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Tlindsey last won the day on July 21

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  1. Looks like that was traumatic for the EBA. Only thing you can do is wait it out and hopefully the acara recovers.
  2. https://photos.app.goo.gl/XaFXVLmXuGoX4gocA
  3. Today netted this wriggler from main aquarium placed in the refugium. The fry has a small egg sac but is fully formed from what I could see.
  4. Nice aquascaped setups and fish. Good luck with more aquariums 😅
  5. Welcome to the forum. The aquascape looks nice.
  6. Looks like some type of nematode. The loach looks healthy. You could treat quarantine tank with a dewormer.
  7. Looks great.
  8. I personally did a little research and found that no one has bred the yo yo loach in the home aquarium. I believe anything can be possible. I've personally had fish species that I thought would be difficult to spawn in my aquariums over the years.
  9. You could add a male and if one of the females pair up with the male the other female will be harassed by the pair. You will have to separate or rehome the other female Angelfish.
  10. Welcome aboard The best way to check sexing is by venting @Annalee https://images.app.goo.gl/F1MSQ6Vy13cq35tb8
  11. That's awesome thanks for sharing. Really like their spawning colors.
  12. They probably will bicker and concentrate on each other. I've personally kept Diamond Tetras and never had issues with them nipping.
  13. I live in Ohio and noticed the winter's here are becoming milder.
  14. Congrats! Yes it's very exciting when fish spawn in your care. Everything you did triggered the breeding. Also great to hear about the micro fauna the fry have a instant food source.
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