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Everything posted by Mike

  1. I’ll be thrilled if it’s a Bolbitus. They’re not cheap 🙂
  2. I inherited a tank several months ago and it had some nearly dead plants in it. I let them float around in the tank and eventually a bunch of these grew. I have no idea what it is. Anyone know?
  3. The simplicity of this is brilliant. Thank you!
  4. Ah that makes sense, my goldfish likes to pull at the leaf tips occasionally.
  5. It’s a small steady stream of bubbles coming off one of my val leaves. I’ve seen videos claiming something similar looking is pearling. This is a goldfish tank in an east facing window that gets very few water changes, but plants that my goldfish doesn’t eat grow like gangbusters. No co2, just occasional root tabs.
  6. I haven't gotten into paludariums or ripariums yet... Yet 😉 I'm sure my time is coming haha. SerpaDesign videos always nudge me to find space for another project 😛
  7. Here’s a couple things in my office First one is a jar with some mini hairgrass, salvinia, wandering jewel cuttings, some kind of anubias, a stray dwarf baby tears and a random pogostemon stellatus octopus cutting. It currently has a pond snail and two nerites This one is a future shrimp bowl. I think I may do a Skittles bowl in here with multiple colors. Haven’t decided yet. Only plants are dwarf hairgrass, moneywort, and salvinia. The hairgrass already needs a trimming. I like the magnification effect of many jars and bowls. Fun to play with the perspective of the scape using it.
  8. What a fun build! I recently put together 2 shrimp bowl/jars. So far I only have snails in one and no livestock in the other lol. And yes, I find it hard to resist old jars and random containers at thrift stores as well. I also enjoy building terrariums, so I feel I always have fun uses for them.
  9. Most things I’ve read say 8-12 weeks to morph. But I’ve also read that the Amanos need to breed in freshwater and the larvae transferred to something close to marine water to survive and mature. Information out there on this topic seems scant. Best of luck in your endeavors!
  10. Just found my first clutch of eggs. I run an open top so I put them in an old lunch meat container with a wet paper towel. I’m excited to see if they hatch!
  11. I can't even get my cats to notice any fish exist. I'll hold them right up to my black moor tank, and the fish will be darting around at blood worms, but nothing from the cats. They just get uneasy and want to get set down from me holding them awkwardly for too long.
  12. I love the statue, she looks like the foreboding keeper of the depths down there 😄 I also think you made an excellent choice with the lighting. It creates a lot of hard shadows that add to the drama of the scene. If you're looking for opinions on ferns, I think a Japanese Painted Fern could look really nice. I absolutely adore them. Beautiful work, thank you for sharing!
  13. It sounds suspect to me. Maybe you can try dissolving some common garden fertilizer (just make sure it the P in its NPK values isn't zero) or bone meal into a cup of water and test against that. If the phosphates aren't high, something is wrong. Alternatively, you can get a different test kit and cross-check the results.
  14. I put together a YouTube playlist for just such an occasion:
  15. I didn't consider those, thank you! I already have some java moss so I can at least give it a try sooner than later. I'll need to pickup some Moneywort. Thanks for the suggestions. I'll post back here with an updated picture when I get a chance to plant it.
  16. The bowl is tiny, about 1.5 gallons. I found a nice red rock to put in the middle and would like some plants to accent that. I'm quite new to the hobby (started right before covid), and don't have encyclopedic knowledge of plant choices yet. Ideally, I'd like something small to make the rock look like a mountain for some shrimp to conquer. And I'd rather the soil be mostly covered, so whatever I choose, I'll get enough of it to heavily plant from the start. I have some dwarf hairgrass in another tank, and I think it might look nice in here, but I'm not sure how it will grow since I'm just using a desk lamp for this bowl. It does sit near an east facing window that gets some nice morning light, but I'm not sure how much it will help. Current Candidates: Dwarf Hairgrass Dwarf Baby Tears Micro Sword Cryptocoryne Parva Thoughts?
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