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I love looking through the side panel lengthwise down my tanks. Do others do this?


my ludwiga is crazy. I thought it was about 1/4 of the way grown up and across the surface the way Val does but it’s actually now about 1/3 of the way across the 40. All the roots are growing down into the tank. I think it’s cool looking. I’m thinking of just letting it in there and see how long and crazy it grows instead of moving it in January.  C3E222EB-6393-4482-998F-F7C8118F9A39.jpeg.883d6674789f91b15f3a1cd41c587de6.jpeg08A8111A-6E0F-46B1-BCD9-F1A3348B3B4A.jpeg.1f584349d8ffb5f12f1e3add78904c8f.jpeg

yesterday 6pmBA150014-9ACD-4F81-8299-BC60B7744AC0.jpeg.7da6c0a65f42279df810c827f0cf7f8a.jpeg864E15D3-ED5C-482F-A3A0-B7D4B96FCE68.jpeg.02a490be4254fb27110497127d89645a.jpeg

today 6am8269F6C5-F96B-4A0A-912C-88E0FA390850.jpeg.a3d0a7d653db61e82fef6db7e42ce102.jpegBA150014-9ACD-4F81-8299-BC60B7744AC0.jpeg.7da6c0a65f42279df810c827f0cf7f8a.jpeg

today 6 pm037D70E7-A07D-45A2-9842-F40E615C05C5.jpeg.9562de5fe2ce53606da91f62665aaf31.jpeg5A14E6EE-3D98-4A14-8A63-A184C7810AFE.jpeg.fe3bb81247e049af01810cb3fb335a9a.jpeg



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On 12/17/2021 at 5:57 PM, Guppysnail said:

Yes I made hubby peanut butter cookies with cream cheese icing filling to smooth over the tank on the kitchen counter 🤣

I'm not allowed to put a tank in the kitchen 😔

So my dining room build is right *beside* the kitchen 😁

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Updates will be sketchy through the holidays. Hubby has lots of time off. When he is off we both put the internet away fir the most part to truly be present and enjoy one another and our life together. Crazy bulbs still growing like mad. The longest stem of ludwiga now measured roughly 23 inches 😲

i did get a few better pics of the purple guppies. 
i thought about it and for awhile could not decern Scooter from the others. I do believe Scooter is Livy and thsts why she is so much bigger. She slso hunts shrimplettes mercilessly so will help keep their numbers in check. 
i cant tell Lefty from the others now which makes me sade but also thrilled at the recovery. 











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Tonight and tomorrow are the only days hubby works until after the first of the year so I thought I would share some photos. 
The ludwiga in mom n dads 40b has officially taken over the tank. On both sides it has grown to meet and cross in the middle. The bottom leaves are still looking really good just lots of showing roots (which I like). The longest is the one in the very back left corner now at a whopping 26 inches 😲. It has passed the halfway point of the tank. My finger is where it ends.  The next longest is in front of that at 23 inches. 1B8A1DEF-CC0E-4B0B-A62F-D006299B7DC2.jpeg.4431d854cc402c89e9d78c29852ec71c.jpeg507F7596-210E-4107-8770-A5729127E139.jpeg.dd1d2fc3d75f54a8a0ec89b23eb09c51.jpeg

the AR at different depth I noticed they get progressively lighter color as expected but the leaves curl more the lower in the tank they are. BAC34897-18C6-49F7-90F5-3CA02500027F.jpeg.20f65f6398ac3e4317321a559e0b9d1a.jpegC920D5EE-AC92-4405-941F-64C8387A40BC.jpeg.807f1098fbd11ed09fb466a969d2c523.jpeg

the two tiger lotus is going gangbusters I love it! 

the APL and APU spent a week in the mail and a week in my qt tank so I called it good and put it in my plant clipping tank with extra guppies and excess plecos….WOW😍 awesomeness 😎 if you struggle with plants I recommend these bad boys! A weeks worth of growth. From three bare bulbs and one with mid length skinny leaves to this A759E4F1-3363-415B-A248-B7000284E0F0.jpeg.e9617d70e7c3a9ffc741e30af0479d02.jpeg04265B4C-130B-4CC5-BAE7-B4C9185455A3.jpeg.fc999396ca254b78760caa4edb47c8a0.jpeg

Angel is getting huge. She is just like mom n dad totally fearless out and about all day. E6B035CC-F997-4F4B-8A86-36BEE0D86F61.jpeg.d66a1125cc638d0379792d2c4fb1682b.jpeg8121DEB7-00B3-4291-A7B6-16DD2DE21C5B.jpeg.0c5583823bb94729c106c3132b44179d.jpeg

and a little blue boy putting the moves on showing off for his girl551D8110-1F97-4160-87F5-D1C5A4B92299.jpeg.c1b5092cfbe9400c8085f62f82b43de6.jpeg


BE SAFE DRIVING THROUGH THIS HOLIDAY TIME PLEASE. Folks are not paying as much attention so we need to…our fish depend on us.  


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@Atitagain They are true mutts. I started with one boy that the LFS said was a purple queen but was on the bluish side so I assume it was someone’s cull and two unrelated girls with different blue tails. I bred the sons to new/different  girls with blue tails. I wanted. Those are the ones in my community now. I never allowed inbreeding of any type or generation. I only get a few that look like this with each drop because my goal was to entirely mix genes to strengthen and make them strong and hardier with secondary goal of making them a bit more blue. To me a STRONG and HARDY fish is a beautiful sexy fish. Fancy pant weak sickly fish turn my off. I still have a few orange girls that were from my first color and they breed with my first blue boys sons. That’s how I get so many of the crazy colors. The only offspring I keep are in my fraternity sorority tank so I can ensure no inbreeding occurs and no genetic defect manifest. I remove the fry day one if I can catch them from the community tank. 

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OH MY GOODNESS!  Excitement runs amuck in the Pygmy/cpd tank. I made my reply post on here and went back to start maintenance and it was total mayhem. Livy’s (aka Scooter) tummy was blazing red and my largest male who showed no sign of his gold back stripe at feeding this morning was courting her furiously chasing all other boys away with his gold back stripe blazing 🤩. . Livy’s tummy was really big yesterday so I suspected she was gravid but none of my boys showed any dominance traits or displays as they are a month-2 months younger than her. I was actually worried she may become egg bound. They are very hard to film like this because they are a warp speed through the tank during this process. Once they start laying and the Pygmy eat the eggs and wrigglers as a continuous live food source I hope they start spawning. They should b old enough now. 😍


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Hubby knows me and my sense of humor so well 4DCB0CEF-4669-4454-AEE5-0FBEE97D45AF.jpeg.c9e88bfab3aeed11569df6c974b0722f.jpeg3D1E3BD4-01C3-44A1-B5B3-412AC723346D.jpeg.2c9a10ee9c12167d45b3ac5a4eb55d36.jpeg

and he had a sweatshirt made with my bearded dragon on🥰46BE57C8-7F4D-44D0-96BC-6A63FC89B98F.jpeg.8f0658eaf631711af6db13f0fd6e6fbb.jpeg

i hope everyone had a fabulous holiday appreciating what really matters in life our family friends and loved pet family 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hubby went back to work tonight so our self imposed tech limiting is over. I’ll start on full tank updates tomorrow. I have a lot of work to do. I have only been doing basic maintenance and I had to cut some plants. The ludwiga took over the 40. I bought a second light it was shading so much. I find dispersed light better than higher more intense light. I’m not great with intense light I just grow algae with it 🤦‍♀️  Speaking of algae I have been using blu lights one hour in the morning and one at night while my lights are flipped upside down for my pothos because I was insanely overstocked with guppies and pleco fry.  Every tank grew hair algae on the back wall and pothos roots just from the blue light reflecting off the wall. I hate blue light. I did clean that and my one chia pet heater up. 
the ludwiga I cut in half has regrown and the halves I put in the 29 have already reached the surface. I love it the new leaves look like opening flowers 732DC68F-1655-4011-9081-CA4DB007F7AF.jpeg.b89ca9d569cee1d9230d43997689b846.jpeg

my flowering anubias is growing another bloom889C8035-E5E5-49EC-AF8F-D72F07DC3E28.jpeg.d9e4ea542e7a5871285f61523fc581f6.jpeg

i found out why mom n dads fins kept getting red. When she lays he backs in and guards. She is inside laying in this pic. When she came out her fin was red from rubbing the cave. After I took the eggs I seem dads were red as well. I’m going to dig out a bigger cave for them. Dads so cut with his whiskers all poofy big and bad “thou shall not pass and interfere with mom laying…I’m a good dad)🥰C2120A24-1D1D-40FA-BB18-4B979ACE1F3F.jpeg.9602bdddb4ff180dc77320cfca3f5622.jpeg

Angel their daughter is now chasing guppies away from her food dish but she easily shares with pandas 4A12F332-8F89-4CE2-A8BB-466226DCA422.jpeg.41fc25b17ef688c147b7962e18b5bb21.jpeg4C895759-C2DB-4F35-B14F-1361B4AE3C13.jpeg.84af30f42340745486dec01a1a3560a2.jpegF90C1DA4-DCF6-481B-ACD6-1E0ABFD7871A.jpeg.8d1968877f9a687391c6268f6a7dc944.jpeg

I took about 150 guppies to the LFS. I took the two purple boys. Their bodies were more muscular and tail muscles where attached to the fins were twice as thick. Coupled with bigger bodies and shorter fins they were much more powerful than my boys and were becoming bullies. I wish I could have gotten my boys fins to shorten up. Though beautiful to behold it tires them out to carry around I think. Bad pic but you can see how muscular their tails are where the black stripe is. 9BAE1C96-291E-410C-A0CB-180E54FF5C3F.jpeg.ffe75190cfe7f7c34396bd69fdcce2ad.jpeg

We had a HOPPY new year. Froggin came out of brumation ( she was born in water and lives in a glass tank so I’m sneaking her in here 🤣. Her best pretty pose and her kissy lips pose. 036DECF8-DBC1-4D03-BCBD-4029CAA3068E.jpeg.539282598b2162f9629c074f2c17f61f.jpeg0DFE5A5A-B7FC-4D27-915F-6D9094DDB8D3.jpeg.b408c500682817c99e444c85a1e81bbc.jpeg

she hoped on my arm 4 times while tidying her tank. I did not know she woke up so the first one scared me 🤣

unrelated news but too cute not to share hubby missed his Monster cat.  We went into a rescue shelter and he found one that was love for both him and the cat at first sight. They are now inseparable and the cat follows him non stop. 🥰A74D083A-BA67-4596-AE7D-E48E8B26648E.png.d68640be9aad997818164bdb5edeeee9.png





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@AtitagainShe is either a northeastern grey tree frog or a Copes gray tree frog. It is only possible to distinguish them by their mating calls. It is a she so does not do mating calls. I found her not this summer but the year before in a bag of potting soil that was soaking wet. She lived on my deck in my deck veggie garden until august of that year I made her a running fountain. It was scorching hot I found her one day under my bearded dragons outdoor cage hubby built. She was starving and dehydrated. I fed her my dragons live foods and she took it from my hand. So I brought her inside and got her an eco terra tank, now she lives in my beardies old 50gallon tank. She is spoiled I even installed a mister (cheap diffuser from Amazon). She is crazy friendly and nosey 🥰. I hope your new year is fabulous! 

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