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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. I’m about to make another biggish purchase from ACO of some different plants. Hopefully they’ll do well and I can share them between tanks!
  2. No doubt. Females of most species aren’t as colorful or “showy” as the males and therefore not as attractive to the casual fish keeper as the “sparkly” fish as they are to those interested in breeding them. From a business standpoint, I get it… keep what sells the best in the display, but from a consumer standpoint… I want to be able to increase my colony without having to purchase additional fish each time.
  3. It looks like Green Beard Algae. It isn’t particularly harmful to fish, but it might choke out your live plants.
  4. … is being able to plant other tanks with cuttings and plantlets! I have a 29g community tank that I purchase new plants for, but my two 5g Betta tanks are planted solely with cuttings and plantlets except from the main tank. Even got a Red Dwarf aquarium lily “pup” and transplanted to a Betta tank! I just did a major trimming in 5g with natural substrate, so it looks a little bare(top photo). The other is going incredible (2nd photo). Bottom photo is main tank.
  5. I’ve got one that I use for water changes (has gallon measurements on the side so I know how much water I am removing), I may use that for a week until my next water change and can purchase one for just soaking driftwood.
  6. When you don’t have a pot big enough to boil your Spider Wood… a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do… Prepping for a rescape of my 29g community tank. Not happy with how it’s going and want to move some plants around and add this wood. I’ll soak it for a few weeks, then do the “kill it with fire” method again in the sink before putting it in the tank! current photo of tank… just seems like something is missing
  7. Today, I moved my oldest Betta to hospital tank to treat fin rot. Did a 90% water change in his home tank, rescaped it, moved a few pants in/out, gave him more swim room, checked his cave for any sharp edges I may have missed originally or that may have developed over time. Did 20% water changes on the 29g, 10g and the other 5g. Gave the Sunday “after maintenance” bloodworm treat to all but the sick Betta. Sitting back, sipping my cuppa joe and enjoying mah fishezzzz.
  8. I literally just finished gluing plantlets from my Windelov to a rock. Here’s what I do.. let the plantlet remain on the mother plant until it develops nice long roots, once it does it should come off with the gentlest of tugs. The rhizome will be teeny tiny and difficult to see. I then I use just a tiny dot of glue and carefully stick several to a rock. They do fine for me this way and it’s how I usually do it with all my Java Fern plantlets. you can leave them on the plant and eventually they will detach on their own. top photo are the plantlets I just glued about 20 minutes ago, the bottom one I did about a month or so ago
  9. So, I’m always perusing the internet for anything fish related and came across Clown Killifish. My heart did an instant flutter and now I want to learn any and everything about these fish! If you keep them, please show me your pics, tell me about your setups, what foods they eat, what plants, substrate, temps make them happy. Do they like tank mates or are they a species only tank? Do they like groups? How big? Minimum tank size? Tell Me Everything! ETA: Corrected the name of the fish. I mistakenly thought they were Bumblebee Goby originally
  10. I have a 29g tank (Topfin) and it measures 29.5 inches across with a 24”-36” Fluval Aquasky 2.0 on top (36” with arm braces fully extended). Assuming the ACO measurement is without it being fully extended, I’d say the 24” light. The 30” might be a tad too long pic of my tank for reference…
  11. Zebra mussels, lion fish, tilapia, green sunfish, tegu lizards, monkeys …..
  12. I’m tempted to to a species only tank for breeding Pandas… thanks to you and @nabokovfan87! Also looking at other corydoras as well… I’m gonna be in sooooo much trouble when my husband finds out what I’m up too! I’m blaming the two of you. !!
  13. Like, the giant rodent Capybara? Lol, we have their cousins, Nutria here in FL.
  14. Same here. I’ve stocked 3 other tanks from both standard and Windelov babies, lol
  15. Favorite fish right now: Panda Cory, cuz they are just cute and fun. Dream Fish: Discus, cuz they are gorgeous Favorite plant right now: Java Fern, cuz I get a lot of babies. Dream plant: Dwarf Water Lettuce, cuz it’s forbidden where I live
  16. I spray my new tanks down with a vinegar and water solution and wipe with a paper towel.
  17. No CPDs or Chilis either??? Are they really considered invasive there? Omg… I want both eventually!
  18. I was hoping that maybe once this shoot was tall enough, I could trim it, replant the top and the original would branch a bit to help fill in that space.
  19. When you trim it, does it stop growing from the original stem? Does it produce side shoots?
  20. I grew up in SoFlo and yes, it was all over the place when I was still living there in the 90’s. In the 80’s, my High School Biology class took on a project of trying to remove it from a local waterway with rakes and wheel barrows. We spent several weekends with 15 plus kids raking and wheeling it off and after a month it barely looked like we did anything. Currently I live just North of Daytona and if it had ever been here, then they did a darn good job of eradicating it because it’s nowhere to be found, else I’d go pick some up out of a local waterway and use it (and destroy it as needed). BUT… no such luck here!
  21. But…. I wanted waaater lettuuuuce! *shakes fist in sad frustration**
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