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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Seriously though... Maybe Upgrade Sloooooowly. Like a 55g might not seem like such a monstrous jump in size compared to a 75g (not like in my case where I went from 29g to 75g... that took a LOT of convincing). BUT, my spouse gets that it's my thing.. it makes me happy, so he doesn't put up too much fuss AND, I promised that would be the ONLY larger tank I kept.
  2. I always find it easier to beg forgiveness later , than to ask permission first. 🤣 HOWEVER... "But... I got it for practically FREE -or- it was such a GOOD sale! Look how CRAMPED those fish look - it's for THEIR benefit, we wouldn't want to be bad fish parents! It would take LESS maintenance if there's more gallons.... I'll let you choose some fish to go in it!"... If nothing else works... break out the Powerpoint and the laser pointer... and describe in scientific detail how upgrading your tank would be beneficial to not only the fish, but the household, the neighborhood, the environment.... explaining the cycling process and the chemistry involved... The idea is to bore her to tears until she finally cracks..... That might work
  3. Perfect! I dont need all the bells and whistles, Im ok with a basic model.. I just wasnt sure if I needed to get a specific one for a particular size tank or heater!
  4. I’ve noticed there are different models with different features and I don’t understand what they all do or if I need a certain kind? Can someone guide me? Thanks in advance!
  5. I switched out my hood last year for the Topfin glass hood (fyi - even though it’s the Topfin glass lid and says 29g… it does NOT fit correctly. So if you decide to change it later, keep that in mind) and I purchased the Fluval Aquasky 2.0 light. It’s.. meh
  6. I tried taking mine at the same angle as @tipzythegreat. I also have deeper substrate layer in mine so maybe that’s why it looks different? also think it’s individual camera… mine look “wider” both tank and stand and regardless if 29g or 37g, it would be same width
  7. I have the same Kits. I currently have the 29g and Ive got Anubias Barteri, Anubian Coffeefolia and Nana, Java Fern and Windelov, Cryptocoryne Tropica, Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green all doing really well. Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus was in there and doing very VERY well, But I removed it because it was took over the tank, tried to escape and eat my dog and am fairly sure it was working out how to strangle me in my sleep (j/k, but it was taking over everything and I was tired of constantly trimming it). I tried Vallisneria but it doesnt seem to do very well in the tank, neither did Pearl Weed. Also had a Dwarf Red Lily, but it's issue was I just couldn't keep it fertilized well enough (I had Named it Audrey 2.0 because every time I walked by, I swear it whispered "Feed Me, Seymour"). SO I think if you've got a lot of low light plants you'll be good to go, then you can try out a medium light plant here and there and see how they do for you.
  8. Which kit? In my experience with kits, the lights aren’t very powerful. They are good enough for Anubias, Java Fern and Crypts, but other plants might struggle (again, depending on your “kit”. I’m just generalizing). I’ve bought several tank kits that came with the built in hood light and did ok with the low light/ slower growing plants. I did eventually change all of the out for glass lids and better lighting (over time) so I would be able to grow more variety of plants.
  9. If it were me (and this is just my opinion and I’m overly cautious), I’d empty the tank, clean it well with some vinegar and rinse well, let it dry and start the cycle process over.
  10. Thank you all for your input! I will do a bit more research before I make a final decision as it seems both have their advantages and disadvantages!
  11. I’m starting to shop for equipment for my 75g tank and I need some recommendations for reliable heaters! what’s your preferred heater?
  12. I’ve determined I need one or the other for my 75g tank, but I’ve seen talk that the Tidal 110 needs mods to make it work as well as the Aquaclear. What mods would I need for the Tidal?
  13. Nah, just a plastic storage tote. We ain’t fancy here 😂
  14. Do you have a Walmart or Dollar General close? You could pick up a storage tote pretty cheap and use for the moment until you figure out a tank. The bonus would be the tote can be used as a hospital/ quarantine tank layer on… or an emergency aquarium for issues like this one.
  15. What @Tony s said, then when you get your new tank you can just transfer everything over and not lose much if any beneficial bacteria.
  16. I use Prime and it’s 2 drops per gallon. So I add 6 drops to my 3g bucket.
  17. I use a 3g bucket to fill my 29g tank and I’ve always just added the drops per gallon to each bucket as I’m filling . Then transfer it to the tank. Never had an issue doing it this way
  18. Well, here we go. The first photo is of my 29g tank as it was set up 2 years ago. Mostly plastic plants with a couple of live Anubias and a Java fern. I eventually swapped the plastic plants for live. I also swapped out the Spider wood for a different piece The only original inhabitants are the Cardinal Tetra and The Nerite snail. The Albino Cory replaced the Panda Cory I originally had and I added a small group of Ember Tetra. There was a group of 8 Pea Puffers but sadly, they did not make it. The Bottom photo is what the tank looks like as of this evening
  19. This! I have had a single Nerite in a tank for 2 years and she will lay a sparse amount of eggs now and then, though not nearly as many when the two Nerites in my other thank - it always looks like it snowed in that tank 🤣
  20. Oh… so hard to choose.., 1) 1 x 100g tank. Less water changes, more stability… e’rbody in one place 2) never change water. I find feeding my fish therapeutic 3 ) Tetras for sure! They are my fav fish!
  21. Oh! Babies!!! If you got any left I’d buy some from you!
  22. Thank you for this post! I have been trying to breed my Albino Corys for months but have yet to get fertilized eggs. I have discovered what will trigger them to spawn- water change with the temp of the new water a few degrees cooler than the tank temp and a generous feeding of frozen BBS. Works every time. BUT, they only ever lay eggs on the glass which is very difficult to remove without destroying OR inevitably losing some to the abyss of the gravel as they fall. Those I do manage to save never seem to be fertile. It’s frustrating for sure
  23. Well… I’ll give it a go! (some of these are only in my dreams I know!) 1) Fish room, so I can… 2) create a Florida Biotope tank 3) Breed something… ANYTHING. Fill my own tank with fish that bred. 4) try saltwater tank 5) keep a Boesemani Rainbow tank 6) keep a massive school of Cardinal Tetra
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