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  1. I've been thinking about doing an aquascape for a while now. Currently I have no fish and 1 gecko. Should I still quarantine? I just want to be sure. I'm not getting the fish until a couple months
  2. Thanks to everyone for the fish! These have all been helpful, and I've been researching these fish, going to almost ever site I can. This has been my best forum experience I've had, with 4 posts in an hour! Thank you so much for all of your help.
  3. I've been looking to make an aquascape for a while now, but fish was always optional for me. I just want to know if any fish would do well in a 5 gallon or 7 gallon. If not, I won't add fish. Just plants. But if anyone names one, I will do as much research as I can. I don't want to seem as one of those people who just go to the pet store and buy a betta and keeps it in a rum bottle. If anyone suggests I don't keep a fish in the tank, I won't. I want the tank for the plants.
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