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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. The ACO large filter is for 40 gallons and up, the Medium for 20 and up. If your not really using it for filtration, just water movement, would two of the medium filters (one near each end) be sufficient movement? Or would one large placed near the center?
  2. I came by a sprig of this by accident- tiniest bit came in my bag of ghost shrimp. I was too lazy to try and met it out that day and left it for the next. Needless to say, I forget about it. When I saw it again, it had grown a side sprout and tiny hairlike roots. I plugged it (very carefully) down into the gravel and it’s been growing there ever since. My corydoras did manage to uproot it but I just tucked it back into the substrate and it’s as if nothing happened. first pic is when I first planted around Christmas. Second pic was a few days ago.
  3. Yeah, I have a couple caves on hand should he decide he wants a Betta. They aren’t glow decor, but they’ll work until I can’t find a glowing version!
  4. So, my husband was in ICU for 14 days, in the beginning we thought we might lose him, but he bounced back with flying colors! I am the fish keeper if the house and he has always been supportive of my continuously evolving habit. Though he doesn’t participate in the maintenance or care of my aquariums, he does genuinely enjoy watching them and over the last year or so has taken an interest in them, particularly Glofish. As a “welcome home” gift for his man cave, I decided to use one of my spare 10g tanks and turn it into a glofish tank for him. I purchased an inexpensive Nicrew blue/white light on Amazon, some Glofish gravel, used some bright fake plants I already had on hand from a gifted tank I set aside and am using an extra ACO sponge filter I already had in hand. Also purchased an ACO 50watt heater. Still waiting on the “glow volcano” and will add a black background. But, for the most part, it’s done. Not too bad, I don’t think! We are letting it cycle and this gives him some time to figure out what fish he wants for his tank. So far, he’s leaning towards a Glo Betta and maybe some shrimp and a snail! I’ll post as we move forward and as tank inhabitants move in. How do you think I did?
  5. I saw a video on YouTube where they took the excess floating plants (duckweed and frogbit) and dried it in the sun for a few days (an oven could work too), then crushed it up and fed it to their fish. I imagine if you use Repashy or make your own food you could probably incorporate it that way too.
  6. Well, here it is! And just in time because he finally came home last night!!! No fish yet…want to cycle obviously , and want to let him pick them out, but he has asked that I help him in the decision since he’s not that knowledgeable about fish m. Bonus glow volcano on the way at the moment. BTW… he loves it.
  7. So, are the ratings where we “think” our level is currently at?
  8. It happens. I buy 8-10 at a time, about 50% make it. The ones that do make it seem “bullet proof”. Would I take my chances if it were any other Shrimp? Probably not as others are far more expensive. Cherry Shrimp don’t seem to last long in my tanks, probably because of the water here, and I’m not willing to spend a ton on shrimp that may or may not survive in our weird water (I’m also not into chasing perfect water parameters to be able to house specific fish/invertebrates) so, I stock according to what will be happy with the water as is. Ghost Shrimp seem to be ok with it. I currently have a total of 8 between 3 tanks and all seem to be ok. Wish they would breed, but again, my city water probably isn’t conducive to Shrimp breeding.
  9. I can’t really speak on Bolivian Rams, but the ghost shrimp I have are far larger than the cherry shrimp and are super fast when darting away from tank mates. One flick of the tail and they can dart halfway across my 29g tank. And bonus… they are cheap. BB store has them $0.59 each, so if you get a few and they accidentally become a snack, you aren’t out a ton of money
  10. Here’s a pic I just took of a berries female… but I can’t really tell (mostly because I lack experience) if they are fertilized or not
  11. I wish they would breed in my tank! Every now and then, I get a berried female, but nothing ever comes of it. I don’t know if it’s my water or maybe I just have all females.
  12. Well, I bought it at a BB store and the label in the tank said Ghost Shrimp, lol. So who knows
  13. We’ve named him Zilla. He’s the only Ghost Shrimp out of 8 with a name 😂
  14. I mean… he’s bigger than my Cardinal Tetra…
  15. Yeah. I haven’t seen any local… I wouldn’t know where to find them really, unless online. I think Aqua Huna had some at one time
  16. Thanks everyone! I think I’ll take the advice and go one size down!
  17. Just some random photo of my Pandas because… reasons
  18. “For a first time plant person - plants work in months not days or weeks - make adjustments slow and understand with many common plants (crypts/swords/anubias) you might not know how things are doing for 4 months” - unless it’s Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, in which case, it’s just a matters of hours😂 j/k
  19. Best advice(s) 1) go slowly- for your fish benefit and your own. Don’t try and stock everything at once. It’s not a race, the fish will still be there when you’re ready 2) before you buy a single piece of aquarium equipment, buy the test kit. Before you buy a single fish, buy the meds. 3) buy a tank one size bigger than what you originally wanted/needed because your gonna want either a) more of that schooling fish you like or b) additional tank mates
  20. I’m here for you living that dream, lol!
  21. Try adjusting the size of your pic a little then upload. It tends to fix that issue
  22. Love me some gorgeous pancake fish.. woot!
  23. Pea Puffers and Discus! Those are my dream fish. Pea Puffers- not set up to feed live foods constantly… not sure how I would manage that, but I’ll figure it out eventually. Discus- not experienced enough nor do I have a tank big enough to handle them… maybe one day!
  24. I use black foam board. I tried painting my tank, but it peeled. Besides, it’s easy to change out if I want a different color
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