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Here is a daylight video of the tank - now down to about 240 fish after most of the 100 fish sold came out of this tank. Water is a little more clear. Sump has been doing a great job so far of keeping up as the fish - and the bio-load - get bigger.








Edited by HH Morant
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Went into a LFS to look around while running errands with my parents, ended up leaving with a a small deli cup full of duck weed and a pothos trimming as well as two tag along pond snails. All of it was free since the owner said they all 'grow like weeds anyway' and I'm very excited to have some life in my tank. One of the two snails is already chugging away at the diatoms in there and the other one is somewhere in the plants. 

Edit - I stand corrected they are bladder snails. Also there are several babies that came with them. 

Edited by castiel
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On 2/22/2022 at 6:46 AM, Maggie said:

Yesterday I introduced Frank to the platys. He has fit in very well except I think Papa is gonna get himself hurt if he keeps trying to flirt with Frank. Oh boy!


This makes me think of the Facebook page “Frogs With Low Standards”.  😂 🤣 🤷🏻‍♀️ 

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@Maggie my endler boys are the same, lol.

My danios are like "you want to put what, where?!?😳EWEEEEE!" and I am laughing too hard to get an image I can share, lol.

I grow out my boys with the danios to reduce aggression. It works great, overall... except for when a boy gets overly interested in a danio🤣🤣🤣

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I can’t remember if I posted these pics the other day or not but I can’t find where I posted them if I did, so I’ll post them here.

These are my blatant rip off from @Torrey’s design for scud culture decanters.  I had an old sun tea jar that I used to make the first one.  I bought a tiny, round, undergravel filter for a 1 gallon bowl that just barely fit through the mouth of the jar.  I layered it with enough biorings and ceramic bioballs to fit around the UG plate enough to hold it in place.  Then layered plastic bioballs on top of that.  Then a piece of plastic craft mesh cut to fit over that. Then more ceramic biorings to hold down the floating bioballs since I didn’t have any gravel.  Then a few briefly boiled oak leaves (just long enough to soften them up) with their water plus enough dechlorinated water to fill the jug just to the shoulder so it would still have max surface area.  Made sure it was cool enough and added as many scuds as I could round up fairly quickly as starters.

I liked the result and the idea enough that I found a cheap drink dispenser online and did essentially a repeat with the largest round, UG filter I could find.  It was smaller than I wanted, but it was cheap and arrived quickly (designed for a 2 gallon bowl).  I’ve added some frogbit to each one now and a bit more Elodea to the bigger, new container.  I just transferred some water and leaves to the new container since I felt like I got too much in the first jar.  Then topped off both with fresh dechlorinated water and some old tank water.

The sun tea jug is on a plant stand.  Both ended up a little taller than ideal for the shelf they’re currently on, but when I move everything to the fish room I’ll see how things turn out.




Edited by Odd Duck
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On 2/23/2022 at 11:34 AM, Patrick_G said:

@Odd DuckI was intrigued by your scud setup so I clicked over to Goliad Farms to check on getting some scuds. I discovered their recommendation against using oak leaves. Any thoughts on why? Maybe they’re to acidic? 

Hmm.  Maybe?  They might also just be too tough.  I do know they like mulberry leaves much better, but I don’t have any right now.  I only had oak leaves on hand and I find them in layered oak leaves when I’ve added them to tanks.  Scuds (and shrimp) will tear through mulberry leaves like mad when I’ve picked them green and dried them, then added to a tank.

I guess I’ll see what happens with these.  I have added small pieces of algae wafer to each tank since the oak leaves will take longer to break down enough for them to enjoy.

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Did water changes today. Haven't shown pictures in a while since they haven't changed much but here is the 5 with THREE bn pleco and a cherry shrimp (who said you can't keep pleco in a 5?):



And the 29 with too much italia val. I actually gave it a small hair cut but i probably need to trim more. Some of the leaves are actually long enough to go all the way across - fold on itself and all the way back to the other side.... really enough is enough?



and the black 29. Not much new here - there is a borelli in there i've been trying to capture for the past 3 weeks; guess she doesn't want to be caught - hum... maybe it will be easier to put a male in there... and it doesn't really show up in the picture but the kuhli were surfing a bit on the right. One thing i worry about the dense foliage is that it is repressing hte crypts; but the pinto anubia seems to do really well in the shade...



One of these days I'll post a new picture of the 40b. I've been redoing a bit of it by removing the floating stuff and letting the repressed crypts regrow. I also added a couple of nice plants to that aquarium... maybe next week but probably the week after.

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Tried taking pictures of my congo tetras.  The missus is better at it than me and made a video



They've started spawning behavior, but the guppies are too efficient at egg clean-up I think.

The little Fluval tank is almost ready for shrimp, and the ramshorns are going gangbusters in there. I started a 2 gallon jar experiment for shrimp, but it's still cycling.

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On 2/21/2022 at 2:13 PM, HH Morant said:

Here is a daylight video of the tank - now down to about 240 fish after most of the 100 fish sold came out of this tank. Water is a little more clear. Sump has been doing a great job so far of keeping up as the fish - and the bio-load - get bigger.



Such a great looking tank and they are still so cute. Their colors are looking more different from each other in this video.

On 2/23/2022 at 5:55 PM, Griznatch said:

Tried taking pictures of my congo tetras.  The missus is better at it than me and made a video



Gorgeous fish and pretty music--great vid!


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On 2/23/2022 at 11:34 AM, Patrick_G said:

@Odd DuckI was intrigued by your scud setup so I clicked over to Goliad Farms to check on getting some scuds. I discovered their recommendation against using oak leaves. Any thoughts on why? Maybe they’re to acidic? 

This kept nagging at me so I checked the pH today - just test strips, so 🤷🏻‍♀️ but both containers are at 7.2.

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Not much today - ordered some fishes so they should arrive tomorrow. The biggest portion of the order was some eques cory which should be interesting. Also noticed that my largest clown is now too large for the caves so she wanted a new place to sleep:


Not a great picture but clearly they can sleep standing up 😉



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My amazon 36g bowfront is coming along great. Driftwood finally doesn’t float and corys moving substrate constantly. So had some plant issues in beginning. But got it figured out now and things are staying in place now. Yay!! Also one fry has thrived all on its own in the tank finally spotted him the other day when re doing plants. 




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On 3/1/2022 at 1:27 PM, Georgiapeach88 said:

My amazon 36g bowfront is coming along great. Driftwood finally doesn’t float and corys moving substrate constantly. So had some plant issues in beginning. But got it figured out now and things are staying in place now. Yay!! Also one fry has thrived all on its own in the tank finally spotted him the other day when re doing plants. 




Awesome tank! I got a 36g recently, and now it's being cycled! I absolutely LOVE your driftwood! What other fish are you planning to add into the tank?

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Brought 12 juvenile platys to Petco today - I'm very happy they take donations. I was told they don't resell them, and I saw two 8"+ comet goldfish up for donation - oh to have a big pond right now. I tried the bottle method, but Frank (gourami) started guarding it bc he couldn't fit but didn't want the platys getting any, either! It was easier than I thought to catch the 12. I tried to catch Papa platy to return him too, as I'm undergoing some medical stuff and trying to keep the platy population in check. Papa is way too smart to fall for the easy catch. 

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