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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Currently have this same issue with my Italian Val. Took off the first month I planted it and sent out runners… then stopped altogether. My theory is that I lowered light intensity to battle hair algae and the Vallisneria just isn’t getting enough light to really grow much.
  2. Currently all my tanks have gravel and I like how easy it is to vacuum and how the detritus kind of works it’s way down into it and out of sight 😂. I’ll probably stick with whatever is easiest
  3. So, I need to make a decision for my new 75g tank… gravel or sand. I’ve no experience with sand and so far gravel has been easy to maintain… but sand looks so nice in a tank! Is there something in between?
  4. I went into Petco with every intention of getting the 55g.. but looking at the 75g and seeing the difference in space, I just couldn’t justify NOT upgrading! as for substrate… I’m torn. Gravel has been good to me and it’s easy to maintain… but sand is intriguing and I’m not sure which I should chose for this tank hardscape… a mix of larger and smaller stone and drift wood Plants… I want a good wall or cropping of Vallisneria. Anubias, Java fern in and around the hardscape…most definitely Crypts.
  5. So now that my tank has been upgraded… im thinking about Seal Point Angelfish OR Boesemani Rainbowfish… 1) how many of either could I place in a 75g heavily planted, over filtered tank along with a clean up crew 2)could I possibly do both? What clean up crew would be good with either of these fish?
  6. **MURDER BEAN UPDATE** Sadly, not a happy one. I’ve lost another Bean. Treated the tank yesterday morning with 3rd round of Expel P. All seemed fine. Beanz we’re eating well, looking a little better beforehand, but when I removed the blackout cover I found a Bean had passed. I am now down to 2 and they are back to passing up food. I’m now unsure if the remaining 2 will survive. I think my adventures in Bean Keeping have officially come to an end, at least for the foreseeable future. If these 2, by some miraculous divine intervention do manage to survive, I’ll be thrilled and be content with just 2. If they don’t, then it will be a very, very long time before I attempt it again.
  7. Glad you are still here with us! Fish are replaceable, there will be more when you’re ready, but there is and will only EVER be one YOU! Take care of yourself FIRST! prayers for a speedy recovery!
  8. That is amazing! Now I’m definitely considering a discus tank! If you don’t mind, can you share where you get your discus from?
  9. How many do you have in the tank? Do you have any other fish in the tank or cleaning crew?
  10. That is gorgeous! Discus are my dream fish, but IDK if I’m advanced enough yet for them! Yours are beautiful! Love the scape! And yes, the fish is definitely a a cutie! Thanks for sharing!
  11. I just got the OK from the spouse to purchase a 55g tank!!!!!!!! I’m interested in getting some stocking, scaping, deco ideas! Show me yours (mostly for an idea of scale) and share your suggestions!!!!
  12. The aquasky is a single unit that sits above the lid, resting on the rim. I’m not sure if you would be able to attach it to the inside of a hood or even if that would be recommended because you don’t want it getting drenched
  13. I have Pogo in all of my tanks… all from trimming of 1 mother plant. It is ridiculously easy to propagate. As mentioned, cut above a node and plunge the cutting into the substrate and it will grow. The node from the original plant will then grow 2 new shoots. Each time you cut the plant, the old one grows new shoots, the cuttings will sprout roots and grow. I’m to the point now that I no longer save cuttings. It just grows too fast
  14. Nerites are my favorite snail… even though they snow my tank glass up with all their sneggsy time. Haven’t had an escapee yet (I’ve got 6 Nerites) but they are awesome!
  15. All 3 Beanz are EATING!!!!! Even little guy! Ate a blood worm, then tackled a snail! So happy! I really didn’t think he’d make it!
  16. I’m about to buy my tickets for Aquashella Daytona! Anyone else going to Daytona???
  17. This morning I went to feed my Beanz and noticed one motionless on the substrate 😢. I scooped him up in a shrimp net and gave him a proper burial. There are still 3 remaining. I thought I only had 3 left but I guess Number 4 was good at hiding. 2 of the 3 remaining are eating well. They had bloodworms and crushed snails this morning, but the 3rd still isn’t eating and is looking so skinny. I’m losing hope for him. He keeps going to the food and inspecting it, seems very curious to watch the other two as they circle and eat.. even gets right up close to them as they hunt the snails, but he doesn’t eat. I’m keeping fingers crossed that he’ll miraculously bounce back, but I don’t know if I’m hoping for too much. I will try again with new Pea puffers once I’ve finished the deworming with these little Beanz. I’m working on setting up a 10g tank to use as a quarantine/deworming tank for future Beanz. I've learned a big/hard lesson here. I should have known better… I DID know better… and I dropped the ball. It’s a difficult truth to swallow that it could have been prevented had I done what I know deep down, I should have. Hopefully, I will never make that mistake again.
  18. This is an Anubias Barteri in my 29g tank. It is a monster! Had become my centerpiece plant.
  19. Also bought my Cardinals through Aqua Huna… I also have hard water. They have been thriving for more than a year in this tank. Only losses I had were in shipping. I can’t speak for other sellers if theirs are tank raised or Wild caught, but Aqua Huna’s are tank bred and seem to do fine/adapt to harder water without issues in my experience
  20. Well, after 2nd round of expel p, two are finally eating! Took @Odd Duck’s advice and went ahead with Prazipro. The third puffer seems lethargic and not interested in food. Just lays on the substrate .I’m hoping the Prazipro will help and it’s not too late for this little Bean, but glad the other two have finally found interest in eating again!
  21. I am sad to report that this evening, I lost a Bean. I may have lost more as I only see 3 for certain, the other two could just be laying low. I feel so bad. I trusted that where I bought them from had indeed done a thorough deworming (and they very well may have) , but I should have done my due diligence and dewormed again upon receiving them. Lesson learned. I only hope I can save the rest. Saturday seems so far away for the next round of expel p. I hope they hang on. Cheddar seems to have her appetite restored, but she seems the only one.
  22. Well, this evening, Cheddar definitely ate. The other showed some interest, but then moved on. Keeping fingers crossed that they are just having a delayed reaction.
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