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Today was the first sunny rain free day in almost a week. I went down to the creek to see how high the water had got.1807915154_ezgif.com-gif-maker(1).gif.c1c81deaf82bbe502f644c8bfaf2f084.gif

I saw some minnows all clumped together fighting the current in the shallow water running over the limestone slab.


Someone was trying to make for an easy meal.


There was a larger black mass of them just downstream.


I think this is some kind of wild mint that had been flooded over on the bank.


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9 hours ago, KBOzzie59 said:

enjoy some sunflowers

Used to be a treat back in my childhood days... Fresh sunflower seeds straight from the head during the short hours of fading autumn sunlight... Lots of soap and hot water to clean the green hands afterwards. 

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On 10/16/2020 at 12:14 AM, Daniel said:

34th wedding anniversary, went for a day hike in the Shining Rock Wilderness with my dearest to where we first hiked together 36 years ago.



Do you live in the area @Daniel? I went on a fly fishing trip in 2013 and fished the Davidson and stayed in Brevard for over a week. I truly love that part of the US, so pretty!




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Just now, Ruud said:


Do you live in the area @Daniel? I went on a fly fishing trip in 2013 and fished the Davidson and stayed in Brevard for over a week. I truly love that part of the US, so pretty!

I live 3 hours away now near Chapel Hill, NC. Back in 1984 when I met my wife we lived very close to Brevard, NC at the research gardens for the Mother Earth News magazine where we both worked as gardeners. It is a very pretty area indeed!

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I saw some interesting sights on the creek today.

You'll have to take my word for it, but that is a mink swimming away from me. I was able to watch it for a few minutes before it spotted me when I went for my phone.20201114_160209.jpg.cab5a68e8e1a5577d1a60af9362ce146.jpg

Then I came across the pelvis of something further down the creek.


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Since we are confined to our village every weekend, I was limited to go out in nature close by the house but still good enough for the birdwatching I do. I keep my stats on Ebird.org which is a fantastic website/app if you are into birding. Today I managed to identify 14 different species in a walk of about an hour and a half, sadly no new species I hadn't seen before but still I enjoyed! 

Below a not so good photo of a male Common Chaffinch. Still haven't figured out how to make sharp zoomed pics with my camera.



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1 hour ago, Kara C said:

Found this lil guy this morning when I went to feed the mini pond. A while later I found out who's been playing Godzilla with Fairy-Town the past few months. Turns out it's not the kids or lizards....





@Kara C, he is magnificently horrifying. I have alllllllllllll kinds of issues with frogs. LoL! Glad you tracked down your culprit! And what are your plans now???

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@akconklin for now I'll leave it alone. The fly population is down lol. It's not one of our usual frogs, but I can't bring myself to kill it and there's no retention pond (with water actually in it) to let it go near. Any sign of eggs though and I'll intervene. This one doesn't always have these stripes I find it kind of fascinating that it can camouflage itself like that. Our usual tree frogs change color but typically not patterns. 

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I just received this book today in the mail, from the USA. It's a 1955 first edition of Roger Tory Peterson's  and James Fisher's "Wild America". Birders like @Daniel and @Rikostan most likely can appreciate this book. The book describes a 100 day trip around the edges of North America to enjoy and appreciate all aspects of wild life of America. But they were birders first, and in his 1953 trip he managed to identify 572 different species in the whole of North America.  

Very excited as I only got it for 8 dollars (and 23 dollar shipping to Spain) 


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10 minutes ago, Ruud said:

I just received this book today in the mail, from the USA. It's a 1955 first edition of Roger Tory Peterson's  and James Fisher's "Wild America". Birders like @Daniel and @Rikostan most likely can appreciate this book. The book describes a 100 day trip around the edges of North America to enjoy and appreciate all aspects of wild life of America. But they were birders first, and in his 1953 trip he managed to identify 572 different species in the whole of North America.  

Very excited as I only got it for 8 dollars (and 23 dollar shipping to Spain) 


Very cool! I have a ton of the Peterson bird guides, but I've never read this one.

There is a series of books entitled "American Seasons" from roughly the same time period written by Edwin Way Teale that you might like too and is not to hard to find.

North with the Spring

Journey into Summer

Autumn Across America

Wandering Through Winter.

Those are the four books in the series. They really just encompass one long book and  are still a joy to read, even 60 or 70 years later.
Mr. Teale also wrote a few other books in the same vein. I have a copy of Adventures in Nature from 1959 that I've read a dozen times at least and his book called A Walk Through The Year is sorta like comfort food for me. It talks about nature and just life in general at his farm in New England.

Thanks for sharing!

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