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Wow the video glad both was ok..frog with the bird head ,.wish I could keep frogs  16 years ago after my first fish the gold fish died tried frogs both in a community tank & even had a frog only  tank ,,,could not keep  them alive  

Guppy the outdoor flowers are beautiful 

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Got a picture of the baby not so baby anchor cat. Looks big in the photo but it’s just under half the size of the adults. She is “hiding” so you can’t see her, no not at all 🤣03AC9AED-D6D6-46CF-8FD8-6E66B4460DB1.jpeg.eea333d87e7043adeadf653b6e1593f4.jpeg


Gave the frogs a floating betta log. Nyx came right up to check it out 575A3FD0-018C-40DB-A6E3-1F3782C33E1E.jpeg.cf4952898daad1820acb1c4bc273a833.jpeg

Aether not far behindC316CB15-7FF3-4FFD-BCE8-83BE92A43CB2.jpeg.645462ca90f4c6c1d19d661e63c461ca.jpeg19D824E9-901A-4567-9A9B-5DB2F2455CEA.jpeg.19d5a4891ce2a072f5d11998bcc5fc9b.jpeg

Aether was mugged by an adult shrimp on the way up so ran off before she got to play 😢


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On 6/5/2023 at 11:26 AM, Guppysnail said:

@Chick-In-Of-TheSea they are NOSEY!

I just did a full vacuum on their tank. They chased the siphon about then chased any remaining grindal worms I was stirring up. 

Sounds like Snoopy. She won’t even move out of the way of the siphon. Or tongs. Or my hand. She just observes. She wants to be in on all the happenings

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I am completely smitten with the frogs. 
I just picked up 2 more.

 Meet Eros and Erebus


When I put them in I realized how skinny they look in camparison to my plump kids in just 1 week. So I took a ready to harvest grindal worm culture with extra dirt and food so the girls at the shop have live food to feed the rest of the frogs and the puffer babies. 

Of course Nyx and Aether had to show off bellies to the newbies. A5469E9D-0562-4B4D-9066-98DEFBC8D3CA.jpeg.3c3c6f9c0dc79136bfc1539dcfbb6f0c.jpegDDAA0E26-5293-4968-A44C-9215A7AB7687.jpeg.cee0c1c23a0a751a5d375763b7d064e3.jpeg5E6EAA66-AC9E-47CC-B503-72568A466260.jpeg.33a5d39ba3bbd124bcaf34493272ff26.jpeg

Goal for this week is tear apart the 10 that will be their permanent home and redo it so when qt is up they can live with some piano snails. 



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Frogs are great. Totally enjoyable, I think their “hunting” capabilities are really overstated as they really stumble onto food and yes if it’s big enough to fit in their mouths they’ll eat it but their coordination is so poor that’s kind of asking a lot when it comes to live prey. The croaking/singing was funny when I’m putting the kids to bed their lights have just gone off and with the kids nightlights I think they think it’s the moon shining! 

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On 6/7/2023 at 4:34 PM, Guppysnail said:

I am completely smitten with the frogs. 
I just picked up 2 more.

 Meet Eros and Erebus


When I put them in I realized how skinny they look in camparison to my plump kids in just 1 week. So I took a ready to harvest grindal worm culture with extra dirt and food so the girls at the shop have live food to feed the rest of the frogs and the puffer babies. 

Of course Nyx and Aether had to show off bellies to the newbies. A5469E9D-0562-4B4D-9066-98DEFBC8D3CA.jpeg.3c3c6f9c0dc79136bfc1539dcfbb6f0c.jpegDDAA0E26-5293-4968-A44C-9215A7AB7687.jpeg.cee0c1c23a0a751a5d375763b7d064e3.jpeg5E6EAA66-AC9E-47CC-B503-72568A466260.jpeg.33a5d39ba3bbd124bcaf34493272ff26.jpeg

Goal for this week is tear apart the 10 that will be their permanent home and redo it so when qt is up they can live with some piano snails. 



Look just like mine! 


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On 6/7/2023 at 8:19 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

think their “hunting” capabilities are really overstated as they really stumble onto food

This! They are terrible at eating!! This is why I had my Mum start target feeding them so she knew they were actually eating and each frog gets something. They are so trained now, they come to the front of the tank to get fed. 

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On 6/7/2023 at 11:19 AM, Beardedbillygoat1975 said:

I think their “hunting” capabilities are really overstated

They are not great hunters. It so funny watching them chase shrimp. The shrimp barely move out of the way. 
They launch at balls of white worms then try to stuff the entire ball in their mouth. 
They do much better with grindal worms though. Instead of clumsily launching and mostly missing the worms they stick their snoot to the ground and scoot along gobbling them up. 


On 6/7/2023 at 11:29 AM, xXInkedPhoenixX said:

They are terrible at eating

Mine have not even attempted anything commercial or frozen that I have witnessed. It has required me to return a few hours later and siphon it out. 
I have wanted frogs for a few years but was scared about the eating. Now that I can give a daily supply of a variety live worms I felt confident enough to get them. 

Mine are the size of my thumb tip so to young to sing. I’m looking forward to hearing it. Surely 1 out of 4 is a boy 🤞🏻

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So the 10g dwarf frog tank must wait. Yesterday I realized how much the Aspidora grew. It looked like a layer 3 deep on the substrate. 
I moved what I thought was half to the future frog 10. 

Then realized I barely made a dent in the population in the hatch tank 🤣

So moved a bunch to the parent tank. Some babies hatched in the parent tank as well  

This is what’s left in the hatch tank  


This crazy swim is the kids WE WANT FOOD bat signal today.  


This is piggies chowing down as soon as food hits the tank. 

@nabokovfan87 I am thinking the Ziss Tumbler Hatcher may be a hazard to my sanity and water bill 🤣

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On 6/8/2023 at 11:27 AM, Guppysnail said:

@nabokovfan87 I am thinking the Ziss Tumbler Hatcher may be a hazard to my sanity and water bill 🤣

What!?!? 😂 😂 😂

The fry look wonderful, very wriggly and happy with their home.

On 6/8/2023 at 11:27 AM, Guppysnail said:

This crazy swim is the kids WE WANT FOOD bat signal today.  


Lol! The zoomies are real. They are searching so hard for food.

For small fry, given food size and gravel in the tank, do you think feeding dish helps them out?

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On 6/8/2023 at 4:04 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

For small fry, given food size and gravel in the tank, do you think feeding dish helps them out?

No. When I got my original group they just wiggled through the dish and scattered food. It then lodged under the rim of the dish where they could not get it. 
These kids are on wafers at this point. I use Kens meat wafers and Ctreme bottom wafers. They also get grindal worms and live bbs. 
If they were still on fry food yes it would be an issue. I have the river sand in the hatch tank for smaller grain. 


On 6/8/2023 at 4:04 PM, nabokovfan87 said:

What!?!? 😂 😂 😂

I’m going to have to hand these out as a welcome door gift. 
Hi welcome to the swap.  Here is your free Aspidora colony 🤣

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On 6/13/2023 at 9:58 AM, Chick-In-Of-TheSea said:

The frogs shed? 

Yes. As they grow they shed a healthy complete skin. 
If something is wrong with the water or the frog they will shed in bits and pieces. 
So far I found 3 full healthy sheds. Erebus is still small so either ate his shed or has not yet shed. 

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On 6/13/2023 at 10:19 AM, Guppysnail said:

Yes. As they grow they shed a healthy complete skin. 
If something is wrong with the water or the frog they will shed in bits and pieces. 
So far I found 3 full healthy sheds. Erebus is still small so either ate his shed or has not yet shed. 

Pretty cool!  I knew that lizards and snakes shed. I didn't realize frogs shed too.

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