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Do you have Fish Nightmares?


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Last night I had a dream that I had a ton of fry tanks to feed and only a tiny bit of brine shrimp.

When I told my husband this morning he laughed and said “I bet you’re the only person in the world that has had that dream!”

He was teasing of course (kind of). 😉 But I’m sure I’m not alone here! What are your fish nightmares?

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Yes, I have had weird dreams where I have some tank that I forgot existed and it was somehow like lost in my house and when I found it all the fish were still alive but it was like a year since I fed or cleaned the tank and they had babies. Just very weird lol, not sure if nightmare is the right word but certainly a strange dream. 


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Oh yes, fish tank nightmares are common in my list of 'things I have nightmares about.' I have nightmares about heaters exploding, while underwater no less (yes I know that's not how they explode, but nightmare brain is not a logical thing) and then also electrocuting all my fish.

I have nightmares about going to feed all my fish and seeing camallanus worms sticking out of all of my fish, in all of my tanks. I know this is paranoia from the time I did have fish come in with camallanus and what a mess treating it was. I also know none of my tanks actually have camallanus. But that one gets me every time and the next morning I'm  always scrutinizing my fish as they eat, looking for the little red monsters.

I also have a nightmare that my pictus catfish eat my half banded spiny eels, and I walk in to find their tails sticking out of the pictus mouths. This is totally illogical, these fish are housed in different tanks in different rooms of my house. But nightmare brain says they are somehow in the same tank and the pictus eat them like the spaghetti noodles they are. 

Nightmare brain is kind of a jerk.

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1 hour ago, GardenStateGoldfish said:

Yes, I have had weird dreams where I have some tank that I forgot existed and it was somehow like lost in my house and when I found it all the fish were still alive but it was like a year since I fed or cleaned the tank and they had babies. Just very weird lol, not sure if nightmare is the right word but certainly a strange dream. 

I have that one too and so have other people.

Edited by Coronal Mass Ejection Carl
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I've had multiple dreams where I couldn't keep my fish contained. They'd keep coming out and flying around the room like bugs. Definitely had the dream about a forgotten neglected tank as well.

Recently had a dream where I was having a cup of hot tea and discovered otocinclus in the cup -- I frantically looked for a safe place to get them out of the hot water but all my tanks had predator fish (I don't actually have any tanks like that).

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Most of my nightmares involve escaping from parties that I was not invited to, while trying to find my shoes. It usually means that I need to visit the facilities.

Sometimes those dreams involve tanks that are not level, or at the worst, water damage to my work laptop.

The sooner I wake up, the better.

Edited by Streetwise
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  • 2 months later...

Welp, I had another one.

The other night I watched a David Attenborough clip about the Portuguese Man O War. Creepiest, strangest creature on this planet.

Then I had a dream that I had bought one and put it in my tank. Because the guy at the fish store said “suuuure you can keep that in a community tank, it will be fiiiiine.” Well I quickly realized it was not fine. So then I spent the whole dream trying to net out the Man O War without getting stung, but it kept coming out in pieces, so then I tried to net the fish and move them to a holding container before they died a grisly stinging external-digestion death.

I even searched YouTube for helpful videos and was like, “Why hasn’t Aquarium Co-op done a video about how to get a Man O War out of a tank??? Come on, Cory!!”

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I have the nightmare where I discover some forgotten pet/fish tank in a room that's been neglected for who knows how long at least once or twice a year. I've also had the dream where the fish fly around the house and refuse to be contained.

Once I dreamed that my hubby and I bought a house and discovered a GIANT fish room in the basement once we moved in (somehow we didn't notice it while looking at the house pre-purchase). The fish were all completely too large for the tanks they were in; there was even a dolphin crammed into one. I was panicking and started doing water changes to try to help the fish (they had been down there neglected for who knows how long), while trying to explain to my hubby that we needed to put up a ton of Craigslist adds to try to rehome them all. It was all so overwhelming. 

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I definitely have fish nighmares. My partner thought it was a sign I should get out of the (clearly stressful) hobby...until I started telling him all the nightmares I have featuring HIM! Now he just thinks I should write screenplays.

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  • 1 month later...

My most frequent fish nightmare is that my children, 4 and 5 y.o., have done something to the tank, eg: turned up the heater, turned off the filters, added Matchbox cars or play doh...  Might have something to do with them dumping of ALL the different foods into my 20 gal last summer.....  🤔😜

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  • 1 month later...

Alright I got some new ones.

1. Moving my summer tubs around and breaking a glass thermometer in the grass.

2. Trying to find Aquarium Co-op in an indoor mall but just wandering around with no luck. 😞

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I have a recurring nightmare that my bedroom is the aquarium and I'm desperately trying to swim to my empty 20g tanks to breath air. I'm worrying about the cost of the water damage the whole time too. Gotta love stress dreams. 

Edited by Ogpulchra
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On 6/6/2021 at 7:13 PM, Guppysnail said:

I have them where every inch of my house is aquariums and everything has gotten so large they break the glass and become predatory towards me. Sometimes even alligators show up in my aquarium nightmares.

Where you watching Zoombies before bedtime?

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  • 1 month later...

So I'm out of town at the moment, and have someone feeding my fish while I'm gone. But this is the first time I've left my tanks for such a long time. It must be on my mind, because last night I dreamed we came home to find someone had broken into the house and smashed open all of the tanks. There was broken glass, dead fish and water everywhere. I was so relieved when I woke up!

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Strange that you say this after I had my first fish related "nightmare". I woke up in a panic calling out to my dog who somehow I had worked in my head was the result of rushing water under my bed. I thought he had something to do with breaking an aquarium. I had to apologize repeatedly and tell him to go back to sleep because I was crazy and that had nothing to do with him.

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