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  1. Can ghost shrimp live with betta in 2.5 to 5 gallon and how many should I start and are ghost shrimp bigger than cherry shrimp and peaceful with betta if it depend on my betta personality
  2. Can you put nerite snail live with betta in 5 gallon tank is it possible because I had one in my tank than he didn’t aggressively attack and also he didn’t care about him and lived him alone Can you put chilli rasbora or other micro rasboras live with betta in 8g to 10g but not 5g or maybe 5g Can you put kuhli loaches with a betta in 5g tank Can put a anchor catfish with Betta in a 5g Or can I put ghost shrimp with betta in 5g
  3. I picked up this 46 gallon bowfront from a LFS that resells used aquarium equipment because I wanted a bigger tank that would still fit in relatively the same small footprint available in my rapidly shrinking apartment: I'm going to transfer the majority of the livestock, plants, hardscape, and equipment from my current 29 gallon set up: I have ordered and received most of the components I will need to scape this tank including different types of substrate, some more hardscape, aquasoil, and other items that hopefully will make this all go smoothly. In the end I will have everything either on top of or under a 36x18" stand, hopefully looking much cleaner than the current set up. At the moment I am waiting on brush-on plastic primer to arrive so I can start repainting the hideous faux wood grain rim design black to match the stand. Gonna do my best to keep this post updated with my progress.
  4. Here is the pictures of my snails breeding! Hope you enjoy! Sorry, my videos are too big, so I cannot upload them.
  5. Sunday Fun Day😄 10g hospital/quarantine tank: Current home to 10-ish? ghost shrimp (the shrimp shenanigan's as they're starting to be known) that were gifted to me Friday as well as a mass of java moss. Oh! and a newly found bladder snail. 20% water change - parameters tested 0 ammonia/5 nitrates before change Filter is hob that came with the larger tank (marked whisper 20-40 on spill edge) that I fitted with a nylon to help keep out the java moss. Pruned back some of the devil's ivy (pothos) in the filter hopper and rinsed filter 'bag' in dirty tank water. Replaced the charcoal in filter bag as I kept the bag since the ivy has started root in it. [Note: will cut apart the bag material before replacing to keep some in tank and reposition to keep roots in place.] Brushed off java moss from nylon and moved some into 3d printed floating pot. Lastly, rock with moss on it to the spill edge to slow down flow. Added pvc tubes to add hide spots/exploration places for the shrimps. Tank Goals: -Move java moss to floating planter. Nylon is holding up better than anticipated. -Research ghost shrimp care and breeding. Pretty sure there are a couple females with eggs. -Research calcium supplements. We have r/o well water here so any such minerals will need to be added. -Put in fancy substrate? Did pick up Fluval Stratum but realize after some more videos that it might be more muss than its worth for the shrimps? -Add more plants. Will clip some water sprite and pennywort from large tank to move into this one. 39g Goldfish Community tank: Current home to one shubunkin (Shu), two fancy fantails (Pooh & Tail), red cap oranda (Baby) and one surprise koi (yet unnamed) gifted to me on Friday. (the koi was supposed to be another shubunkin - was a surprise when I saw the little whiskers😄) 10% water change - parameters tested 0 ammonia/5 nitrates before change Slight gravel vac done to get up excess food and poop. Reburied plants that had been disrupted during the week. Brushed moss off from filter intake and added to a floating pot. Starting to see some aggression from Shu (shubunkin) towards Baby (oranda). No tail or fin nipping as I was kind of expecting, instead Shu is nipping at Baby's face. I don't see any marks or wounds but am starting to see a bit of a red streak starting in Baby's tail. Seems to do it mostly around feeding time. All fish except koi are handfed pieces of Repashy super gold in addition to a larger chunk being dropped in the tank (all together it equals out to about .25tsp). May try moving to 3 feedings per day from current 2. Shu's color seems to have stabilized again though I'm still keeping tabs of spots that I think may be or have been ammonia burn. Baby's tail is still a bit bent from where it has started growing back in. Concerned about possible stress from Shu causing the red streak in tail Koi seems to be settling in fine. Kept overnight in 10g and then given a paraguard bath before moving to tank. Having koi and Shu has moved up pond plans for this year. Thankfully craigslist to the rescue and I have a couple messages out for larger tank and stock tank/pond. Originally I was hoping to set up the pond in a greenhouse to run it year 'round but that may have to wait. Tank Goals: -Move java moss to floating planter. -Keep monitoring Shu and Baby -Start work with koi in a couple weeks to get him comfortable with hands; point work -Track down larger tank/pond for Shu & koi -Research greenhouses; heating in particular
  6. So I have a 5 gallon with 4 pygmy cories and 5 white clouds. I just added about 8 ghost shrimp most are small but there are like 3 big ones. Will they be able to eat the pygmy cories. Thanks
  7. I have several adult ghost shrimp, and I have one in particular that has turned like a blueish colour. I have others who are a bit brownish or have flecks of brown. Also one who is kinda cloud white, who actually just hatched a bunch of eggs. I read online like reddit and such people saying it's a molting issue, or water parameters etc. I tested my waters and everything looks good, where it should be. Only thing I didn't test was like hardness as I don't have that test currently. I also read it could be because of old age? I have no idea. I saw many had shrimp that looked like mine, but I've seen several molts so I know they are successfully molting. I don't know 🤦‍♀️ I have a video buttt I can't upload it here..
  8. I got a couple of ghost shrimp from petsmart recently and there is one that doesn't look like the rest. It's been doing fine with the rest. I just wanna if it is a ghost shrimp or not. Thx!
  9. I know it seems kinda dumb to ask but as I've found everyone says something different from their experience so my question is have you noticed a preference in the plants you have for ghost shrimp or do they follow the internet rules of what they like I've never had plants in my tank before but would like to try
  10. Can ghost shrimp tolerate a level 2 or 3 salt treatment?
  11. Today I noticed that my biggest ghost shrimp, named Josh aka Ghost Leviathan, actually has eggs and is a female! Happy International Women's Day!
  12. Who else has ghost shrimp that are not intended as food? Honestly I got them to see if these fish would harass them before spending more on Amanos. I do have a rainbow shark in this tank but based on my research, it might be the most mellow version of its species. Now that the shrimp have been in there a couple of weeks, they're getting brave. I regularly see one or 2 swimming all over like the cherry shrimp in the other tank do, and tonight they're joining the celebration over Vibra Bites. 2 of them are now carrying "treasures" around. They're definitely hard to see when not swimming, and they have lots of good hiding places, so I'm not positive how many are still there, but they're definitely more entertaining than I expected!
  13. Having trouble with keeping ghost shrimp, especially while they're acclimating. Should I expect better luck with neos? They're tough to get in my area, and I want to make sure I'm ready for them when I can get my hands on them.
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