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Everything posted by FLFishChik

  1. Thank you! That makes me feel a lot better! I was worried the move might have stressed them out in some way.
  2. My Betta did this last week. Give him a rock hide, numerous broad leaf plants… and he chose to sleep precariously perched on the thermometer. I had a mini heart attack until I realized he’s just not right in the head.
  3. Oh. I did not need to know this… must… resist… sale!
  4. I noticed this today on my Cherry shrimp. It’s way more pronounced on camera than it is in person. These Shrimp were moved from their 3g tank ( because it was difficult to maintain) to the 29g community tank about a week ago. They are eating and seem otherwise normal. Another Cherry has a whitish carapace ( doesn’t show up at all on camera) but she seems ok too. All 6 look like they are doing ok otherwise. Any ideas?
  5. Oh. Will be interesting to see how this turns out!
  6. I have a 3 gallon cube that I use as a hospital tank. It works for me because I can set it up on the kitchen counter to keep a constant eye on whoever is in it.
  7. Multi Tank Syndrome… once you have it, there’s no cure 😂
  8. In my community tank, I have Cardinal Tetra, Panda Corydoras, Betta (but he’s been moved) , ghost shrimp, otocinclus and Nerite snails. I use Repashy Community Plus and all but the otocinclus and nerites eat it. The Betta did it eat, tho he is more of an exception to the rule.
  9. A rebrand? From what? (Sorry… not very familiar with tank brands other than Fluval, Aqueon and Top fin).
  10. I keep a thermometer in each tank and monitor the water daily. The oldest 5g (2 years old) has been running with the same heater with no issues. The new 5g has a different heater in it... same size, looks the same, but different brand, so that one Im definitely watching. The 29g has the ACO heater in it. The kits have worked great for me so far, but I', nit using cubes... just the standard framed tanks. 5g tank house a Betta each and a Nerite snail. The 29g is a Community tank. ALL of my tank run with both an HOB filter on one side and a sponge filter with an air stone on the other.
  11. This! I bought Flourish before I discovered Easy Green. The flourish smells, the bottle leaks and now it use it in tanks just to use it up so I don’t feel like I wasted my money… but after this bottle is gone- never again. Easy Green from this point on.
  12. They are impressive, but currently not in my budget. Maybe one day!
  13. So, I originally had Yuzu, my White/Yellow Dragonscale Plakat Betta as the centerpiece fish for my 29g community tank. All was going well. He got along with all the other fish, he even tried to join the Panda Cory gang... but, Yuzu likes to eat everyone's food along with his own and it lead to a swim bladder issue that I just finished nursing him through in a hospital tank. Now that he's being moved to his own tank so that I can better control how much he is eating, I need a new centerpiece fish for the 29g tank (not another Betta)! Any ideas?
  14. I've seen Fluval Chi tank at my local petco for $65. I've also seen a 14g Aqueon rimless on sale for $30.. but I'll admit... rimless tanks intimidate me... and I am OCD about seeing the water line ( I know it's silly).. also... lids... I need lids. we run the ac and fans here in FL, evaporation is a struggle.
  15. I don't have an experience with the Aqueon kits - all 3 of mine are Top Fin... so far they've done a good job - no issues with the filters , though I did replace the heater that came with the 29g with the ACO heater. But all else works great!. Maybe I will give Aqueon a try with the next one.. they are just a little pricier than the TF brand
  16. So I just purchased a Top Fin Aquarium Kit (my 3rd), since I’m needing to move my Betta from the Community tank to his own. I thought it might be a good idea to share with beginners (or those who may never have bought an All-in-one kit before) what comes in them and what some of the Pros and Cons are. I purchased the 5g kit on sale ($44.99) It’s a typical rimmed 5 gallon glass tank that includes Tank (obviously), hood with light, HOB filter, thermometer, net, and a small plastic vial for collecting water sample. It did not include substrate or heater which I purchased separately (substrate $7.99 for 5lb bag and pre-set heater $10.99 for 100 watt). The air pump, tubing and air stone I already had in hand. So, total spent on tank was $65. 00 (rounded to the nearest with taxes). If we count the air pump and air stone it’s roughly $75.00 ( air pump was $5.00 from big box store included air tubing and air stone 3ct pk was $3.00 and a silk plant $4ish) now, the Pros: 1) it comes with “mostly” all the important things. It’s a solid deal if you’re looking for a “one and done” tank for you, your kids or grandkids. If you’re keeping cold water fish, you won’t need a heater anyway. It’s a basic set up. Nothing fancy. 2) the lid fits snuggly and there’s just enough space for the HOB filter to fit. There’s also a small door in the lid for feeding. 3) the lights are bright. They do a good job at illuminating the tank. 4) it’s inexpensive (relatively speaking), than purchasing each component individually… and if you are brand spanking new to fish keeping, it makes it a lot less overwhelming. Everything (for the most part) has been put together in a tidy little package for you. No guess work. Now, the Cons: 1) the hood isn’t hinged, so when you are doing any substantial maintenance, the lid must be removed completely. On a small 5g or 20g, that’s not really a big deal.. but on the bigger tanks (like my 29g) it’s kind of a pain. 2) the filter is… okay. It’s not spectacular but, it gets the job done. It comes with a carbon filter… that’s it. You’ll probably want to purchase some filter media and sponges to “soup it up”… and create more areas for beneficial bacteria to live. I purchased both on Amazon for under $5. 3)if you are going with silk or plastic plants then the lights are sufficient to light the tank but, if you are planning to have a planted tank, you’ll be limited to low-light plants. It’s not sufficient to grow high-light plants (and possibly not medium light plants- depending how much natural light the tank gets). 4) the 5g doesn’t come with a heater (though the Top Fin 10g and bigger do include the heater). Which is ok- not all fish require one. But, if you are planning on keeping a fish that requires warmer water than the ambient temperature of the room it will be in, you need one. 5) you’ll need to purchase substrate, decorations, testing supplies, water conditioner and bottled bacteria or food separately. Those add up quickly if you don’t already have them in hand (but once you do…they last a good while and can be used between multiple tanks). My very first aquarium kit purchase was this same tank 2 years ago. I also have a 29g and both have been great so far. Heater is still going. Filter still works, and the lights are still going strong. Tank is sturdy. I’ve no real complaints and I’ll more than likely buy more for any tank 55g and less. They are comfortable for me and I don’t have chase down and purchase individual pieces. So, if your new to the hobby and feeling intimidated and overwhelmed by all the “stuff” you have to purchase for a tank, then I think (personally) the kits are worth it and a decent deal.
  17. What if you bagged them., but then put them in the bucket with water? Would that help keep the temp more stable? That way if something like that happened again (forbid) then you just get a bit of sloshed water from the bucket, but the fish are still safe in the bag.
  18. Oh.. also.. I have a quarantine / hospital tank and anything I use specifically for that tank is stored IN the tank (except for the sponge filter- I keep that running in another tank until needed) and stored in the closet
  19. By all means, steal it! You’re welcome to any of my ideas, lol
  20. Ok, so I don’t currently have a fish room but we are converting the spare room into one… so I’ll tell you my plan. sll of my tanks are small (under 30g) and I currently keep a box for each tank with items specific to that tank (food , meds, nets, siphons etc) near them (see pics below). However. When everything gets moved to the new room, each tank will get a label (Tank 1, tank 2…and so on) and the boxes will be labeled the same. They’ll go on a floating shelf above the tank or on a wire rack in one area of the room for easy access. Other items can be stored in bins or totes with labels (substrate, hardscape, filtration, etc) and stored either in the closet or on a shelf.
  21. Well, do you have have a current pic of your fish room? If I can see what needs to be organized, I can better help. (My husband calls me the Queen of organization)
  22. Thank you for the info. I’m waiting to see how the new leaves come in to determine if it’s still adjusting or if it really is a deficiency of sorts. Keeping my fingers crossed that it’s still just adjusting.
  23. Brand new aquarium- I just wipe down the inside with damp paper towel and fill to check for leaks. used aquarium- (I’m a bit overly cautious- especially if I don’t know the health or condition of the fish previously kept in them) clean with a drop or two of dawn dish soap, rinse, rinse, rinse. Then spray down with white vinegar solution and let sit for a few minutes, then rinse, rinse, rinse. Then leak test.
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