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Everything posted by Chick-In-Of-TheSea

  1. The 5.5 is coming along. Got the sand finished up. I’m trying to decide on which plants to use, or if I should just pull from other tanks.
  2. Finished putting substrate in the new 5.5. Now I just need plants and hardscape.
  3. Why haven't you uploaded any cute videos of clown plecos eating zucchini? 😐
  4. Tagging @dasaltemelosguy and @Guppysnail as they seem to be the Reverse Respiration experts here.
  5. Yep, Easy Green wasn't enough for my java ferns. I lost a fair amount of them. They started with spots, then whole leaves would turn brownish/black and die. I hit the plant forums and potassium was the answer (in conjuction with Easy Green).
  6. I know what the movie is about but have always been afraid to watch it.
  7. @Guppysnail just got some rams recently. Tagging her so maybe she can learn along with you. She's got a Bolivian ram and GBRs. Her GBRs laid eggs pretty much a day or two after she received her shipment, if you can believe it!
  8. Most rewarding was mbunas. They bred and they were carrying their babies around in their mouths. It was cool looking into their mouths and seeing all the little eyeballs peeking out. Most disappointing was ghost shrimp. Couldn't see them. Never knew where they went or what happened to them (??) Tagging @sweetpoison on this photo - she loves discus. Beautiful fish, @Fish Folk! 😍
  9. When I first started keeping fish I just added everybody straight into the tank. Then I found this video and some similar ones online. This is the process I follow now. Takes longer to get the enjoyment of the new fish purchase, but it's worth it in the long run.
  10. I wonder if @dasaltemelosguy would know? Your gold rams are beautiful.
  11. That's happened to me before with fish. They swim against the current when you're trying to dump them into the bag. One time I didn't realize til I heard a little flopping sound from the container beside me. (He was only out of water for like 30 secs though; he was ok) good for cutting sponge or floss!
  12. Anubias are the same way, and I think bucephalandra are too (sp?)
  13. @TheSwissAquarist this happens all the time, LOL. You wouldn't be the first person nor the last person to plant a java fern.
  14. Java fern don't get planted; they are water column feeders and the rhizome needs to be above substrate or they will eventually die. The black spots are a potassium deficiency. Add a potassium supplement to your water, and they should go away.
  15. Fascinating to watch him eat his escargot. Get well soon, @Guppysnail
  16. My 2 main concerns would be starvation caused by too much food competition, as well as water quality. Certain snails such as mystery snails have a larger bioload, but so can smaller snails if their population is large.
  17. ... Looking back I guess I didn't read that the items should fit in a cup. Ah well. (P.S. A terra cotta pot can be a cup)
  18. Irrigation syringe - great for getting all the water you need for your water test tube in one go (vs. the pipette which takes 3 draws) Cop notebook - for writing down parameter readings and misc notes about what you added, what you did, who you adopted, current headcount, etc. Pen Big binder clip w/ rubber band around the handles - Used for keeping a larger diameter tube in the tank while doing maint. I love condiment cups - the kind you get salad dressing or sauce in when you get a to-go order. I put food in them, esp. vegetables, or repashy cubes that I'm thawing out. Or perhaps wondershell that I've cut into chunks, or pellets I've crushed. Scotch tape - tape along side of tank and draw horizontal lines w/ a sharpie for water change levels, etc. Masking tape - tear a piece off and write the date on it to label a condiment cup of perishable fish food. Works great on tupperware for the human food too! Plant weights - so many uses. Hold a nano air pump on a rim of a tank (your idea @nabokovfan87), wrap around a veggie to sink it, attach an anubias or java fern to decor without having to use glue. Make water column stem plants look like plants that grow from substrate. Terra cotta pots - cheap caves. Hammer out the bottom and they become tunnels. Terra cotta plates (what normally goes under the pots) - good for feeding dishes for bottom feeders like cories, snails, shrimp, plecos Command hooks - use to hang nets or aquascaping scissors.
  19. Oh not good, I did have some ammonia, caused by the salt. Bacteria and salt don't like each other. Maybe I should go to a lower salt level after the next water change today.
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