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The endler guy

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Everything posted by The endler guy

  1. Today (my birthday) my parents allowed me to get a snake! I was going to get a sand boa but two stores didn’t have one, but I saw this BEAUTIFUL baby milksnake and I just HAD to get it. sadly I was in a rush/ the store didn’t have some of the supplies so it is just a temporary enclosure
  2. Tie break! Bolivian rams Winner mystery snails Final round!!!!!!! bolivian ram (blue heart) mystery snails (purple trophy)
  3. Bolivian ram (blue heart) goldnuget pleco (purple trophy)
  4. Bnp (blue heart) mystery snail (purple trophy)
  5. From what I understand it’s especially a concern with young but I think that the adults are also at risk, the problem (from my understanding/ inference) is the stick bug falls in can’t get out and starves/ drowns you probably should be fine just be cautious
  6. Can Amazon puffers live in brackish? anyway I don’t want to clog your journal cool stuff none the less! maybe a giant tank with a colony of Congo puffers would be cool
  7. From what I’ve read it seems that this species drown easily (especially the nymphs) and they like stable humidity and good ventilation, also I’m not sure if they actually can drink from the water. But at the end of the day it’s your stick bug! Tank definitely looks nice and it’s nice to see that you did successfully do a water feature (I’ve heard they are very difficult to do in a terrarium)
  8. Honestly I wouldn’t but fish (anything will take a shot out of one of the stick bugs) also I’m not sure if a water feature is safe for the stick bug. I’ll look into it more but it seems like they can drown
  9. I have an air pump from PetSmart, to minimize sound I put it on a small pillow and I flipped it over (so that the air intake would not be affected)
  10. What entails the larval stage? Is it for both of the species considered Amazon puffers?
  11. I think my 3 inch clown pleco is loud just imagine a 2foot wood eating catfish!
  12. I feel captive breed Amazon puffers would make them soooooo much more successful in aquaria, eliminates wild-caught problems and importing issues I really hope some one can breed them because a huge tank with a colony of them would be AWESOME!!!
  13. What type are you thinking, I’d suggest cherry shrimp for community, and ghost for larger fish that may potentially eat them (beware or Indian whisker shrimp!)
  14. The beginning is the main part where I detail the behavior I have observed, its pretty dumbed down so non nerms can understand and probably is full of grammatical errors but I digress On Poecilia wingei Maturity *This paper should be in no way referenced in a scientific paper this is purely anecdotal.* Poecilia wingei, commonly known as Endler's livebearers or Endler's guppies, is a common species of live-bearing aquarium fish native to Venezuela. Endlers are relatively genetically clean (unless hybridized with Poecilia reticulata) so it can give insight into their endangered wild population. The first day after being born, the fry is skittish, sticking to the region they were born in or adjacent areas connected by secure cover (very low activity.) After a few days after being born the fry are actively searching the surface of the water for any infusoria that they can find and catch (not much movement but usually are more active in areas in close proximity but not under floating plants, preferring to be exposed to the open water where presumably infusoria are feeding and reproducing.) Approximately a month after birth the fry begins to show sexually dimorphic traits; the females even though the same age are slightly larger than the males. The males also have developed a gonopodium which they use to procreate when they reach full maturity (although they start showing courting behavior), and females begin to show a black spot (their womb.) One month and a day to a week the males begin to show color (starting with their spot) explosive growth continues for the next few days- weeks (they have reached full maturity.)
  15. Are there any other fish/ plants in the tank, because endlers live in slightly saline waters, probably would enjoy a 1.001 specific gravity Otherwise just add water and food, they will do the rest! I have my fry in my main tank, like with all sorts of stuff, never have seen them get eaten (in person) I would use a sponge filter, as I commonly see the fry picking at it Floating plants are appreciated I wrote a thing on them for a English assignment that I will share if you want
  16. Have you tried breeding Amazon puffers? Hairy puffers can probably be with any plant!
  17. Bracket so far! did anyone actually fill one out before hand?
  18. Bolivian ram (blue heart) mbuna (purple trophy)
  19. Mystery snail and a tie! Oscar (blue heart) goldnuget pleco (purple trophy)
  20. Skip the paining! Go to PetSmart and buy one of these! https://www.petsmart.com/reptile/habitats-and-decor/habitat-decor/thrive-desert-3d-sandstone-background-5300293.html
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