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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. I just use a small Rubbermaid sandwich container and cut it into little squares. I make enough to last about a week
  2. Welcome to the forum! I also suffer from social anxiety, but more in public than in the keyboard (the internet has brought out my anonymous social butterfly). As for stocking, as @JE47 has mentioned, aqadvisor is a great resource. I use it often.
  3. Just setting up my 75g tank. Got the equipment in, the sand and hardscape. Just waiting on plants to arrive and my light (which got lost in transit and had to reorder.. fun stuff). But, here it is so far
  4. Got my very first Pleco today! Longfin Blue Eye Lemon Bristlenose! So tiny and so cute. He’ll eventually move to the new 75g, but he’s gonna live in the 29g Community tank until he grows up!
  5. I haven’t grown this myself, but here’s what I found from Buce plants website
  6. That's all I was concerned about... was if the end of the heater rested on the sand. I want to mount it horizontally, but since the suction cups are all at one ends, it sits crooked and the end touches the sand.
  7. Spent the day getting equipment placed and the hardscape into my 75g. Next is making sure it’s all level before putting some water in, then PLANTS!
  8. @EricksonAquatics @Tony s I have another question… can the glass part of the tube touch the substrate? Because the bracket and suction cups are at one end, it will not actually sit “horizontally in the tank… and the glass tubing element sits on the sand.
  9. I think it’ll be ok. I have a natural tendency to way overthink things. Besides, I rinsed 60lbs of sand and already put it in the tank. I am not taking all of that back out, LOL Sticker shock, for sure. But, I squirreled money away to do this and I kinda knew it was gonna be a big chunk. But… it’s gonna be so worth it when all is said and done.
  10. Thanks! I kept getting conflicting answers when doing a google search about “ Yes, you can” and “No, vertical only”. Just wanting to make sure I’m ok to place it *not* vertically!
  11. Got the background painted on my 75g tank (took 5 coats) and rinsed 60lbs of aquarium sand. Fun times
  12. I messed up and purchased one that’s slightly too tall for my tank. I bought the 300w heater (mainly because it was slightly cheaper than the 200w…) and it’s a tad too tall for the tank. Can this be mounted horizontally or at least at an angle to fit within the thank?
  13. My plan is 12 Congo, 8 Praecox and 15 Lemons.
  14. Well, I’ve settled on Congo Tetra, Praecox Rainbowfish, lemon Tetra, Albino Cory and a (newly purchased) Longfin Blue Eyed Lemon Bristlenose Pleco bred by @Guppysnail. I can hardly wait Yeah. I’ve gotten do much enjoyment out of my 29g over the past 2 years… but felt it was time to go bigger!
  15. Im so excited but sooo underestimated how much going bigger would cost… not just the tank and stand… but the bigger the tank, the bigger the Filter = $$$, bigger heater, air pump, lighting, more substrate , hardscape and Plants! I don’t know what I was thinking and hadn’t really thought about that part until AFTER the tank and stand were purchased 😂. Still… I’m just enjoying the process. After buying FISH, I’ll be broke, but I’ll enjoy the tank… cuz that’s all I’ll be able to afford to do! 😂😂😂 (just kidding. I saved up for this)
  16. Thank you! I’ve never had a tank this big ( biggest is 29g) so I’ve been a nervous wreck just wanting to be sure I’m doing everything right!
  17. lol! I’m gonna chance it. Hopefully all 75g will stay in the tank. 😂 if not… yall will never see me again.
  18. Nice disclaimer 😂. I take full responsibility for my actions and decisions!
  19. @Tony s The front and back don’t have issue… just the sides. I bought the stand 8 months ago, so wouldn’t be able to return it. I’m hoping it will be ok
  20. So I purchased the tank and stand separately, but the tank it just a hair wider than the stand on both sides and need to know if this will be an issue? 75g Aqueon Tank and Topfin 55g/75g stand
  21. I’ve got 6 but none have escaped… in fairness, my lids don’t leave much room for them to be able to get out. There’s only enough space for the airline tubing and the HOB. I’ve also got one in a tub pond on the patio. He’s not escaped yet either and there is nothing stopping him
  22. Ghost Shrimp do not need a male to produce eggs, only to fertilize them. If the eggs are green, they are unfertilized. Fertile eggs will turn a yellowish color and you will notice tiny black dots start forming in each egg. it take about 3 weeks for eggs to hatch.
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