black sand from Petco (Imaginarium brand). It comes in black. Maybe check into that?
  10. I write too! More for my own enjoyment, but live to read as well!
  11. Just curious as to what other hobbies or interests my fellow Nerms have outside of their aquariums? I have a few, like Sewing, quilting, Vegetable Gardenening, Butterfly Gardening, a little gaming. What are yours?
  12. I think I’m probably going with a AC110 and a power head of some sort.
  13. Noooo.... the 75g is going to be the focal point in the center of the wall in my living room and don't really want a chonking peice of equipment visible (my personal taste, I know, but seems like it would be an eyesore). I'm still trying to decide between the filtration types, but more than likely, it'll be a HOB filter.
  14. Unfortunately, I'm not handy... and bought a stand. I'd be afraid to drill any holes for fear that I just drilled it in the wrong place and now had jeopardized the integrity of the stand cuz... it's me, anything is possible
  15. I’m sure there is the possibility with any filter type to leak/overflow. I just measured the inside of the cabinet on the stand and it’s about 13” wide. Also, there is only 2 holes for cords/tubes to go through from underneath the cabinet and only on one side, the other side does not have an opening for those things. So I’m thinking that probably limits my choices as well
  16. I saw that vlog, lol. I am pretty religious about cleaning my HOB filters... for that very reason!. I can't really explain why I'm so afraid of canister filters... it could be that I've just always used HOB filters and that's what I know....
  17. I'll look into the canister, but honestly, they scare me to death. I've heard the stories about leakage and such... Im just terrified. But... I have to admit, it might be an option - short of just going with an Aquaclear 110 and an ACO sponge filter with a power head.
  18. So the Aquaclear 110 will be enough movement through a 4ft tank?
  19. Oh for the love of gawd…😂. So… 2x Aquaclear 110. Does that mean I could actually overstock the tank a little? At least give me some consolation after spending $200 on HOB filters alone! Rotfl
  20. So, the aquaclear... got it. I had thought about(and nearly decided on) the Tidal since it was self priming, however since I work from home, this isn't as big of an issue as someone who might work outside the home if the power ever goes out. NOW... could I do 2 Aquaclear 50 or 70 (one at each end) and be good?
  21. Would a Tidal 110 and an ACO large sponge filter with a power head work or still go with two Tidal 75 instead?
  22. the eventual stocking will be Boesmani Rainbowfish, Lemon Tetra, Corydoras, Bristlenose Pleco, Kuhli Loaches, and eventually Otocinclus and Amano shrimp.
  23. I'm stuck on what type of filtration to choose for my 75g tank. I'm not sure what type would be best or how to choose one that would get the best flow rate or help with dead spots in the tank. Which filter(s) do you prefer and why?
  24. I use hot water (as hot as it comes out of the tap, let ‘em soak , then a little vinegar and a scrub brush and rinse, rinse, rinse… then rinse some more.
  25. If it’s just shrimp, a snail and a Betta then I personally won’t quarantine them. I’ve had many betta tanks with shrimp and snails and never bothered to quarantine. IF you were planning on adding other fish, then yes, quarantine those before adding them. But just 1 fish and some inverts, then I think you’re ok to just add them as is.
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