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On 2/15/2023 at 8:06 PM, Guppysnail said:

When I started my journal here I was on a bare bottom tank kick. I had every type of plant in my tanks all suction cupped to walls 🤣. It’s a nifty trick especially when you are like me and ALWAYS glue yourself to things but NEVER get plants to stick 🤣🤣🤣🤣

very useful trick, especially since this piece of wood is large, and well planted so i cant pull it out and glue the plant that way. yes, i swear, super glue will take 1000years to stick a plant to wood, but 2seconds to stick to my fingers.

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On 2/16/2023 at 1:27 AM, Theplatymaster said:

@Coluboth fish have had symptoms for about a day, i shall try to get better pictures in the morning, my tank lights are off now.

If they both have had  the white patches at the same time I would be suspicious of something like columnaris it's a gram negative bacterial infection that spreads more quickly at higher temperatures and can kill in 24hr to 7 days depending on the strain as I can't be sure it's columnaris what I would do is keep treat with maracyn and add aquarium salt 1 table spoon for 1 gallon if you notice it getting worse than I would treat with a combination of kanaplex and jungal fungus clear fizz tabs containing nitrofurazone following this treatment plan  @TheplatymasterIMG_20230115_235240.jpg.f5256dff96fd97ead1ecbb1800b7f50d.jpg

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@Colu fish have been in seperate tanks for a few weeks now, i will continue salt and maracyn treatment as suggested, one fish has it by the lips, the other its by the tail.

unrelated to this comment:

i was looking through some old papers, and i found a previous fish plan i made, i guess my younger self was pretty smart.

here was the plan:


pygmy cories

white cloud mountain minnows

glowlight tetras

it would have been a nice tank, the issue IMPULSE BUYING.

my LFS didnt have ANY of these fish when i went (or so i thought, i probably didnt look hard enough) so i got platies instead, and thus my adventure began with these fish.

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Ive just realized my mistake,

i was so concerned with sick fish last night, i forgot to set up BBS. Im sorry corydora fry.

also @Colu i cannot get a good picture the fish are afraid of the camera, ill keep dosing maracyn and at what point should i water change out the salt?

Tank pictures:( to clarify these are NOT the QT tank, but the display tank).


John the betta in his root tab betta tunnel


i got the picture wrong for this one, but its just platies and plants.


can you find any cory fry? (also a photobombing platy)


general picture of my tank.

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On 2/16/2023 at 11:17 AM, Theplatymaster said:

Ive just realized my mistake,

i was so concerned with sick fish last night, i forgot to set up BBS. Im sorry corydora fry.

also @Colu i cannot get a good picture the fish are afraid of the camera, ill keep dosing maracyn and at what point should i water change out the salt?

Tank pictures:( to clarify these are NOT the QT tank, but the display tank).


John the betta in his root tab betta tunnel


i got the picture wrong for this one, but its just platies and plants.


can you find any cory fry? (also a photobombing platy)


general picture of my tank.

I would leave the salt at that level for one week before water changing it out 

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i wish i had something good to talk about today, but i dont.

maybe ill just post some more platy pictures, but there are plenty of those on here.

i could show off my new pet, but its boring.

I could get a picture of baby corydoras, but thats difficult.

IDK what to do for today, if anyone has a opinion tell me.

Ive got it! i will make a bunch of people made by posting pictures of way too many Mini-ramshorn snails, that i have in EVERY TANK i own, because i find them SO fun to watch.




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On 2/16/2023 at 3:09 PM, Theplatymaster said:

i wish i had something good to talk about today, but i dont.

maybe ill just post some more platy pictures, but there are plenty of those on here.

i could show off my new pet, but its boring.

I could get a picture of baby corydoras, but thats difficult.

IDK what to do for today, if anyone has a opinion tell me.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Be in the moment and enjoy being there. I tend to just watch a tank and report on it like it's breaking news and very interesting.  It might be just an audience of one, but your joy allows the good things to shine through.  Tell us your 3 favorite things about the tank. Be specific, as much detail as you feel like. 🙂

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@nabokovfan87happy to report this journal now has an audience of 3! (and me).

3 favorite things, ok.

1.all the platies, they are my favorite fish for  a reason, usually it doesnt look like i have a lot, until i add the food, but i love their little personalities, and that they will pick at some algae.

2.Corydora fry, ive tried so many times, and im succeeding now, its more exciting when they move, but at least they are alive.

3. garra guy: by far taken my 2nd favorite fish spot, he hides sometimes under the sponge filter, but he is very fun to see when he is out, eating on the tank algae, or just resting on a leaf. it was very fun to watch him clean a dwarf aquarium lily leaf. Hes not a small fish (3-4in), and the leaf clearly could not sustain his weight, but he kept trying, and was almost hanging on for his life with his mouth, even though the leaf could not support his weight. ( he has realized i have an anubias right in the flow, that is his favorite location, a leaf to sit on, and flow, whats not to like).

4. john my betta sitting  in the root tab betta tunnel i made for him. It was a fun way to save money, recycle a root tab container, (cut myself), and give my fish something that makes him happy.

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At some point you all will get bored of me posting pictures of a dirty breeder box 😆 (I count 9) :


the photos arent the best, but can you spot any fry?

 i have gotten very good at finding them, as apposed to someone else thats looked for them and said "3, no wait one's moving 4". they are getting bigger, BBS isnt ready yet though.


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On 2/17/2023 at 12:06 PM, Theplatymaster said:

@nabokovfan87 i added that on purpouse for the micro-organisms, my main issue is IDK how to take it out without hurting the bottom dwelling fry.

Right there with you and I struggled with this as well.  I used a "holding container" and a turkey baster.  You can move fry with the baster no issue.  Even an airline tube or piece of vinyl tube works.  Remove the stuff into that container, then check for fry.  Once you can spread it out, you'll easily see the fry.  I clean it every 1-2 days.  When they get bigger, then you can opt for 2ish days. 

@Guppysnail what do you do for this?

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On 2/17/2023 at 3:13 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

Right there with you and I struggled with this as well.  I used a "holding container" and a turkey baster.  You can move fry with the baster no issue.  Even an airline tube or piece of vinyl tube works.  Remove the stuff into that container, then check for fry.  Once you can spread it out, you'll easily see the fry.  I clean it every 1-2 days.  When they get bigger, then you can opt for 2ish days. 

@Guppysnail what do you do for this?

I blow it into a corner gentle with a turkey baster. I gently suck it up and gently deposit it into a small white plastic container. Let it all settle and them look with a magnifying glass to be sure I did not suck up fry. If I did I baster the fry out and return them to the tank. 

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@nabokovfan87@Guppysnail here is what i ended up doing:

first i tried the siphon into a net trick, it was hard, and i lost a fry in the process. :classic_sad:. (i got around 1/5th of the mulm this way)

then i switched to an old school net, i swept it along the bottom, and the one fry in the way moved. I got maybe 3/5ths of it this way. i still have some left, but hopefully not way too much that would cause a problem.

here is my equipment:


the breeder box looks like this now: ( i didnt get all of it, but most of it):




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no offense to @TheSwissAquaristbut i logged on today, 24notifications, and at least %50 percent of them were you (i follow you).

I saw my nerite snail today! i havent seen her in so long moving, that ive forgotten about her.

@Guppysnail does having multiple make them less shy?

im working on hatching some live BBS for the cory fry, they are doing well.

@Colu the sick fish have recovered with the salt and maracyn, im going to leave them in to make sure for a few days.

Hair algae is STILL outbreaking, sorry platies, you are going to be fasted. i wish there was a way to  fast the platies, but not the baby cories, well, downsides of a breeder box.

anubias petite that i propagated a few weeks ago is growing back strong:


my water is cloudy, it looks like ill need to replace the filter floss:



i forgot to get a BBS picture.

but i have a new song (sing to the tune of Whopper)


Standard,Highfin,Plumetail platy

put them in a tank and be ready

breed fish today

with Platay keep fish today

You're cool!

(dont copyright infringement me on this, please)

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