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Reworked a bit of my scrapscape project, added one of my wild type shrimp that I was able to catch to join two other hatchmates already in there. Fought green spot algae semi successfully - tough to get off acrylic bowfront safely. Getting the QT ready for a surprise shipment of green neon tetras that will arrive on St Pat's 🙂

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Finally finished emptying, cleaning, and drying my 10gal. It's the first time that had been empty since 2016, my longest-running tank. The minnows seem to be happy in their new 20 gallon home. Started prepping the 10 for a matten filter, to replace my 5gal at work. (Anything 5 gallons can do, 10 can do better!)



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Did almost usual set of water change. Today I had to clean one of the matten filters. What happens is over time the sponge clogs and the water drops behind it as well as flow reduction:



Eventually it gets low enough to kill the heater. Cleaning these usually add 45 minutes to my water change. This is what it looks like removed:



Usually when i removed these a lot of fishes like to explore this new area - today was no difference - i had both apisto, 2 mystery snails and a partridge in a pear tree back there - it is really amazing how fast those mystery snails move when they want to get where they are going.

And this is is what it looks like cleaned and replaced:


The water level behind the filter is now level with the water in front. Having a side matten is easy to see when it needs cleaning not sure how the folks who put it on the bottom can tell when there are issues.


I'm mixed about these - they do a good job filtering (the water was cleared about 15 minutes after returning it) and i only have to clean them once every 6 or 8 months - but still it is a pia to clean.

I didn't post a full picture of the tank since i just posted one a couple of days ago. Bad planning on my part 😉


Oh well Saturday i get to clean the matten on the sister tank (this is the white 29 and Saturday I'll do the black 29); then next wednesday it is the eheim on the 120 and  a few weeks after that the fx6.


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Like every other day this week, I spent some time separating guppy fry. They have reached an age now where literally every day I am finding new ones with color coming in.

I also picked up my stock tank for summer tubbing. I am hoping to let at least some of my guppies enjoy a pond full of plants for the summer. I am not sure whether white clouds can also go out, it might be too hot for them here? Will have to look that up. The tank is 110 gallons and I'm looking forward to it.

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I did a water change and filter cleaning. I also moved the heater from the side of the tank to the back, a little further from the filter.

Then the kids and I spent about 20 minutes watching snails, which started when we noticed our nerite was out in the open.


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So today was supposed be 30% water change and tidy up of the tank however when I went to wipe the algae off my heater that felt a tingle and on closer inspection it was cracked. So unplugged it and walked down to the British version of a big box pet store to discover that they don't stock large heaters.  So then a drive to the next nearest lfs heater (and three otos ) acquired.

So much for a quick water change. 

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Finished the mock up of my stand, just the fiddly sanding and finish to go.

I've decided it's too nice for the tank I built it for so I'm thinking my next big project will be a 7ft ply / fibreglass tank to match....

Dose anyone else have the problem of some pics Uploading upside down for some strange reason?

Edited by bentaz
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On 3/20/2022 at 5:54 AM, bentaz said:

Dose anyone else have the problem of some pics Uploading upside down for some strange reason?

Yep, and much worse recently.  I used to have the occasional pic flip 90 degrees or 180 degrees.  But it does seem to be much worse lately.  I’ve found that other’s suggestions of editing the photo in any way before posting will keep them right side up.  I usually just crop it, even if it’s only a trace trimmed off an edge, and that makes them behave.

Edited by Odd Duck
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Moved little reddo to his permanent home.

Trash picked neighbors 40 gallon 6 sided tank, and stand, medium sized canister, air pump, tubing, and heater. Gave it all a bleach bath, canister filter works, but the top is extremely difficult to get on and off. Air pump works, yet to test heater. Tank is leak testing in the back yard, judging by the looks the robin was giving me, he will certainly be using it as a bird bath.



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Splatter reduction project using course sponge, and I think maybe it will the surface as well. That last part will probably disappoint the snails a bit. I'm still getting good surface agitation, so I don't think I'm noticeably affecting the oxygen. 




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On 3/21/2022 at 2:50 PM, BrettD said:

Splatter reduction project using course sponge, and I think maybe it will the surface as well. That last part will probably disappoint the snails a bit. I'm still getting good surface agitation, so I don't think I'm noticeably affecting the oxygen. 



Good idea! It’s better looking than using a plastic take away lid. 

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On 3/21/2022 at 4:58 PM, Patrick_G said:


Good idea! It’s better looking than using a plastic take away lid. 

I had been using this. The only reason I stopped was because the new substrate is deeper, so it was obstructing the lid. Sooo I stood there and stared at the tank for a few minutes until the course sponge caught my eye, lol.



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On 3/1/2022 at 12:27 PM, Georgiapeach88 said:

My amazon 36g bowfront is coming along great. Driftwood finally doesn’t float and corys moving substrate constantly. So had some plant issues in beginning. But got it figured out now and things are staying in place now. Yay!! Also one fry has thrived all on its own in the tank finally spotted him the other day when re doing plants. 




How long did it take for your driftwood not to float? I have a piece submerged in a bucket right now, it's been there a week. I am DYING to put it in my tank but I don't know if I should secure it to a rock or continue waiting...

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On 3/22/2022 at 5:26 PM, Katie B. said:

How long did it take for your driftwood not to float? I have a piece submerged in a bucket right now, it's been there a week. I am DYING to put it in my tank but I don't know if I should secure it to a rock or continue waiting...

Depending on the size you may be able to boil it in order to expedite the process. Larger pieces can be tricky because it can be difficult to safely boil the piece but it's definitely worth a shot for smaller pieces!

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On 3/22/2022 at 8:35 PM, ange said:

Depending on the size you may be able to boil it in order to expedite the process. Larger pieces can be tricky because it can be difficult to safely boil the piece but it's definitely worth a shot for smaller pieces!

I boiled it for 3 hours, submerged it for a week, and then boiled it for another 1.5 hours.
This is the piece and yes, it is being held down by a bottle of ketchup in my old teacher container 😂 



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Oh my days I'm so sorry! Is there a chance that there's an air pocket in the wood that's making it more buoyant? You're more patient than I am; I probably would have tied that thing to a rock already or done some exploration with a drill bit.

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