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when did you start

Cys aquatics

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Hello everybody, i was wondering when everyone started? I started about 2 years and i have been hooked ever since! I have a 37 gallon, a 29 gallon and a 4.5 gallon Betta tank. I have 10 fish in the 37 gallon (3 guppy's, 4 platys, 2 bristle nose Plecos and one Dalmatian Mollie), i have 1 Betta in the 4.5 gallon named midnight, and my 29 gallon is currently in a blackout since I had algae problems.

Edited by aquarium kid
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I completely agree with you, It is so cool how the miracle of birth will change the hobby for you. my first fish birth was a few months ago, and it was a platy baby. It is so cool because i only had a male platy for about 2 weeks, but i guess the female was still able to give birth!

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1 minute ago, aquarium kid said:

I completely agree with you, It is so cool how the miracle of birth will change the hobby for you. my first fish birth was a few months ago, and it was a platy baby. It is so cool because i only had a male platy for about 2 weeks, but i guess the female was still able to give birth!

I think female platys are nearly born pregnant. 🙂

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When I was 7 my sister won a betta fish. Because it was simply unfair that only she had a betta fish. My parents bought us all betta fish. Thats what fueld my hobby. Once that betta fish died, that was the end of it (or so I thought....)

several years later, I walked into the petstore and found the betta racks! I instantly wanted one, so I came home and started researching. a few weeks later... I pick up a 10 gallon aquarium, I let it cycle and add an anglefish, swordtail, corydora, glofish.

I thought that a 10 gallon was too big for a betta, so a month later I got a betta and a fish bowl. Later I upgraded him to a 3 gallon. He then died 😞 and I purchased Hugo my new betta!

Its been like 3 years, and I've learned a lot from fishtube, this forum, etc.

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Growing up back in the early to mid 90s my family had one of those old school hexagon 5 gallon aquariums with an underground filter. We kept a few zebra danios in it. Around the age of 12 or so I got a 15 gallon aquarium for my birthday that I kept in my bedroom. I stopped keeping fish for a few years in my early 20s because my career choice kept me away from home weeks at a time. Fortunately I now have the time to keep fish again and it's a wonderful stress relief from the chaos and noise from work. 

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I think for me it started well before my first aquarium as a kid when I was always in the woods collecting crawdads and being as interested in what was in the live bait bucket on fishing trips as much as the fishing itself.

Then in middle school and through high school I started keeping fish and some easy reptiles in the 90s. I joined the Army in 2000 and quickly realized the hobby wasn't very compatible with military life so I packed up my tanks and eventually left them all at a goodwill one day.

Now Im back off of a 20 year hiatus and four weeks into my first ever planted tank. 

Edited by PlaneFishGuy
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10 minutes ago, JamesB said:

When I was 7 my sister won a betta fish. Because it was simply unfair that only she had a betta fish. My parents bought us all betta fish. Thats what fueld my hobby. Once that betta fish died, that was the end of it (or so I thought....)

several years later, I walked into the petstore and found the betta racks! I instantly wanted one, so I came home and started researching. a few weeks later... I pick up a 10 gallon aquarium, I let it cycle and add an anglefish, swordtail, corydora, glofish.

I thought that a 10 gallon was too big for a betta, so a month later I got a betta and a fish bowl. Later I upgraded him to a 3 gallon. He then died 😞 and I purchased Hugo my new betta!

Its been like 3 years, and I've learned a lot from fishtube, this forum, etc.

I started originally with a ten gallon that i needed for a school assignment and ever since i have been hooked.

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At 14? Maybe? Somewhere around there. Had some goldfish in a steel framed 10 gallon tank. I killed them all, but I was hooked. Then I moved up to a huge 29 gallon plastic rimmed job.

I wonder what happened to Dynaflo filters. I'd rather have one of those, than the current crop of hang-on-back filters.

I kept four cichlids, a half dozen cardinal tetras, and a betta until I got a job that wouldn't allow me to care for them.

(Insert 45 years here: ... )

I started January 6, 2021.

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Disregarding the time I tried to keep school fair goldfish alive in a gallon fish bowl when I was a kid in the 80s, I technically started fiddling around with aquariums in the 90s when I was in middle school and high school; I had a 10 gallon for some time, and had some success but a whole lot of failure. But I really didn't dive deeply into the hobby until I came back from a long hiatus in January of 2018; I had never kept live plants before then! 

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Which time did I start?  Like most of us, I got my first "fishbowl" as a small child, I kept a 10 gallon in my early teens, and my first 29 gallon arrived in my late 20's.  MTS set in about 10 years ago with the arrival of my first 75 gallon tank.

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It all started for me by getting a goldfish at a school, carnival when I was in 6th grade. I went into the pet store, but he mainly had fish and got a 10 gallon tank and a filter and all the decor i needed. The goldfish died in a couple days, but I was hooked. I got my mom to take me back to the store and I bought some guppies, and what do you know, they had babies. After a while I traded those babies in and got a 20 gallon tank the store owner was taking down and a group of angelfish. I have had at least one fish tank going ever since then, except for a short few month period in my late 20s. 

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I set up my first tank back in high school, 1978 maybe, if memory serves.  I kept angels in a 10 gallon tank.  There was no internet and the info I had came with the supplies. When I moved away from home my mom kept it going for a while until she forgot to adjust the heater after a water change and boiled the fish - there was actual steam.  Since then I have had several....currently a 20g, a 2.5g hospital and just set up a 55g this morning.  This new tank will be the first time I go by the book.  Thanks to ACO for all the excellent videos!

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The first action I remember taking was near age 8, when I was trying to save tadpoles from a puddle that was drying up behind our house. I took jars from the kitchen, put untreated tap water in them, and repeatedly ran out to the puddle, somehow scooping tadpoles into these jars, and running them back to some bigger body of untreated water in my backyard. It didn't go well. But I tried. I had none of the knowledge they needed, but all the heart. 

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