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On 2/24/2022 at 1:34 PM, Patrick_G said:

MD, if you’re lurking come out and say hi! 

@TorreyOh my I didn’t know they were a member I figured they just seen them on Amazon and ordered them 🤣. I love stealing, I mean borrowing ideas here so I’m glad if I was a contributor 😁

Edited by Guppysnail
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On 2/24/2022 at 11:15 AM, Guppysnail said:

Oh my I didn’t know they were a member I figured they just seen them on Amazon and ordered them 🤣. I love stealing, I mean borrowing ideas here so I’m glad if I was a contributor 😁

GUPPYSNAIL  this is just one reason why we all love you! you are a true pioneer in the hobby. and a dear friend.

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On 2/24/2022 at 2:18 PM, scott the fishman said:

GUPPYSNAIL  this is just one reason why we all love you! you are a true pioneer in the hobby. and a dear friend.


On 2/24/2022 at 2:20 PM, Minanora said:

Amen to that, Scott!

Awww. Thanks folks 🤗. That made my day 😁

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On 2/24/2022 at 12:00 PM, Guppysnail said:

I like his lit’l tiny baby ones 😁 They have what looks like grate at the bottom instead of one tiny hole. I took the gravel out of mine due to not enough flow. I may look for some. 

I think those are sold as worm feeders.

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Not much update wise. Been focused on learning individual nutrients and purigen results…BORING….but needed. My panda eggs have not hatched yet?.. they look a touch different each day under a magnifying glass 🤷‍♀️  Two fungused so I removed them right away. 
im not fond of my new phone camera and the way it focuses on what it wants. It also makes me hold still for 3 second countdown on stills. I’m sure it’s a better camera but not knowing how to use it makes it worse for me. 😝

I did get one little boy doing the dance to get his girlfriend in the mood to spawn. Cute


AFTER @Patrick_G suggested growing my own plants from seeds I ordered 3 types of ludwiga seeds so I will start a side journal for that as I have several different germination methods I want to try  had to buy bulk so I’ll be getting 1100 seeds total  hopefully I get a few of those to grow  eBay isn’t always a reliable goods source but they were dirt cheap so it will be fun



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On 2/24/2022 at 3:32 PM, Guppysnail said:

My nasty tap tds 🤮🤢

Twinsies almost! I wonder if your water is as hard as mine is! 8.2pH out of the tap. This is a photo from after letting the water sit on the windowsill to offgas. Lol


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On 3/1/2022 at 9:02 PM, Minanora said:

Twinsies almost! I wonder if your water is as hard as mine is! 8.2pH out of the tap. This is a photo from after letting the water sit on the windowsill to offgas. Lol


Oh 7.6-7.8 sometimes they add stuff to keep the lines from eroding then it hits 8.4 or if I run air in my premix it hits 8. My api gh is average 15-17 sometimes 19 drops. Kh 13-15 av 17 max.

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On 3/2/2022 at 2:09 AM, Guppysnail said:

Oh 7.6-7.8 sometimes they add stuff to keep the lines from eroding then it hits 8.4 or if I run air in my premix it hits 8. My api gh is average 15-17 sometimes 19 drops. Kh 13-15 av 17 max.

Ah, mine is usually 17-18 GH, 16-17 KH. In the summer/fall our total hardness is usually upwards of 460ppm. Highest it's been is 510ppm. This is when they use the deeper wells and stop using surface water from the river and reservoirs. Highest pH was 8.5.

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Guppy boy update plus 1 pretty purple boy



I'm just a swimming along singing my song come on get happy…🤣 towards the end on part 1 super cute head and face. Bladders crawling the underside of the water surface




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Mixed news. My one panda fry is doing great. The outflow of my fluval breeder I have covered with pantyhose in the past. I did not have any so stuffed a piece of fine sponge in to block the grate. I woke this morning and the sponge had flowed into the guppy girl/fry tank. Only one fry remained in the box. With any luck they tucked away in ferns at night. My guppy juveniles are like a Wolfpack though so I am relatively certain they did not make it. I moved the box to the Pygmy cory/ celestial pearl piranha tank. I’m not certain any would stand a chance there either in the future but there are more hiding places and gravel substrate to blend with. I stuck a slightly larger piece of sponge in the breeder. I will be happy if my one remainder makes it. I don’t really need more (a few more boys would be nice though). I just want the opportunity to raise a panda cory fry. Sorry about the tiny video I forgot to turn my phone AGAIN 😂

A breakthrough color spot showed up on this little cuties nose 🥰. I called my pharmacist friend who took Chunk the one with the Charlie Brown spot. She wants this one as well. C93DFF7D-D50F-4F23-B8BB-478835773512.jpeg.689d31df539a56df411a69fd2ffbd9e4.jpeg
turns out there are at least 20 BN fry that hatched out one where other than the cave. They are still it’s mom n dad right now. I’ll probably stick them in with the guppy girls and lefty. I’ve been working on some other projects and trying to figure the new iron potassium and phosphate supplements out so have been bad about photos. I’ll take some fun ones tomorrow. I did get the purigen in all 6 canisters. Working surprisingly well. I’m pleased. 

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My baby panda almost has the yolk sac consumed. He was out looking a few times. I think he was trying to figure out how to move himself to scavenge. I took this with my phone on full zoom held up to a magnifying glass.  If you look close you see his gossamer pectoral fins flowing. He is to the left of the plastic nub. 

.Shrimp thieves took this wafer from inside the bowl p, moved it to the edge and out of the dish. They are on the right side of the dish. 

Pleco babies EVERYWHERE!85E544B4-D320-4C39-A87C-703D4D0C4E7B.jpeg.7ed02f0619243c81be91e877eee5caf3.jpegAB242840-2403-4E92-B064-587DB4161CD9.jpeg.cf53629d40a5affeffe4c1d39f028197.jpegCD9AA227-CA90-4D6D-80DA-2D8441AB84B5.jpeg.72a9be6405d351643de4e990ca020622.jpeg712CDB2E-D306-41C4-9A37-BCAD27DEEA02.jpeg.911013b760b1456d1eda19187f9a4e61.jpeg


Lefty…he is finally growing😍53EC9900-76FA-4245-B44F-D38151D11960.jpeg.721781f38652f995c3ad6466a6327ea9.jpeg


Tulip chose to spend her day upside down under a leaf so no photo op. I think she is a she because she never has even looked in the cave to my knowledge. 
I have this lovely little nana petite from coop that just always looks so adorable. A piece of rhizome broke off with no leaves. I let it in the tank and now it has leaves. 027AB81B-1EF6-455C-A023-5D0C345FE2BD.jpeg.80f50355a6934efc6f0de6c0def8ab76.jpegBF9CCE68-A4AC-4596-8FCF-4BA8D89A874E.jpeg.19ef461012c55ef3d9be7ad5e84b9afa.jpeg
cory pics 0AC57706-94FD-48D5-B489-F89D8689EFA7.jpeg.092b72c7760ee737350de6b869df1042.jpeg5C5433F5-56F2-4A09-A73A-5DDE741CF281.jpeg.bd536d88502bb831b60e72e263dcd279.jpeg56F5D3F4-46C3-47AA-8CDE-2489203BC569.jpeg.84e2a5c588d987fabd40d4fbc9c1e4e0.jpeg

I do not think this is the express bus 🤣.can you spot the hitchhiker 🥰F0EFEE84-1EB6-4C72-A002-C4BC514DBEA2.jpeg.ee74c54213dad8f1679c49cd2938c675.jpeg





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When I got my new phone case choices were limited so I have glitter 🤪 however I would buy it anyway because my Pygmy are no longer afraid of my phone! Maybe the sparkles break it up to their vision. 



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