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Everything posted by nabokovfan87

  1. I checked on the fish today. My biggest female sword is gigantic. It looks like she swallowed an army of fish and then some. I've been waiting for fry and it looks like they'll be popping soon. I'm going to be right there with you with the issues, but it is definitely fun to see fish go through their cycles.
  2. when you say night cycle do you mean the blue light? Is there a way to turn that off? It is likely what was causing things. Everything else looks ok. Your GH is a bit low and could be causing issues (hardness) and your alkalinity is low, just meaning that you might be prone to PH crashes. I would recommend trying to find a GH/KH liquid test kit and verify the results there. @Mmiller2001 @gjcarew what do you recall as a minimum GH target? I apologize I didn't see the reply sooner!
  3. A lot of people cut the rim to make them fit, just throwing that out there. The tidal 110 has about the biggest clearance I know of just due to the design, it's limit is 1-3/8" so just slightly under. That filter comes with it's own issues, but yeah.... Canister time! I actually prefer the design of the x07 series over the FX. The layout is just slightly easier. I don't recall if there is one made for that size of a tank, but something to consider. There's a lot of people running those on smaller tanks up to 75G.
  4. Yes there is a few online. A lot of people use a certain type of powder to get the food to gel for them and mix whatever they wish.
  5. I think Lennie was just trying to explain there is a section for posting if you wish to try to give away, rehome, sell, trade, etc. This is for fish only on the forums and it's a really awesome resource. You can post it for local pickup only as well, there's a lot of ways. Be sure to check it out! (you're over the 50 posts, and so you should have access)
  6. Looks amazing! scrolls down further... yep, that PSO is doing it's PSO thing. 😂 I really like all the different epiphytes and easy plants.
  7. Feels like if Steve Irwin was around today.... this would be his style. I love that this guy is so curious and working so hard to "be the fish". The pajama sharks look awesome and it's in the kelp forest. I like the quote he gives at the beginning. "Animals are extremely exotic and strange. It's like, much more extreme than our maddest science fiction. I remember that day when it all started..."
  8. I watched a video today and their recommendation (Filipe Oliveira) was to push the soil to the side and add the sand so the sand is directly on the base of the tank. I use flourite black as a cap on my soil and it generally works well for me.
  9. I do believe it depends on the materials. I seem to recall Rachel O'Leary had a few metal ponds and I do not know if they were plants only, but I will attach her video below on tubs. You can toss in a liner too just to do it that way. If you haven't seen Zenzo's pond, I highly recommend checking that out as well!
  10. Yeah. It looks like the above mentioned java Fern. You may have normal and a needle leaf variety. They look like it was from the big box store initially, from those plastic tubes. A lot of the time they are really dried out, so it might end up causing a lot of the little ferns to grow pretty quickly once you start the planted tank routines.
  11. Definitely not and the stress will just result in her passing. I tend to make sure she's not getting attacked, if she is, then I move her as gently as I can and try to give her something to grasp. Some reports say it could be a day like that, others say it's a sure sign she's passed.
  12. In either situation there is going to be some PH increase due to KH going up. Just the nature of KH is that organics in the tank (like fish waste, wood, botanicals, etc.) will "use up" that trashcan and when it's full the PH drops. This could balance out that shift, but it's hard to specifically say what will happen because each stone is unique. See below..... Dense, thick mineral bands. sometimes you will even see large white sections of the stone present that are very thick. Less thick banding but some mineral sections, which may or may not be removed when it's cleaned. A mix.... Two pieces with almost no mineral bands. So.... Depending what you select and if you axid wash it, will determine what exactly that change is. You can always get the stone, add it to a bucket and let it soak, then test the water in a few days. What is your GH, KH, PH currently?
  13. In progress. The hygro will get tall as well. I was meant to have plants sent. They didn't make it. @mountaintoppufferkeeper was kind enough to send me some 🙂 I found this...... I didn't consider, but it makes sense about the contrast of the stone and wood. They were a bit stressed with me moving things during nap time. They were all lined up in the flow. They do that in the wild maybe? They always do it. Pandas even, I have photos of them stacking up.
  14. A bit of inspiration from Filipe and I am trying to find a better way to use this larger stone. I found an old picture of the wood initially and so I've gonna ahead and set things up to reflect that original placement. I also need to play with placement a bit more. This was a quick adjustment just to give the fish a feel for the new layout and watch behavior. Before.... After... The moss is completely dying on me. Covered in stuff and falling off everything. Summer heat. The other stuff, not sure. I may need extra water changes to fight back algae a bit. I am not sure how the wood should sit in terms of that large piece of rock. It's a bit of a puzzle. It's not great at all right now but it's more vertical as a proof of "it could work." Big rock on the left of the wood maybe? Smaller stones scattered to the right. More of a 60 degree instead of a 90 and play with the placement of which side is up.
  15. The only stone I have I was able to get from the co-op and I washed it myself. They sell seiryu in a lot of places, the acid is used for pools and commonly available at hardware stores as well.
  16. There's a few things going on here..... If you have a lower PH the acidic water will allow the stone to release more KH. If the PH is higher, less so. It sort of "balances" itself out in that respect. The second aspect of this question is entirely about how stable is your KH right now. Keep in mind that when you say PH what we really care about discussing is the minerals that give they stability.... KH. Alright, so caveat out of the way, the real question is how much are we *really* talking about and what is the quality of that stone? Has it been acid washed? Does it have high mineral content? How old is the soil? In a more practical sense, the answer is exactly what you're getting onto.... The rock will raise the value and the soil will absorb some of that. Absolutely. Normally the rock will almost never have a severe impact on the water, but if you're talking an aquascape with buckets full of big mineral rocks then I would consider testing it. The second aspect to help accomplish the balance is to acid wash the stone to remove some of the minerals or to buy what is called "black seiryu" which already has had this done. Then making sure you have a good amount of soil that isn't 5+ years old. Blue stones have a blueish tint like a cool grey color, grey is grey/normal/unsorted usually, and then black seiryu is sorted to have small veins of minerals or was acid washed. Black would be the go to if you're specifically talking about visuals. There's a lot of grey awuascaping rock and each seller seems to call the same stuff by a different name. Start here.... https://www.aquariumcoop.com/blogs/aquarium/ph-gh-kh Please feel free to ask away as there is a sort of "level 2" bit of information.
  17. That food is actually awesome for all fish you mentioned! There is also notthfin krill pro that seems pretty great as well. Bug bites is another one. I use the northfin cichlid veggie, couldn't find the NLS here and I feed the Xtreme flake mix.
  18. It looks like this is the smallest of the variety.
  19. Micro sword is the other common one. Eleocharis is the common group of plants and comes in a variety of species.
  20. Some barbs can be a bit harder, but I have seen them at the big box stores. Snakeskin barbs is another. Definitely not always the case that seeing the fish is better. Be sure to check out aqua huna! The coop also has a coupon code the offer on the website.
  21. I think Lennie has some and can comment. The ruby barb, Odessa barb, golden barb, those are all very similar in behavior and are generally the same size. Sort of like a color morph of the same fish, but different species actually. The cherry barbs are very peaceful though, I like that choice. If you look into something like melon barbs, barbs of that size or smaller, you'll get a list of a few that should go well with the Cherry's. My tiger barbs were what I would call nippy. Essentially they had to have their spot, but there was a lot of infighting. For the Odessa barbs, same tank as the tigers, they would have their own social bickering but much more calm compared to the tiger barbs. There was always one fish that was Lowest on the total pole and would always be trying to escape and recover. Even my swordtails do this, so it's a very common fish behavior.
  22. They modified the design. I called them, they said that is normal. Please feel free to call, if not I can send you the email. Changes were made to "allow for compatibility with filtration". I assume something like a HoB caused the issue. All my HOB have way too much room and they didn't really understand. They said it's "been like this for a while" and they know it's an issue but they don't (engineering) have the ability to fix it because.... reasons. These are some of the photos I sent them. I've modified one of my lids to fit properly with the longer trim piece. Aqueon did offer to sent that to me. 20L = 29G = 37G in terms of lids.
  23. Just got done with the night check on the shrimp. Scrolls up to check when the last update was Alright, well.... Since I overdosed the salt we do have a bit of an update on everything. Initial salt treatment saga I have above, that day I lost a few. I also lost a few overnight. I've done two bucket swaps of 5G of water in the tank and this is simply to try to get things a bit more stable and find the right activity / stress level for the shrimp. Adding in the salt has done wonders for triggering molts, allowing me to remove the eggs en masse as well as removing the parasite from the shrimp themselves. I did opt to pull one shrimp today, it was one of them that just looks really poor in terms of overall health and it seemed like it was determined to spread whatever sort of disease was going on. It is the one I photographed a little bit ago, but it's just simply a very weird looking shrimp with some internal issues visible through the shell. @Chick-In-Of-TheSea see above from previous photo compared to the ones I sent earlier today. I believe this is the same shrimp with that yellow section showing as well as the other discoloration we saw today.
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