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1930s historically accurate planted aquarium


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As requested by @quirkylemon103 here is an update on the 1930s aquarium. I added plants more than a month ago and have been waiting for the Vallisneria to grow (which as everyone knows could be a long wait). This picture is from earlier this morning.


It is hard to see the critters in the aquarium in this photograph, but mainly there are blue spotted sunfish, mosquito fish, and ghost shrimp all collected from the same ditch in Kinston, North Carolina on the same day back in early October.

But at long last (maybe) the Vallisneria is beginning however tentatively to send out runners. @akconklin how many shrimp can you count in the photo?🙂


When and if I can get the Vallisneria to fill in I will change the look of the aquarium.

Up until now this has been the 1910's historically accurate aquarium. Gravel from my creek, plants and fish from roadside ditches, etc. But by the 1930's, often call the 'Golden Age of Tropical Fishkeeping' many more kinds of equipment and fish had become available to the hobby.

Ultimately, the look I am going for is this.


I have the angelfish, zebra fish, red swordtails and similar gravel in hand. Now all I need is the !%&* Jungle Val to fill in and then I will remodel the aquarium and bring it forward into the 1930s

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Hehe, I swear Jungle Val is one of those plants that is a weed that takes over a tank where you want it to "just stay in that back corner". Or a plant that melts back and struggles in a tank where you want it to thrive. I have no proof yet, but I am pretty sure it is the "Lucy holding the football" of the aquarium plant world.

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10 minutes ago, akconklin said:

Hmm...I clearly saw 4. But I think I might see a 5th, toward the back on the left hand side? Whew...I had to get on my laptop and use the zoom function, @Daniel😅

I with you, I only clearly see 4, but I sorta kinda see 3 partials that could be shrimp?

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Wow! Such a cool piece. Love the art deco metal aquarium stands. Also amazed at the prices. 1 dollar for a pair of Swords, a lot of money in 1936. Also never knew they had already all these types of fancy gold fish back in the 30s. I learn a thing every day here!

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13 minutes ago, Aubrey said:

 I didn't know about the files feature on here until last night when I was trying to find the name of the Innes book by searching the forum and found it was uploaded on here too.

@Aubrey shh! Don't tell anyone about the files part of the forum, people might start uploading photos there (which we don't want them to do that). We want to keep the files area a place where you can upload books and papers and such just like you did.

Thanks again for uploading that!

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How many gallons is this tank anyway? I was thinking...I remember you did not plan to put in a filter, and I am more and more beginning to believe filtration is largely cosmetic when you cram your tank full of plants like me. I would rather buy more plants and lights.


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@Aubrey Wow! Thanks for sharing that catalogue!  It is interesting that most of the equipment look so similar to what we use today.  I noticed that they were selling Bettas in pairs; did i miss an explanation of how to house them?  This was a fascinating read, and I laughed at my own surprise when I got to the end and saw the envelope and order form... so used to ordering things online lol!  

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1 hour ago, Tonik said:

@Aubrey Wow! Thanks for sharing that catalogue!  It is interesting that most of the equipment look so similar to what we use today.  I noticed that they were selling Bettas in pairs; did i miss an explanation of how to house them?  This was a fascinating read, and I laughed at my own surprise when I got to the end and saw the envelope and order form... so used to ordering things online lol!  

I'm curios to about how they were housed

Edited by quirkylemon103
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I know this is wrong on so many levels.

As the Sun's path swings a bit lower day by day the 1930's tank get evermore sunlight each day. Naturally the water is greening up beautifully (which is fortunate for me because I had to move my green water aquarium to make room for more aquariums).

I have been testing the Felix Smart aquarium monitor with mixed results. I like the Seneye water monitor part, but the camera part is less than spectacular. So I have moved the Felix over the lowest tech aquarium in the house. That is just wrong.


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3 hours ago, Daniel said:

I know this is wrong on so many levels.

As the Sun's path swings a bit lower day by day the 1930's tank get evermore sunlight each day. Naturally the water is greening up beautifully (which is fortunate for me because I had to move my green water aquarium to make room for more aquariums).

I have been testing the Felix Smart aquarium monitor with mixed results. I like the Seneye water monitor part, but the camera part is less than spectacular. So I have moved the Felix over the lowest tech aquarium in the house. That is just wrong.


i hope your not using the felix on the 1930s tank

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