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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Thank you for showing me your pond! It’s beautiful! Live the bamboo water feature, where did you get it?
  2. So, I have been wanting to make a mini pond with rice fish for a loooong time (ok, December… I’ve been thinking about it since December) and since we are in the middle of a makeover on our tiny patio (it’s literally 10’ x 8’) I was thinking now would be a great time to make that happen! I’ve been watching some YouTube videos, mainly Ryo Watanabe. I’d love to see some of your mini pond set up’s for inspiration!
  3. I ended up putting a small cup in th water and gently rolling them off into that, then using a turkey baster to place them inside a glass bowl I placed at the bottom of a currently unoccupied 5g. This way they are in one place and I won’t have to play seek and find. To be fair, Im not really set up for for breeding right now. I have a 3g that I wanted to use, but it’s in use as a hospital tank at the moment. In any case, I can’t help but try and get a successful hatch, but I’m new to this as are the Corys that are breeding, so we might have that against us for a bit 😂
  4. Well, no luck with those eggs. A few turned fuzzy, the others I guess never hatched… BUT, I found this today…
  5. So, they just kind of landed wherever because 1) this is my first attempt at moving the eggs and I already list a few (the ones on the glass) trying to move them and they fell to the substrate and 2) they aren’t exactly the easiest things to move gracefully. But I found 3 of them once they landed in the smaller tank
  6. I’ll keep my fingers crossed! They’ll have plenty of time to hatch and do their thing without another fish chasing after them for another week or 2
  7. Actually, I placed a few in the Pearl weed, I removed the remaining dozen and moved them to the empty betta tank (he’s currently in hospital tank). IDK if those will make it as the heater in that tank is a preset heater and runs at about 78-79F
  8. No, I’m going to leave them for now
  9. Well, I found more eggs today! I noticed one of my red dwarf lily pads was upside down in the surface. When I went to turn it over, a bunch of eggs fell off . Few of them landed on the substrate making them impossible to find, a few stayed on the leaf and I left it upside down… and a few landed in my hand. Those I tried to deposit into the Pearl Weed to conceal them. There are also a few on the glass. We’ll see if any of them make it!
  10. I’m not an expert on Anubias, by any means, but I had similar issues with one in a tank and figured out it was getting too much/too strong light. Moved it to a shadier part of the tank under a taller plant and it recovered. I could just be a matter of your light. Anubias are a low light loving plant.
  11. This looks like a nutrient deficiency. Swords are very, very heavy root feeders. I have one in my 29g that I surround with 4-5 root tabs every month. Try trimming off the dying leaves close to the bottom of the stem, give it some root tabs and dose your water column with a liquid fertilizer regularly according your nitrate levels and watch to see if the new growth looks normal as it should.
  12. 29g with 13 Cardinal Tetra, 3 Panda Cory, 2 Otocinclus, 3 Ghost Shrimp, 3 Nerite Snails. Decor is Natural Gravel (like pea gravel but tiny) Spiderwood and Large-ish piece of Lava Rock. Plants are Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, Vallisneria, Argentine Sword, Red Dwarf Aquarium Lily, Anacharis, Scarlet Temple, Aponogeton Crispus, Cryptocoryne Tropica, Cryptocoryne Wendtii Green. Anubias Barteri, Anubias Coffeefolia, Anubias Gold Coin, Java Fern Windelov, Java Fern, Pearl Weed. Filtration is 1 ACO medium Sponge filter and 1 HOB filter for 30g 5g #1 with 1 Double Tail Halfmoon Betta, 1 Nerite Snail. Decor is natural gravel, betta cave. Plants - Anubias Coffeefolia, Java fern, Java Fern Windelov, Vallisneria, Red Dwarf Aquarium Lily plantlet. Filtration is 1 ACO Nano Sponge filter and 1 HOB. 5g #2 with 1 Dumgo Halfmoon Betta, 1 Ghost Shrimp and 1 Nerite Snail. Decor is a faux piece of ‘moss’ covered Driftwood, black aquarium gravel. Plants are Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, Anubias Coffeefolia, Java Fern, Java Fern Windelov, Scarlet Temple cutting.filtration is 1 ACO nano sponge filter and HOB filter 10g Glofish aquarium with 1 Female Plakat Glo Betta, 3 Albino Corydoras and 1 Nerite Snail. Decor is Betta Cave, 4 silk gloplants, lighted volcano, black gravel. Plants are Java Fern, Java Fern Windelov, Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus. Filtration is 1 ACO Medium sponge filter.
  13. I’ve seen YouTube videos of people drying it out , crushing it and feeding it that way. I imagine you could add it to Snello, Repashy and the like.
  14. So, as it was explained to me in another thread - Easy Carbon works as an algae inhibitor because it absorbs the nutrients out of the water column. Therefore, you’ll want to wait several days after dosing Easy Green and Easy Iron together.
  15. They were from Universal Rocks. https://www.universalrocks.com/
  16. Me too! I currently have a 5g betta tank on a dresser… but I **dream** of a planted Zen Aqua bowl with cherry shrimp!
  17. I’ve not been to one but have watched several vlogs on the Orlando show and there always seems to be tons of stuff for sale from fish to hardscape to water treatments and aquariums.
  18. And they’re gone 😫. More than likely eaten by snails. Well… we’ll try again!
  19. Orlando is only a 45 minute drive from Daytona. Still doable!
  20. Not really “local”. nearest one north of me is about a 45 minute drive and the nearest south is about an hour. Neither is a “hop in the car for last minute/emergency” trip. I have to rely mostly on BBPS (big box pet stores) of which there are 3 in my town (the biggest 3) or online. in another universe, I’d open one if 1) had money to do so, 2) had enough experience to do so 3) had more knowledge about running such a business 4) didn’t find value the “leave work at work” aspect of working for someone else. There’s a lot to be said for being able to do that sometimes. Kudos to those that own businesses and don’t live under constant stress.
  21. I have an empty 3g that I use as a hospital tank, I could move them to that. I’m heading up to the hospital now, but will set it up when I come home later and try and move them (how do I do that, exactly?) do you think they will be ok until then? And if they do hatch, I’ve not any live foods. I do have frozen bbs and Repashy in hand though
  22. @Cinnebuns, @nabokovfan87 I woke up this morning after the big rescape to see this! Could it be??? Panda Cory eggs???? There’s only 4 and I doubt anything will come if them, but even so… if it’s Cory eggs I’ll take it as a good sign! Definitely not Nerite eggs and only other fish in the tank are Cardinal Tetra and Otocinclus.
  23. Thanks! Before, I just kinda plopped plants in wherever there was a space without much thought. I originally had 3 large Lava rocks in there , but once the driftwood was in, I couldn’t fit the all, so I kept the 2nd largest one. I left a gap between the rock and the driftwood as space for the Vallisneria to do it’s thing. Moved the Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus to the corner where I can keep it better under control and moved the Red Dwarf Lily to center directly behind the driftwood. Overall, I’m happy with it and can’t wait to see how it all progresses as it grows Here’s a pic from this morning after everything settled back down an the filter had time to clear the water
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