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The endler guy

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Everything posted by The endler guy

  1. It’s interesting, spooky when I first introduced him he’s decimated my cherry shrimp population (from a huge strong colony to one left) but as of recently the final cherry shrimp is moving around in the open, and a ghost shrimp will walk right in front of him and he doesn’t care. He also has a fine appetite, sand sifting and eating foods, he is fairly colored up and looks fine Have you noticed snoopy acting strangely my little guy as of recent had been doing a behavior that is like a slow flashing behavior, he will go down on the substrate and do flash almost in slow motion, he also will swim around erratically twitching his pectoral fins otherwise he seems fine, colored up eating and otherwise looks fine
  2. Good, the two companies who produce them have a monopoly
  3. He ate yesterday! SUPER aggressive to eat also does anyone notice their snake more active after they eat?
  4. warm end, where it is the deepest and he spends most of his time
  5. I haven’t been able to get more cleanup crew but I should be today substrate temp is 71
  6. Bolivians are a good idea but depending on the individual (mine is quite rambunctious) they do get quite large though
  7. I believe he spends most of his time in the ground under the warm area (the substrate is pretty deep) although I don’t really know where he spends his time (and that is the problem)
  8. I definitely could have phrased what I said better, the basking spot is quite warm in the high 90’s (I had 2 lamps, and moved them over to one side to create more of a hot spot)
  9. I think it is legal, but live feeding is dangerous The basking site is quite warm ~90 sometimes overall I think there is a good temp gradient
  10. Any tips for getting my little guy to feed (he doesn’t even leave his tunnels so I can’t hold him or really even find him to give him his food)
  11. sadly not yet from the looks of it he came out the right-side near the water bowl, went under the leaves in the middle and went back under ground through the log probably sleepy
  12. My little dude is alright! not only that look at this shed! Beautiful
  13. When should I start worrying that I haven’t seen my little dude/ he hasn’t eaten for nearly a week
  14. What I’m really worried about is that he hasn’t eaten since the 4th
  15. So I’m worried about my little dude because I haven’t seen him since Tuesday, and he hasn’t eaten since Tuesday last week how should I precede wait or dig through the substrate
  16. Are you trying to scare away customers
  17. I highly doubt it, but I lucky got some at my lfs
  18. For my clean up crew I have some springtails (I still need to get some isopods) I an not super concerned with molding as it is fairly dry and probably not enough moisture to cause more mold then the small amounts of what I have can handle I’ll definitely pick up a heat gun, that is one thing that I have been meaning to get, but I also have thermometers so I’m not just going in blind with the heat lights
  19. I am fairly certain he is hiding because he is in shed, is primarily nocturnal, fossorial, and still young, from what I’ve read this isn’t unusual behavior
  20. They are difficult (very limited experience with filter feeders) but feeding them is tricky, definitely more work than reward
  21. Ya I’m aware, definitely want to keep his stress down in this uncomfortable time for him I haven’t handled him yet as I don’t want to uproot the entire terrarium and scare him any suggestions on how to actually “catch” him? also since I got him recently he could have been going through shed and that’s why he hasn’t entirely left his burrows
  22. Yup I use tongs to feed, and I definitely want to handle my little guy but he is never out, so I haven’t been able to handle him
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