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The endler guy

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Everything posted by The endler guy

  1. Since I live in central Maryland my mom thought it would be a nice idea to go to the aquarium here are some pics special note to the Amazon exhibit where they have schooling fish, plecos, large catfish, caimans, cichlids, turtles and rays all in the same tank
  2. I just use the vent method to sex them, much easier and more reliable how large is the ram? and how small are the snails? you could put a divider in with him in the snail tank
  3. so anyone who is a member of the aquarium coop youtube channel (if you arent, you should be!) knows about the most recent talk (im not going to go to indepth, you gotta be a member to find out what happened 😉 ) but basically false tiger knifefish were mentioned as being a good community fish, and with me losing over half my fish to diesies, an interesting opportunity has opened up. Would a false tiger knife work in my 40b with 2 bolivians and some endlers, corys, tetras, and clown pleco?
  4. if you live in india you probably dont need an lfs, just go outside and scoop up some awesome fish! lol
  5. i have a male and young female, spooky (the male) chases the female around all the time to me the lone one seems sick, its odd that its acting normally otherwise, could you try separating it? that case if it is sick it wont infect the other fish try checking for redworms aswell, ive heard that they are quite common (and experinced) them in bolivians
  6. haha I've seen that! very educational!
  7. A bit of both! I only collected a few, so if they breed in a small container I’ll have a ton to put in with my dude
  8. My guy is super long now! look at his little booplsnoot!!!! What I’m doing is letting them breed for a few generations until I introduce them
  9. I just dug through some pine needles and under bark
  10. thats what i was thinking, i have 1 pinky left so I was going to start getting fuzzies
  11. My dude is getting pretty large (for a small dude) when should I start feeding fuzzies instead of pinky mice?
  12. Not the greatest shed (it was an entire body shed but I accidentally ripped it when pulling it out) probably because my auto mister hasn’t been working properly because I was ironing some kinks out because I increased the storage to a 1 gallon jug (I think I heard him shedding this morning so that’s pretty interesting)
  13. Any wood will leach tannins just do water changes if you don’t like the look, unless it is a huge peace in a small tank and never do water changes then maybe the water parameters may be an issue for some fish
  14. I wish I actually got a good amount of set up time, all my tanks had fish introduced the first or second day they were set up due to not preferable circumstances
  15. I think he is going to molt again soon
  16. it seemed like it worked, i have had a DREMATIC decrease in deaths today (only 1 so far)
  17. Honestly no algae eater probably would be best as not only do they eat the algae but they also eat microbes that fry may eat
  18. Probably any shrimp would work well (besides predatory ones)
  19. I think he probably is doing fine but me stressing and reading into everything little thing, I just think I caught him eating a dead fish that had some disease (which I am now treating) so I hope that will help fix it in addition each day I seem to be losing more and more fish, which would not be the case if spooky was the one killing them
  20. I started medication with melafix (all I could get my hands on) almost certain it’s not spooks now because I found a medium sized female endler dead with messed up mouth
  21. Yes I made a post about the deaths also my theory has swapped to bacterial infection, because I found a female endler that is much to big for him to have taken down He doesn’t really have a “hiding spot” he is the king of the tank and usually just patrols or sleeps out in the open, he knows that he is the top dog
  22. Yay I’m pretty sure it is not him anymore, I found a female endler (about mid sized, not fully grown but MUCH larger than a male) dead with half of the color faded so I am almost certain I’m dealing with pathogens
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