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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2020 in all areas

  1. I was starting to get a little shaky there. I am so happy the forum maintenance is complete and the forum is online again. I can now go back to ignoring aquarium maintenance and housework and get on the real business of life which is reading and posting on this forum.
    7 points
  2. Today I delivered some more Orange Japanese Medaka Rice Fish, unsexed Betta mahachaiensis, and Philippine blue angels to Aquarium Co-op. Next week I’ll be delivering some gold rams and midnight rams.
    4 points
  3. Just saying hi! I’m a long time fish keeper and only started my fishroom about 5-6 years ago. Previously I was breeding bettas, guppies, and saltwater clownfish. I tore it out last year, sold all my freshwater stuff off (except my goldfish) and focused on saltwater for a while. I soon got too tired of saltwater and in April started building my fishroom back up with freshwater. I’m focusing on dwarf cichlids, plecos, live bearers, medaka rice fish, killies, and top view goldfish (currently wakins and top view ranchu). -Ian
    3 points
  4. Shrimp are great additions if you have other tanks. I think I might be a shrimp fairy.... (sprinkles little neocaridina to all the tanks)
    3 points
  5. @StephenP2003, You inspired me to try something. I edited an existing single-angle video, and tried a few speed-up options. I ended up at 12x. This is 29:02 of tripod tub video in 02:25. I didn't plan on it, but the sound is preserved with pitch. Thanks Fast Fourier Transform! Cheers.
    3 points
  6. Hello all!! We do only ship at this time due to Covid, but since you are close by we can figure something out. message me on insta if you would like
    3 points
  7. I added this pair into my spawning tank tonight. Almost immediately upon finding each other they were displaying spawning behavior. With any luck I should have some eggs tomorrow or the next day.
    2 points
  8. Hey everyone, I delivered some Orange Japanese Medaka Rice Fish and some unsexed Betta mahachaiensis to Aquarium Co-op yesterday. Not a huge quantity of either so get them while you can. If you do miss out, more will be coming at some point.
    2 points
  9. This is my first pregnancy since I got my shrimp! Here is the beautiful mother carrying the eggs. They appear to have already developed eyes! So much fun!
    2 points
  10. Hi from the uk I have 9 tanks mostly nano my biggest was a 40g but just got my newest addition a 75g and just bought a shelving unit for my nano tanks for my spare room making it into a little fish room cant wait 😀
    2 points
  11. 😅I'm not getting rid of my husband that easy! I would have to really start getting more tanks.... hmmmm "But the child neeeeeds a puffer! I don't want to watch Murphy again!" (Tries to justify budget)
    2 points
  12. I think we might want to establish some mega threads for some common topics or small questions. I have a lot of things that are small questions not large enough to warrant a thread but as a beginner I’d like the advice. Have to say, at first I thought maybe this was a post asking for relationship advice around breaking up. Glad that’s not the case and let’s keep it that way 😂
    2 points
  13. I've been sneaking backups into my guppy tanks in case of a problem. Maybe try splitting the colony between tanks. You will almost never risk losing everything that way unless you use the same equipment between tanks without disinfecting them between uses.
    2 points
  14. I run two 10 gallon tanks for quarantine with a sponge filter in each and a heater. The tanks are bare bottom with fake plants. I keep them running all the time and I keep the cycle going with a few Zebra Danios in each tank. When I get a group of fish in to quarantine I'll move the Danios to other tank or just leave them in.
    2 points
  15. 2 things remedied this situation for me: Leave no inch of substrate without plants or rocks. Seachem pristine or Fritz monster 360. They both liquify the poop.
    2 points
  16. Hello everyone. Jon from Long Island New York here. I recently got back into the hobby after a 6 years away. I thank Cory and his you tube for that. I've been hooked on the coop's you tube for the past 4 months. Exited to be a part of this community. I'd also like to share that this morning my Gold ram babys are free swimming. 😁😁😁😁👍👍👍
    2 points
  17. Super Great idea of this forum... Pamela Fredieu here under my "other" title... Stillaniris... Love Aquarium Co-op... if they get any quicker in delivery they will be doing the ordering for me... I still wear my Angel Fish t-shirt I won on our other chat... Newbie here with 6, soon to be 9 tanks... Have a couple varieties of Angels, guppies, Rhads and Rainbows... A member of the Sacramento Aquarius Society... Been following Aquarium Co-op since March 2020. I have met some wonderful people here... Love Candi Overhuls (you rock girl!!!) ***photo of my 60g at start up with a couple of marble angels... Finn and Topper...
    2 points
  18. Extending the USB Nano Pump: A Test of Power As my order history will attest, the USB Nano Pump is hands-down my favorite Aquarium Co-Op product. It's crazy quiet and powerful for the money. In my home office where I have five tanks, there is ZERO humming sound coming from the five nano pumps providing air to the 20 longs on a wall rack. All I hear is the air rushing "white noise" that even serves to mask the hums of my hang-on-back filters. Find me a conventional 4-port pump that can accomplish that! This gives me a room with several tanks that aren't singing in the key of "E"! But testimonial aside, I recalled Cory talking about the benefits of the "USB" aspect of the pump; especially that it can be powered by a backup battery during power failures. But what if that could be taken a step further? What if it could be used as a daily workhorse pump THAT ALSO automatically switches over to backup power when the power does go out? How long will it last? Can it do this without human intervention? For twenty bucks and ZERO DIY skills, you bet it can! SELECTING THE BACKUP BATTERY In making my choice of backup battery, I listed the following criteria that needed to be satisfied: 1. It has to be Compact 2. It has to Last a Long time 3. It has to Power my pump on wall power 4. It has to Switch to battery power without my touching it 5. It has to be Affordable; I have a lot of pumps! With that in mind and a lot of research, I settled on this UGREEN Portable charger for phones and tablets, for $22 on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07S73M12N (I'm receiving and want no affiliate kickbacks for this.) It mostly matched up with my requirements: 1. Compact: It's about the size of a pack of cigarettes 2. Long-Lasting: 10,000mAh will be tested 3. Power: Pass-through feature sends wall-power directly to the pump 4. Switch: Pass-through charges the battery and switches over when unplugged 5. Affordable: Mixed feelings on this...pass-through isn't cheap! 6. Bonus! Digital readout shows the percentage of charge remaining What is pass-through power technology? You can't just plug the pump into any phone charger and expect it to power the pump while the charger is plugged into your wall; most phone chargers will stop powering your device when they are being charged themselves. But with "pass-through", the charger passes your wall power through to your charging device while it charges itself. Instant permanent battery backup! How to use it? Simply plug the battery backup between the USB pump and its USB charging adapter that comes with it. You need nothing else! So let's dive into the testing... TEST ONE: DOES IT WORK WITH NON-PHONE DEVICES? What we're proposing here is to plug in a device that doesn't draw power the same way as a phone does, into a powering device that's made for phones and tablets. Will it handle low voltage fish stuff? This article wouldn't exist if the answer weren't a resounding Yes! I connected it all and plugged it into the wall. It immediately started the pump and started charging itself at the same time. When I unplugged the power from the wall, the pump kept going and the battery started draining. SLOWLY. Blue or orange port? I tested the charging process twice, curious about whether choosing the blue or orange ports on the new Aquarium Co-Op charger plug that came with the pump would make a difference in charging time. It made no difference. So this will work. But for how long? Here's where it gets interesting. TEST TWO: HOW LONG DOES IT LAST? I charged it up to 100% while connected to the pump (about 3-4 hours), and then unplugged everything from the wall to simulate a power failure. The pump continued to run for 60 HOURS. That's two and a half days! Not much more to be said there. It's quite an effective backup power source! TEST THREE: OKAY, BUT HOW LONG DOES IT REALLY LAST? On the theory that it will not last as long when it's under a load and actually powering a real airstone in water pressure, I connected it to a never-clog airstone on 24" of airline tubing that had already been running for several months in 12" of water depth. The runtime result was another round number: 50 HOURS on a full charge. So this means that the pump was powered for about 17% less time while under a basic load. Logically, I'd assume that as the airstone becomes more clogged, its capacity for backup time will be diminished even more. Mounting? The battery pack is not terribly heavy, so it can be mounted with some double-sided foam tape to the back or side of the aquarium, or any other flat surface so that it doesn't dangle. CONCLUSION The combination of 2+ days' power, always-ready pass-through powering, and the compact size makes this a huge winner. I'm buying one of these for every one of my USB Nano Pumps. Yes, $22 can add up fast, but for me, it's a small price to pay for the peace of mind. When the power goes out, I will have oxygenated water for days! Even if I were to lose most of the beneficial bacteria, the bacteria that remains in proximity to the moving water caused by the bubbles (on the glass, rocks, gravel, and decorations) will serve as a seed population for a new colony. But that's a moot point if the pump is powering a sponge filter! What more is there to say? Spread the word: USB battery backups aren't just for phones!
    1 point
  19. You can use a soda lid, thread the airline thru the straw slot and let it float on the top. The bubbles pop underneath and don't splash. The top of a pringles can works well too, just have to make your own slot.
    1 point
  20. I’ve yet to have have a crash that takes on more than 35% of my shrimp (knock on wood) but just in cause I do ever have a crash I also try sprinkling a couple of my PRLCR shrimp around my other tanks for back up, I also keep the higher grade ones on those hang on Breeder boxes for selectively breeding as well as for back ups, lastly I also give some to my younger brother to throw in his tanks. I would definitely recommend spreading them out in other tanks when you establish your colony back up as well as giving some to friends or family so they can possibly get there own colony going and is you ever crash they’ll be there with some shrimp. But also to prevent crashes I’d recommend testing your water every now and then and be on the look out for temp swings especially now during the summer. Good luck with your Neos.
    1 point
  21. A 10% (roughly) bleach solution, soak overnight. Then I soak in dechlorinated water for 24 hours (or whenever I remember to put it back in the tank). I use the same method to refresh purigen, clean used 50 micron filter material, and my daughter's fake plants when they get dirty.
    1 point
  22. It looks like you scaled it down. Give it some time and observe your tank. I would suggest clicking the three dots to name your light! Cheers
    1 point
  23. Agree with using different categories, but probably shouldn't break it up too much or all at once. I visit a lot of forums that go overboard with topic/subtopic/sub-subtopic... "Post here about pumps, but here if it's about eheim pumps; don't post about angelfish in the African cichlid subforum darn it."
    1 point
  24. Omg @Cory reusable clings! You can put them on tanks but they come off if you need! Car windows and kids can use them! I realize my house will be covered in Murphys....but.... I need these. (Hands Credit Card over)
    1 point
  25. With new plants, I generally ignore the outermost leaves / growth. Instead, look at the center and new growth (since you got it). As long as that part looks good, should be fine. I expect to lose anything that was there originally as almost everything I buy is grown emmersed and is going to melt back. Crinum melts hard when you 1st get it, and again every time you move it. Give it time and leave it alone, you'll get a nice big Crinum eventually.
    1 point
  26. Crinum dies back hardcore, but they will adjust and thrive. They grow slow but it’s worth the wait. 🙂
    1 point
  27. I JUST had the same thing happen. I have a few survivors so I am hoping to get the colony to bounce back. It is SUPER depressing, to be sure, but you can also think of it as another new project. You've already proven you can do it, and it sounds like you know what happened to avoid it in the future. Maybe get a different color of neos and start up again? I think its OK to take a break from them too. Maybe a few months, maybe less. It can help to kind of "reset" your mindset. So turns out I kinda gave you a wishy washy answer (either take a break or continue.) 😅 I think you'll catch the bug again soon.
    1 point
  28. I'd do Africans, but I think any bigger tank should have them
    1 point
  29. Probably just a 50% change and rinse the sponge. I treat these tanks like any other tank, keeping up with maintenance and water changes.
    1 point
  30. I have a 75g with a sevrum,4 red head tapajos,3 pearl gourami,2 hoplo catfish,1 siamese algae eater,3 denison barbs and a yellow acara.
    1 point
  31. Welcome Dammiguessaqua! I have just started keeping rice fish. I am pleasantly surprised how interesting and pretty they are.
    1 point
  32. I recently used time lapse to show how the fish were cleaning an "algae scrubber" (mechanical way of growing and harvesting algae to harness it's nitrate reducing and oxygen adding properties. The algae can then be eaten as a treat...whew!). It turned out okay. I've also used a lot of slo-mo, like during a feeding video.
    1 point
  33. I would love just a common pleco sticker, but from the bottom angle as if it were on the glass. It would be perfect for making a window or mirror look like an aquarium.
    1 point
  34. Looks like cory eggs to me! My cory eggs usually got eaten when I just left them in the community tank, so you could move them to a breeder net or another tank. Some people recommend using a credit card to remove the eggs, but I had good luck just rolling them off with my fingers. They tend to grow fungus, so if you want to increase hatch rate, you can put them in a floating plastic tub or specimen container with a little air stone or tubing for bubbles and add a few drops of methylene blue or alder cones for the antifungal properties. Good luck to ya!
    1 point
  35. Reminds me of when case badges were all the rage in custom gaming PCs. Had to have a sticker for every brand of component in your rig, and you could make your own at home if it didn't exist.
    1 point
  36. I had an idea, I think it would be cool if Aquarium Co-op sold stickers featuring the logos of their "Brand Ambassadors"
    1 point
  37. I would much rather have such a prestigious aquatic title as puffer. Dan wins! @Cory go ahead and make cute titles. 😉. Ya know....because you have extreme amount of free time.
    1 point
  38. I have and use Cupramine. What i have seen is... Mystery and ramshorns snails dont like it. Takes them while to recover (day or 2). But it doesnt kill them. Even at full strength dose. This is just in my tanks though.
    1 point
  39. Well, a "tank" is not required to be beautiful. You can get a large clean plastic storage tote...and use it for storing aquarium stuff after.
    1 point
  40. I tried paper first and I have found that I don't update as much as I should, but yet again it turns out that @Bill Smith was correct when suggested Trello. Trello, I use Trello on a daily basis because it is easy and it is available (meaning I am at my computer, and it is on my computer). The notebook is only 2 feet away, but the experiment has been run and the Trello is what is getting updated. The Aquarium Note product seems to be very popular, but it is Android and I am Apple so I never got to try it.
    1 point
  41. So over the last few days I found it necessary to set up a couple overflow tanks to raise up some ram fry. A little messy but will have to work for a while, only 10 feet from the laundry sink and 3 feet from the ironing board. (this is my wifes sewing table 😬 🤐, don't tell) Transferred a total of 296 midnight rams and 327 gold rams for growing out.
    1 point
  42. Display at Bass Pro Shop, Harrisburg PA. Huge tank with Large Mouth Bass, Stripe Bass, Gar, Channel Catfish, and even a Sturgeon.
    1 point
  43. Forgot to post the tank in my previous post. Enjoy! Lights at previous setting Lights at current setting. Sun is setting at the moment.
    1 point
  44. I haven't had much luck with hydrogen peroxide on BBA, despite a) dosing the entire tank with the most popular recipes listed online, b) directly spraying leaves outside of water and letting it sit for 5 minutes, and c) buying fresh bottles to ensure their potency. But many people swear by it, so maybe something in my tap water is interfering with it? However, one time I spot-treated my heater using Easy Carbon / Excel while the top of the heater was out of water during a water change, and all of the BBA disappeared! I'm not sure how safe that is for plant leaves, so I may experiment with a fast-growing stem plant next week. Let us know what ends up working for you!
    1 point
  45. Maybe not so much being a 'fish nerd', but you might have a 'fish problem' when you have the following conversation with your 6 year old child (whose daily morning job is to help you change the water on 300 betta jars). Son (bursting into tears), "Dad, I wish I had two broken legs! Me, "Oh no! Why?" Son, "So I didn't have to change the bettas jars every morning!" He's 26 years old now, and we both laugh about it. And I think he has even forgiven me for the time we forgot his birthday because we were at the 2001 International Betta Congress convention in New Orleans and stopped on the way home for an impromptu birthday meal at a sketchy Mexican restaurant in southern Alabama where he got food poisoning and threw up for the rest of drive back to North Carolina.
    1 point
  46. Built mine as a self-contained unit with everything you need. Way over-engineered, but fun. And yes, I bought a Ziss hatchery anyway. 🙂 Build log is over at Reef Central: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2694002
    1 point
  47. Dual siestas have a few reasons, but the human one is, that adding darkness and low-light periods can stretch your viewing time without creating problems. Perhaps you are working from home these days... These are the schedules that I use for my low-tech, organic-soil tanks. Updated for new firmware which shows all colors. Plant 3.0 Nano in short configuration, for 2.5 to 10 gallon tanks: Plant 3.0 Nano in tall configuration, for 2.5 to 10 gallon tanks: Plant 3.0 15-24" on the rim, for 15-20 gallon tanks:
    1 point
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